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The Chinese People Cannot Be Fooled

[Editor’s note: After the 5th Plenum of the 17th Communist Party of China Central Committee in mid October 2010, the Chinese official media intensified its criticism of Western democracy. The following abridged article explicitly criticized America’s multiparty politics, human rights and the separation of powers as being “fictitious” and “not achievable.” The author wrote, “When (China) develops its own democratic politics, it must not follow the Western path.” “If China adopts multiparty politics or federalism, China will fall into chaos and be ruined.” [1] The identity of the author, Wang Xuefei, is not known. Some bloggers think it may be a pen name. The article generated strong reactions in China; online polls allowed readers to cast “support” or “opposition” to the article. According to one source, an online poll conducted by registered 2,000 negative votes and 350 favorable votes. In another poll on, more than 10,000 people voiced their disapproval, and no one supported it. The poll results from both sina and ifeng were erased the next day along with readers’ comments. [2] The article’s strong rhetoric and the people’s reaction underscored the Communist Party’s diminishing ability to influence and guide public opinion.]

For a long time, certain Western forces and their supporters in China have worked together to promote so-called “constitutional and political reform.” They pretend to contribute ideas to China’s political reform, but, in reality, their main goal is to establish multiparty politics and a separation of powers in China. These people endorse Western-style democracy, freedom, and human rights. They confuse public opinion, deceive people, and attack the Communist Party’s leadership and socialist institutions. In a nutshell, these people think we should copy the political system in the West. In their view, the Western-style party alterations, the separation of powers, and parliamentary democracy are the best political system, and they hold this as a universal truth. These thoughts are wrong and harmful.

Most of the Western values are fictitious, and they are not achievable even in their own countries. For example, they assert that human rights is above state sovereignty, but will the Western countries open up their borders and allow people in developing countries to work in their countries and enjoy their clean air, water, and beautiful environment? During his (1991) Southern China tour, Deng Xiaoping said, “(The world) has not solved two major problems: world peace and economic development.” One important cause (of these problems) is a lack of democracy in the international community.

When will the club of rich countries give democracy and freedom to the developing countries, and let them have the rights of discourse and price setting? That will never happen. In that past century when Chinese people struggled to pursue democracy and freedom, they tried to embrace and transplant Western style democracy (to China), but the coalition between the Western powers and feudalist forces crushed their experiments. They are only willing to allow the Chinese people to enjoy the freedom of an obedient slave. Fortunately, the Chinese Communist Party led the people to topple the oppression of imperialism, feudalism, and bureaucratic capitalism, and discover a path to national liberation. Deng Xiaoping said, “The democracy in capitalist countries is capitalist democracy; it is essentially a democracy of the capitalist monopoly.” For under-developed countries, these beautiful expressions (of democracy) are nothing more than ideological traps.

After all, a separation of powers into three government branches does not exist in all the Western capitalist countries. Certainly, the U.S. Constitution, which defines the separation of powers in the West, is better than a totalitarian monarchy or a constitutional monarchy, and it represents historical progress. Although the apparent purpose of the separation of powers is checks and balances, its real intent is to limit the power of the House. Because the American ruling class knew that the House of Representatives was closest to the people, and its members were elected by their constituents, they (the ruling class) first established the Senate to control the House; then they used the massive executive power of the president to cancel out and suppress the House. They also used the Supreme Court’s veto power to put a limit on the House’s power. Plus, the justices are nominated by the president and enjoy lifetime tenure. A senator’s term is six years, while a congressman serves in the House for only two years at a time. This is a system that suppresses democracy and limits the power of the people. How could anyone pursue this as a role model?

The history of the Western political establishment is full of scandals, and others cannot copy their (accomplishments).

First of all, the Western developed countries were founded on massive and horrendous robbery and raids that stretched out for centuries. According to Western scholars, in the last 500 years, thirty million American Indians were slaughtered. The fertile land of the Americas was invaded and occupied. Fifty million black slaves were sold to America.

Second, in the current global production and distribution system, the Western developed countries have the most to gain. Their prosperity is built on the exploitation of the Third World. If the current economic structure were removed, the so-called electoral system and multiparty politics would not have come into existence. As of today, very few Third World countries that copied Western democracy have succeeded. A fundamental reason is lack of wealth.

In a society with diverse business interests, when the conflicts of interest are too great, the electoral system becomes ineffective, and violence will be used to resolve social conflicts. The only way to ease conflicts is state sponsored social welfare, but that depends on using exploitation (to acquire) the vast resources and money from other countries. Without that environment, the so-called Western democracy and normal civil society will collapse.

For example, in 2005, a riot broke out in Paris and several other cities in France. Overnight, thugs smashed more than 400 cars. The real cause of the violence was unemployment. A large number of Arab immigrants (including many young people) could not find jobs in France. They were unhappy. The root cause of the uprising was poverty, because France’s welfare system could not cover all its immigrants.

In August 2005, after Hurricane Katrina destroyed New Orleans, a relatively poor region in the southeastern United States, armed robberies and incidents of rape overran the area. Fully armed rescue troops had to enter the area in armored vehicles. This would never have happened in socialist China. In China’s earthquake rescue effort, the army entered the affected region with only equipment and supplies. People welcomed the Liberation Army as their savior. However, in America, the rescue troops entered the region with weapons, and their helicopters were greeted with gunshots.

From the 18th century until now, fewer than 20 Western countries have achieved economic prosperity. Their population accounts for one seventh to one eighth of the world’s population, or less than one billion. The rich men’s club cannot allow anyone else to join, because the world could not support this kind of lifestyle for everyone. For example, oil consumption per capita in America is more than 10 times that in China; U.S. car ownership is about 1.2 people per vehicle. If China were to copy the U.S. lifestyle, China would have 1.6 billion automobiles. All the world’s resources combined could not support this. Knowing such simple facts, why do they still attempt to hoodwink the Chinese people and attack the Chinese government using the lures of “freedom,” “democracy,” “human rights,” and “constitutional politics?”

Deng Xiaoping made a precise analysis of their pronouncements: “They want to overthrow our country and our Party. This is the essence of the problem.” “Their goal is to establish a capitalist republic that follows the Western model.” If China adopts “constitutional politics” and other Western values, China will have social unrest and even face the danger of breaking up. Let us look at what some Western “peace loving people” have done.

Not long ago, on March 14, 2008, the Dalai regime organized a riot in Lhasa, where the criminals smashed, robbed, and burned businesses. On July 5, 2009, motivated and supported by Rebiya and the World Uyghur Congress, a small number of separatists organized horrendous violence in Xinjiang’s Urumqi. These ruthless incidents told us that, if China adopts multiparty politics or federalism, China will fall into chaos and be ruined. Their “democracy, freedom and human rights” are not the same as the people’s “democracy, freedom and human rights” that protect people from oppression and exploitation, and ensure people’s right to be their own master.

The Chinese people have chosen their own scientific, political path; they have no need to learn foreign theories or listen to foreigners’ lectures. The reason is very simple. If China did not have a democracy that people supported and a common sense of determination, how could China have achieved liberation and an economic miracle in development? The compassionate Chinese people, because of their good hearts, are making contributions to world peace; they do not export revolution, do not export famine and poverty, and do not interfere with others’ domestic politics. They are the real peace keeping force of the world.

Some (Chinese) people rely on foreigners to boost their own influence, and they dream of forming a new political force. They are selling abstract and dull theories and political concepts. The people will expose and renounce their selfish motives. History has long told us that the political path chosen by the Chinese people is a path that provides long-term happiness, security, and prosperity, a path that avoids China’s disintegration and wars. Under the Communist Party’s leadership, people can become their own masters, and the government can operate according to the law. Everyone who loves our country and has sympathy for the Chinese people, and everyone who cares about our motherland’s future should have a sense of responsibility and awareness of the following: When (China) develops its own democratic politics, it must not follow the Western path. Rather, China should firmly walk on the socialist, democratic political path with Chinese characteristics. This is the path that has proven most applicable to China.

[1] People’s Daily, October 23, 2010
[2], November 4, 2010