BBC Chinese recently reported that the U.S. State Department has expressed its “grave concern” about the fact that the Chinese Congress is going to pass its Anti-Terrorism Law. The U.S. has criticized this law multiple times before and observed that the proposed new Chinese law further limits the freedoms of speech, association, assembly, and religion. In addition to that, the new law will require foreign companies operating in China to provide the Chinese government with trade secrets such as sensitive computer network information. U.S. President Barak Obama has expressed his concern directly to Chinese President Xi Jinping on this law several times already. However, the Chinese government advised that many Western countries, the U.S. included, have also required Chinese companies to provide encryption keys. Industrial and human rights experts pointed out that the new Chinese law has a very vaguely defined concept for “terrorism,” which grants the Chinese government unlimited power to tighten up and control people’s freedom.
Source: BBC Chinese, December 22, 2015