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The Fifteenth Confucius Institute Opened in South Korea

The opening ceremony for the Confucius Institute at the University of Incheon was held on August 28, Xinhua reported. This institute was established through a joint venture between the University of Incheon and Dalian University of Foreign Languages (Liaoning Province). It is the fifteenth Confucius Institute in South Korea. The first one was opened in 2004.

Source: Xinhua, August 28, 2009

Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: Strongly Oppose the Dalai Lama’s Visit to Taiwan

On August 27, the spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council commented on the invitation some Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) members made for the Dalai Lama to visit Taiwan: The “Dalai Lama is not a pure religious person. He has been continuously using the religion umbrella to try to separate China. Whatever format or status that he uses to visit Taiwan, we will strongly oppose.”

The spokesperson also mentioned that people on both sides of the straight are opposed to this evil attempt to damage the good relationship established because of China’s support for Taiwan’s reconstruction after the Typhoon disaster.

Source: Xinhua, August 27, 2009

Public Security Organizations Undertaking Gun Safety Control Review

Xinhua reported that the public security organizations at the provincial, municipal, and local levels are embarking on a large-scale review of gun safety control. This review commenced on August 1 and is under the direction of the Ministry of Public Security. The review will examine the processes of carrying, managing, and storing firearms and ammunition. (Ed: The Ministry of Public Security has recently started a nationwide campaign to crack down on the mafia and vicious forces in China. Some of these underground groups have guns although the government controls their distribution.)

Source: The Ministry of Public Security, August 27, 2009

US Aircraft Carriers’ Three Strategic Missions in Northeast Asia

Recently, the US has deployed several nuclear aircraft carriers in Northeast Asian waters, according to the International Herald. The carriers missions include monitoring vital interest areas of the region, such as the Korean Peninsula, the Taiwan Straight, the South China Sea and as military protection of Japan. The three strategic missions for the US are to “Monitor North Korea, Deter China, and Protect Japan.” They are meant as deterrents in case of possible conflict in the area.

The International Herald also advised that these deployments are based on the US’ Fleet Response Plan, which calls for six of the Navy’s 12 aircraft carriers to be available for deployment within 30 days and another two within 90 days.

Source: International Herald, August 24, 2009

China to Launch Chang’e-2 Lunar Probe Before 2011

China’s Chang’e-1 lunar probe has beamed back over a year of technical data about the moon. Given the success of this probe, China plans to Launch Chang’e-2 lunar probe satellite before 2011, according to the China News Agency. Chang’e-2 is almost identical to Chang’e-1. The difference in mission is that Chang’e-2 will circulate at 100 km above the moon’s surface, instead of the 200 km by Chang’e-1.

The vital mission for Chang’e-2 is to have a “soft landing” on the moon and to set up anything necessary for China’s planned Chang’e-3 moon landing. The design for Chang’e-3 has been completed and a model of it should be ready by the end of 2009. China plans its first moon “soft landing” in 2012 or 2013. It will collect lunar samples, which will be brought back by a vehicle in 2018.

Source: China News Agency, August 3, 2009

Defense Minister: Advancing National Defense Mobilization

Xinhua reported on August 17 that Liang Gunaglie, Minister of Defense Ministry, must press forward with the national defense mobilization during the Lanzhou Military Area Command Defense Mobilization Committee meeting. Liang demanded that all levels must understand the special value of the defense mobilization construction: outside defense and maintaining internal stability. Liang stressed the importance of fighting against the “Three Forces” [“three evil forces of terrorism, separatism and extremism,” a blanket term the CCP uses for anti-CCP people or groups].

Source: Xinhua, August 17

International Herald: Kim Jong-Il’ Message from His Watching a Chinese Movie

“The Guards under the Neon Light,” a movie produced in China in the 1960’s about how the soldiers in Shanghai resisted capitalism’s material allure, has been increasingly forgotten by the Chinese, but it regained its life in North Korea, reported the International Herald. Kim Jong-Il watched the stage play of the same story on August 12, and instructed North Korean play workers to re-cast this play.

The International Herald stated that since North Korea’s nuclear test this year, the relationship between China and North Korea cooled down. Kim’s watching the Chinese play is considered as “North Korea is sending a positive message to China.” In June, Kim also watched the Korean performers’ play of “Dream of the Red Chamber,” a classic Chinese novel. That was also considered as sending the same message.

Source: International Herald, August 17, 2009

China Youth: Business Cooperation Between Vietnam and Guangxi Province

To foster Vietnamese and China’s business cooperation, 130 young business entrepreneurs and youth representatives from the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region took a five-day trip, leaving July 26 for Vietnam. The intent was to find business opportunities and develop cooperation between the two countries, according to a report in the China Youth Daily. The young business entrepreneurs represented the following business sectors: real estate, medical equipment, computers, supply chain and so on. The intent is for the two countries to cooperate with each other concerning employment and new ventures.

                                                                                                                                           Source: China Youth Daily, August 13, 2009