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China Youth Daily: 73 Percent of Poll Respondents Support Increase of China’s Military Spending

In March 2014, the Guangzhou Public Opinion Research Center conducted telephone interviews on a sample 2,000 urban residents, collecting opinions on China’s national security and the growth in military spending.

81 percent of respondents believed the long run existence of the terrorism threat; 14 percent disagreed, and 5 percent found it "hard to say." On China’s defense and military spending, 44 percent believed that China’s military spending is "not much." 16 percent thought it was "too much," and 40 percent believed it was "just enough." 92 percent of the interviewees agreed that China’s "national defense capabilities must be commensurate with its economic development," and only 3 percent hold the opposite view. The poll also showed that 73 percent of the respondents supported the recent decision of the Chinese government to place a fiscal budget on military spending, with only 14 percent not supportive and 13 percent "hard to say."

According to the Guangzhou Public Opinion Research Center, the poll covered 23 provincial capital cities and four municipalities directly under the central government. It sampled over 2,000 urban residents of different genders, ages, occupations, and education levels.

Source: China Youth Daily, March 31, 2014

Guangming Daily: Strengthening Think Tanks is an Important and Urgent Strategic Task

On March 31, Guangming Daily published an article on the importance of China’s think tanks. The following is an excerpt from the article.

"The Third Plenary Session of the Party’s Eighteenth Congress emphasized the task of strengthening new think tanks with Chinese characteristics and of building a sound decision-making and advisory system. Currently, high-level and internationalized think-tanks have become an important symbol of a country’s soft power and influence in international discourse."

"To achieve the goal of two hundred years and the China dream of the great rejuvenation of the nation, we must strengthen the new think tanks with Chinese characteristics. At present, China is in a critical stage of building a moderately prosperous society and of facing an increasingly complex international environment with new things, new problems, new conflicts, and new challenges emerging one after another. The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation should be a comprehensive revival. Practical and effective policies and strategies needs to be made in all fields including the economy, politics, culture, society, ecological civilization, Party buildup, national defense, and foreign affairs. Such policies and strategies are inseparable from the advice emanating from high-level think tanks."

Source: Guangnming Daily, March 31, 2014

PLA’s General Political Department: Tough Battle between Espionage and Counter-espionage Activities

From March 24 to 28, the People’s Liberation Army’s General Political Department (GPD) held a meeting in Beijing on protecting secrets and also a training session. The meeting stressed that the current battle between espionage and counter-espionage is complicated and grim. The GPD should have a strong sense of urgency and responsibility, and should not slack off.

The training focused on conveying instructions from the upper-level authorities; analyzing the current situation of the work of protecting secrets; inviting officials and experts from the government, the PLA Committee for Protecting Secrets, and National Defense University; and demonstrating anti-theft technologies.

Source: People’s Liberation Army Daily, March 31, 2014

Sino-Russian Youth Friendship Exchange Year Launched in St. Petersburg

The opening ceremony of the "Sino-Russian Youth Friendly Exchange Year" was held on March 28 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin each sent a letter of congratulations.

In his letter, Xi Jinping said that, "President Putin and I jointly decided to hold the ‘Sino-Russian Youth Friendly Exchange Year.’ Year 2014 is a ‘Sino-Russian Youth Friendly Exchange Year’ and year 2015 will also be a ‘Sino-Russian Youth Friendly Exchange Year.’" The initiative will promote the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Russia at a high level and will promote the China-Russia friendship for the coming generations. The leaders of the two countries have undertaken this major initiative with an eye toward long-term bilateral relations.

In his letter, Putin expressed that large humanitarian events such as Russia’s "Year of China" greatly expand bilateral cooperation in many fields, including education, science, culture, tourism and sports. The "Youth Friendly Exchange Year" will further strengthen the China-Russia comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership.

Source: Xinhua, March 29, 2014

Beijing Joins Taipei in Criticizing Student Protesters

The students’ occupation this month of Taiwan’s parliament to oppose the government’s attempt to pass a controversial trade agreement with China is indeed unprecedented. The trade deal allows Beijing and Taipei to invest more freely in each other’s service markets. Protesters say the deal will hurt Taiwan’s economy and leave it vulnerable to pressure from Beijing, but Taipei says it will benefit Taiwan’s economy.

Beijing’s official media joins Taipei in criticizing the protesters.

People’s Daily Online quoted from the Chicago China News & Digest, a local Chinese language newspaper, which stated that the Taiwan Benevolent Association in Chicago had issued a "solemn declaration" that the recent development revolving around the trade deal turned Taiwan’s representative politics into "mob politics." Opposition parties’ politicians are using inexperienced students as a tool in a power struggle. They have trampled on democratic politics and disgraced Taiwan’s international image.

People’s Daily Online also quoted from the Taiwan based United Daily News that some Taiwanese have organized a "White Justice Alliance" and called for a street parade on March 29. The Alliance states that not everyone is against the trade deal.

[Editor’s note: The students are also concerned that the KMT has steamrolled the political system, reneging on a promise to allow a thorough review and public consultation on the terms of the deal, thus threatening Taiwan’s hard-earned democratic system.]

Source: People’s Daily Online, March 27, 2014

PLA Daily: Learn the Lessons from First Sino-Japanese War in 1894

People’s Liberation Army Daily recently published a series of commentaries about the 1894 Sino-Japanese War that took place 120 years ago, giving an unusually objective evaluation of the Japanese military reform at the end of 19th century. That interaction prompted the continuous bloody conflicts between the two neighboring countries. The commentaries called for the People’s Liberation Army commanders to study the humiliating defeat of the Qing Empire at the hands of the Japanese. Analysts believe that the move is to warn of the effect of corruption within the military.

The commentaries said that the discipline and dedication of the Japanese army enabled them to defeat the Qing Dynasty’s Pei-yang Fleet.

One article stated: "(The) Chinese navy’s equipment, including the warships’ tonnage and the fire power, were indeed no less than those of the Japanese navy. … Quite a number of officers and even commanding officers of the fleet fostered ridiculous arrogance. Foreign military professionals who were paid and invited at a high price to instruct the navy were often subjected to ridicule and mockery. That was in stark contrast to the spirit of tireless learning of the Japanese Navy."

Analysts say these articles aimed to reveal the following facts: a lot of challenges that the Qing Dynasty’s army faced are the same as those the PLA battles today: nepotism, factional strife, and corruption.

A military expert at the Shanghai University of Political Science and Law said, "If such phenomena continue, the PLA is bound to be defeated if a military conflict between China and Japan were to occur."

Tensions between China and Japan have deteriorated to the worst level since the end of the Cold War. Both sides repeatedly send planes and ships near the Diaoyu Islands in the East China Sea.

One article on PLA Daily stated, "In a sense, the 1894 War has not ended."

One retired officer in Beijing said, "What our army is facing is clearly what the Qing government failed to deal with. This is exactly the reason why Chairman Xi Jinping urged the PLA senior officers to get rid of their stereotyped thinking."

The Pei-yang Fleet was a result of the Qing Dynasty "Self-Strengthening Movement." On the eve of the Sino-Japanese naval battle in 1894, the Pei-yang Fleet had about the same strength as the Japanese Navy in military hardware, but it was still defeated.

Source: Xinhua, March 24, 2014

Xinjiang: Crackdown on Terrorism and Religious Extremism

Recently, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region’s Public Security authorities held a video conference on cracking down on crimes of religious extremism.

Zhu Changjie, Vice-Chairman of the Xinjiang Autonomous Region, Chinese Communist Party secretary, and the head of the Public Security authorities, demanded a "profound understanding of importance and urgency of combatting crimes of religious extremism at all levels."

The Autonomous Region vowed it would strike hard on violent terrorist and religious extremist criminal activities, while at the same time focusing on prevention and reactions to emergencies.

Since February 10, Xinjiang’s public security has cracked several related cases, destroyed a number of gangs, and arrested a number of suspects.

Source: Guangming Daily, March 24, 2014

Central Bank: Sixty Percent of the Residents Believe the Housing Prices “Unacceptably High”

In the first quarter of 2014, the People’s Bank of China conducted a survey of twenty thousand urban depositors in 50 cities. The results showed that 64.3 percent of the residents believe that current housing prices are "unacceptably high," 33 percent believe that current prices are "acceptable," while only 2.7 percent of the residents believe they are "satisfactory." Within the next three months, 15 percent of residents will be ready to buy a housing unit. This figure is 2.7 percent higher than the previous quarter and 0.2 percent higher than the same period last year.

The report showed that 55.8 percent of residents believe that the general price level is "unacceptably high." 32.6 percent of the population expected the price level to continue to climb, 48.5 percent expected the price level to remain "basically unchanged."

Source: Xinhua, March 22, 2014