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First Russia-China Transnational Highway Bridge Opens to Traffic

On June 10, Russia and China announced the official opening of the Heilongjiang River Bridge, the first transnational highway bridge between the two countries. While confronting the West over the invasion of Ukraine, Russia is turning to Asia for support.

The bridge, more than one kilometer long, connects Blagoveshchensk, the capital of Russia’s far eastern Amur region, with the city of Heihe in northern China’s Heilongjiang province. Although it was started in 2016 and completed in 2019, the opening ceremony was delayed due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

According to official figures, the bridge, which cost 19 billion rubles (about US$328 million), is a two-lane road. According to Chinese media, the bridge is currently limited to cargo traffic only.

Source: Central News Agency, June 10, 2022

Ministry of State Security Offers Rewards (Up to $15,000) for Reporting National Security Cases:

China’s Ministry of State Security (MSS) recently promulgated new rules to encourage citizens to report acts that “endanger national security.” It offered  different amounts as rewards, depending on the level of contribution, with the highest reward being 100,000 yuan ($15,000) or more.

On June 6, MSS, a CIA type agency, issued the “Rules for Rewarding Citizens for Reporting Acts that Endanger National Security.” The rules went into effect on the same day.

The MSS official said in a press session that China’s national security is facing a serious and complex situation, “especially as the infiltration and theft activities of foreign espionage and intelligence agencies and various hostile forces against us have significantly intensified.” The purpose for the new regulation is to mobilize public support for national security work.

The public is encouraged to report through a phone number, website, letter and in person. The national security authorities will issue spiritual (award certificates) or material awards (bonuses) depending on the situation. The bonus is divided into four levels according to the degree of contribution, with the lowest being less than 10,000 yuan ($1,500) and the highest more than 100,000 yuan ($15,000).

Source: Central News Agency (Taiwan), June 7, 2022

China’s Government Scholar: We Can’t Allow TSMC to Move to the U.S.

On May 30, 2022, a forum was sponsored by the Chongyang Institute of Financial Studies at Renmin University in China. Chen Wenling, Chief Economist at the China Center for International Economic Exchanges (CCIEE), a Chinese government think tank, gave a talk, according to the China based website

Chen said, “China should be prepared for the U.S. strategic containment and suppression of China, and make sure that the supply chains are under control.  . . .  We need to sort out the advantages that will sufficiently scare our opponents and cause them irreversible losses and pressures. As a countermeasure, we need to stall and slow as much as possible our opponents’ moves to cut off the supply chain, the chain of scientific and technological cooperation, and the chain of innovation.”

“If the U.S. and the West impose destructive sanctions on China as they did on Russia, we must take back Taiwan. In terms of carrying out industrial chain and supply chain restructuring, we must get hold of TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company) and other companies that originally belonged to China. They are accelerating the transfer to the United States to establish six plants over there. We absolutely cannot let their goal of transfer be achieved.” TSMC is the world’s leading semiconductor manufacturing and design company. It is the world’s most valuable semiconductor company, the world’s largest dedicated independent semiconductor foundry, and one of Taiwan’s largest companies.

“We need to support Russia openly, reasonably and by every possible means. For example, the recent Sino-Russian joint air exercises and so on. We can do more in trade, so that China and Russia can dovetail the ‘Belt & Road’ with the Eurasian Economic Union proposed by Putin to form a strategic depth in China, a Silk Road economic belt, and an energy security belt as a major security barrier.”

“It is necessary to step up cooperation with Europe. Europe is deeply affected by the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, and the euro will be hit hard economically in the future. In addition, Europe will see a food crisis, an energy crisis and a refugee crisis. In the time of crisis in Europe, China can offer a helping hand and increase cooperation between China and Europe, so that the two plates of Asia and Europe can return to their historical status as political and economic centers.”

Source:, June 6, 2022

Hong Kong Government: School Libraries Can’t Have Books that Violate National Security Laws

Hong Kong’s Education Secretary Kevin Yeung said that local school libraries cannot have books that violate the National Security Laws.

At an event, a reporter asked about some local secondary schools that used “self-censorship” and removed some books from the library. He wondered whether the authorities have a regulation for providing library collections to secondary schools and how the terms of the national security law apply. Yeung said that as part of the implementation of the National Security Law, schools have the responsibility to ensure that their libraries do not contain books that are harmful to national security. Yeung added, “Books, like textbooks, can influence the ideas or thoughts of young students.”

He said that after the implementation of the National Security Law, schools cannot allow any incident that endangers national security, and that the National Security Law also mentions the responsibility of schools to promote national security education.

Source: Central News Agency, June 6, 2022

A Chinese City’s Penalty Is a 10-Day Detention for Skipping Multiple PCR Tests

On May 31, the city government of Siping in China’s northeastern Jilin Province announced it would launch massive Covid-19 PCR testing for residents starting on June 2. The testing requires that “no one is left behind.” The authorities vowed to inflict punishment on anyone who did not participate in the drive. Punitive measures would include restricting access to neighborhoods and public places, paying for the cost of make-up tests, and being admonished by local police. For those who failed to take the required tests on more than two occasions, the penalty would include 10-days of administratively detention, a fine of 500 yuan (US$ 75), being blacklisted in China’s social credit system, and public naming and shaming.

The announcement sparked criticism from Chinese netizens. Some said, “The Siping municipal government is openly breaking the law.” Others questioned, “Which law is the basis for such a detention rule? This is serious damage to the rule of law in China!”

Draconian measures to combat the epidemic adopted by Chinese authorities have triggered public discontent. For example, in Jiangsu, medical staff would throw away all the food in the refrigerator that belonged to the Covid patient. In Shanghai a netizen complained saying that the disinfection personnel entered his residence without his consent.

Source: Central News Agency (Taiwan), May 31, 2022

Chinese Property Developer Fantasia Owes US$149 million In debt and May Face Liquidation

Fantasia Holdings Group, the Chinese developer founded by the niece of a former Chinese vice-president Zeng Qinghong, might face liquidation after it received a wind-up petition from creditors for failing to repay an outstanding loan of US$149 million.

A winding-up petition is the legal mechanism by which a business creditor can apply to the court to wind-up a company for non payment of debts. It can result in compulsory liquidation.

On May 26, Shenzhen-based Fantasia received a wind-up petition that Flower SPV 4 Limited had filed. The filing had been submitted to the Hong Kong stock exchange on Monday. The petition was filed by the creditor on May 24 in the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands, where Fantasia is registered.

Trading in shares was suspended on April 1 following Fantasia’s previous financial difficulties. The company said that its stock trading will remain suspended until further notice.

Zeng Qinghong was the right-hand man of China’s former president Jiang Zemin. The story of Fantasia’s financial difficulties was widely reported by mainland Chinese media.

Source: Central News Agency (Taiwan), May 30, 2022

China’s Coldest Labor Market: College Graduates Break 10 million for the First Time

2022 will see 10.76 million college graduates in China, an increase of 1.67 million over last year. This will be the first time in history for the number to break the 10 million mark. This record number, however, is facing a difficult economic situation due to the epidemic.

In 2020, China’s economy was hit hard by the first wave of the epidemic. In the first quarter, China’s GDP fell 6.8 percent year-over-year.  This was not only the lowest since China began publishing quarterly GDP data in 1992. It was also the first time that quarterly growth was negative.

Two years ago, the city of Wuhan was locked down for 76 days. This year. however, Shanghai has been put on a pause for more than 60 days. In terms of economic importance, the two cities are not on the same scale. Shanghai is not only China’s center for manufacturing and foreign trade. It is also the country’s financial hub. The economic devastation brought by the two-month lockdown will be far greater than it was in Wuhan.

Data released by China’s National Bureau of Statistics on May 16 showed that the national urban unemployment rate rose 0.3 percentage points to 6.1 percent in April, a new high since March 2020. Most notably, the unemployment rate for the 16-24 year old population was recorded at 18.2 percent, the highest since that data became available.

Source: BBC Chinese, May 31, 2022