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Guangming Daily: Understand and Evaluate the China Model Correctly

[Editor’s Note: A recent article published on the website of Guangming Daily, the government newspaper oriented toward Chinese intellectuals, discussed “essential features” and “contemporary values” of the “China Model,” which has been under heated debate both inside and outside of China. The article hails the China Model as providing “great encouragement and support to socialist countries,” and “a challenge to the developed capitalist countries of the West.” The following is a translation of excerpts from the article.] [1]

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The CCP’s Management of Religions during the 11th Five-Year Plan

[Editor’s Note: People’s Daily published an article by the State Administration for Religious Affairs that reviews the CCP’s policies and decisions in the area of managing religion during the period of the 11th Five-Year Plan (2006-2010). It stated that the “The Central Committee (of the Chinese Communist Party [CCP]) pointed out … having the right understanding and handling of affairs relating to religion … is critical to the development and long-term stability of the Party and the nation. The CCP’s achievements during the period included starting to use the “Regulations on Religious Affairs” as the main vehicle to regulate and manage religious groups, directing religious practitioners to adjust their religious beliefs to conform to socialist theory, developing new religious leaders, using religious groups around the world to promote the CCP’s religious ideology, and taking control of issues regarding international religious affairs. The following are highlights of the report.] [1]

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China’s Strategic Oil Reserves

[Editor’s Note: On January 18, 2011, China Review News published an article about China’s quest to increase its oil reserves. As China is importing more and more crude oil, it has realized the paramount urgency of having a secure source of energy reserves. On December 18, 2007, China’s National Development and Reform Commission announced the establishment of the China National Oil Reserve Center. Its plan is to develop oil reserve bases over the next 15 years. The entire project is to be implemented in three phases, with the goal of having 85 million tons, or 99 million cubic meters, of oil reserves by 2020.] [1]

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How China Deals with the U.S. Strategy to Contain China

[Editor’s Note: On December 10, 2010, the website of Qiushi Journal, the official publication of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, published an article examining six strategies that the U.S. has developed to contain China: a trade war, an exchange rate war, a public opinion war, an anti-China campaign, military exercises and simulated warfare, and the development of an anti-China alliance. The author also analyzed seven counter-strategies for China to adopt. The entire article is translated below.

Days after Chinascope published this translation, Qiushi website took down the original Chinese and then restored the article with an additional sentence added at the end: “The above article only represents the personal views of the author and does not represent the position or views of Qiushi Journal or this site.” Chinascope has kept a Google cached copy of the original article. To read that copy, please click here.] [1]

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Chinese Netizens’ Responses to Lang Lang’s Performance at the White House

[Editor’s Notes: President Obama invited Chinese pianist Lang Lang to the White House to perform at the January 19, 2011, state dinner for visiting Chinese President Hu Jintao. Lang Lang played a solo, the famous patriotic Chinese song, “My Motherland,” for the participants. The song created great controversy, because it is the theme song of a famous 1956 anti-American movie about the Korean War, titled “Battle on Shangganling Mountain.” China calls that war a “War to Resist America and Support (North) Korea.”

Lang Lang denied that he was aware of the song’s background. China’s state media also said not to read too much into the song, but to many Chinese, this is a great diplomatic victory over the United States, especially right after the U.S. demonstrated superior military power in the face of China. The following are some comments by Chinese netizens.]

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Propaganda Department Campaigns against False Reporting

The CCP Secretary of China’s Reporters Association, Zhai Huisheng, recently led the Chinese Communist Party’s Propaganda Department in launching a campaign to “eliminate false reporting.”

Zhai said that Beijing’s "most fundamental news media policy is not to allow individuals to run any media." However, with the rapid development of new media, anyone can become a "journalist." He added, "If someone does not have a clear grasp of the big picture and is not politically steadfast," there will be "false reporting." “These false reports” are “expanding to the political, economic, social, cultural, and other fields. They involve major issues that affect people’s livelihoods and macroeconomic policy." They pose a challenge to the "Party and the government’s capacity to govern.” 
Ten teams composed of officials from leading positions in the CCP’s Propaganda Department, International Communication office, People’s Daily, Xinhua, and other agencies are to be sent to 14 provinces to “supervise and inspect” the news media there.
Source: Radio France International, January 27, 2011

Chinese Scholar Proposes a New East Asia Strategy: Be Powerful but Humble

[Editor’s Note: Government think tanks have recently had extensive debates about the direction of China’s foreign policy. The main focus is whether to continue the “low profile” strategy that Deng Xiaoping instituted in 1989 or switch to an aggressive approach to demonstrate China’s growing power. This article and the one following reflect these opposing views. Nanfang Daily online published an article by Wang Yizhou, a Beijing University professor, proposing a powerful but humble approach. In the following article, published in the International Herald Leader, the title expresses the author’s view: "China’s Foreign Diplomacy Should Reflect Its ‘World Number Two’ Status."

Wang Yizhou argued that “China still has a long way to go before becoming a truly developed country.” “For its foreign diplomacy and strategy, soothing relations with its neighbors and deepening regional cooperation is critical in order for China to maintain a good environment for development and to step into its role as a world power.”] [1]

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Red Flag Manuscript: Who Is Challenging Western Liberalism?

[Editor’s Note: In this Red Flag Manuscript article, Dou Hanzhang, an Internet commentator at Xinhua Net, expresses his aversion to Western liberalism: “Behind its beautiful words lies a horrific dark side. It can bring injustice, evil, and war.” He admires Singapore’s authoritarian society as China’s role model and cites Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong: “We preach state supremacy. Our national interests are not only above individual interests. They are also above the interests of any social group.”

In his opinion, the economic success of China and Singapore proves that “Western liberalism is replaceable and unnecessary.” His viewpoints echo the Party line. One Chinese blogger calls him “a 50-cent Party member on regular payroll.”

(The 50-cent Party refers to “fans” of the Communist Party hired to propagate pro government views on the Internet. They get paid about 50 cents (Chinese RMB) for each posting.)

The following is a translation of excerpts from the article] [1]

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