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All posts by NNL - 204. page Ministry of Commerce: The Downhill Trajectory of Exports is Difficult to Reverse published selections from a video about remarks by Fu Ziying, the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Commerce. On August 12, said Minister remarked that China’s economy has reached bottom, but exports were still trending downhill. Fu acknowledged that China’s exports reversed the fast growth and have not halted their 9-month downward trend. There is no immediate fix for this problem and a turn around is difficult to achieve. The Ministry of Commerce and other government agencies will cooperate to stabilize the downslide and hang on to the current export markets and market shares, while trying to stabilize foreign investments into China. At present, the intention is to speed up the implementation of the “Going Out” strategy (for Chinese companies to invest overseas).

                                                                                                                                              Source:, August 12, 2009

Over 70% of Guangdong’s Untreated Wastewater Discharged into Rivers

Companies in Guangdong dumped twelve billion tons of untreated wastewater in 2008. According to the Nanfang Metropolitan Daily, 9.1 billion tons, or 75.8% of the total wastewater spilled into rivers. The above information was based on the recently released “2008 Guangdong Province Water Resources Public Report” published by the Bureau of Water Resources of Guangdong Province. Guangzhou City was ranked first regarding wastewater discharged into the surrounding areas and rivers. The four worst polluters in Guangdong Province, besides Guangdong were companies in Dongguan, Shenzhen, and Foshan.

Source: Nanfang Metropolitan Daily, August 12, 2009

Global People: Guns Will Never Control the Party

The News Network of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) republished an article from Global People, “The Inside Story of Mao Zedong’s Reassignment of the Eight Military Region Commanders: Guns Will Never Control the Party.” The article writer declared unequivocally that the CCP must hold absolute power over China’s military. Alas, in real life, sometimes everything is more complicated and not just black and white. Mao once said, “Our principle is that the Party Controls the Gun, but the Gun Controls the Party. Nevertheless, (if you) have the gun, you can establish a party." This is telling that Mao was paying special attention to the military and eventually decided to reassign the eight Commanders of the Military Regions to prevent them from becoming the oppressors of their regions.          

                                                                                                                                          Source: News Network of the Communist Party of China, August 11, 2009

Chinese Economy: Campus Satellite System to Play Major Role in Military Exercise

In the current “Stride-2009” military exercise, China’s Campus Satellite Navigation and Positioning System will play an important role, reported Chinese Economy. In past exercises, there were quite a few incidents of information leakage due to communicating via non-secure methods, such as mobile phone or maritime satellite. The Campus system has resolved the communication security issue to a certain extent. Besides sending instant messages, it will also be used for time servicing and positioning.

The PLA’s general departments also set specific requirements on the electronic-magnetic environment and application of testing of new equipments. A set of self-developed new arms, such as the psychological operation team’s loud-voice broadcasting vehicle, will be tested in the field.

Source: Chinese Economy, August 11, 2009

Global Times: US Using NED to Interfere In China’s Internal Affairs

[Since the 7-5 Event in Xinjiang, Chinese media have repeatedly blamed the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) for supporting Rebiya Kadeer — ed.] On August 12, 2009, the Global Times, a state newspaper under People’s Daily with a focus on international news reporting, published a lengthy article to detail how the NED propped up Rebiya Kadeer to form an anti-China group. It reported that NED’s President, Carl Gershman, identified the value of Kadeer even when she was in China’s prison and worked through his connections with the US State Department to pressure China into releasing her to the US. Once Kadeer came to the US, Gershman provided funding and pushed her into the position of spiritual leader for Xinjiang separatists. From 2004 to June 2009, the NED has provided nearly $2.24 million to support the “East Turkistan” separatist groups including the World Uyghur Congress, Uyghur American Association, International Uyghur Human Rights and Democracy Foundation, and International PEN Uyghur Center. NED provided near $600,000, about 13% of its China budget in 2008 and has confirmed over $500,000, or 15% of its China budget for 2009.

Global Times further reported that the U.S. government is behind the scenes. It lets NED take front stage to create turmoil in Xinjiang to reduce Xinjiang’s strategic position in China’s cooperation with countries in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). “The violent event occurred shortly after the SCO’s historical meeting (referring to the SCO Summit in June 2009). It is not a coincidence.”

By Global Times, August 12, 2009

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences’ Yellow Book on Shanghai Cooperation Organization

The Institute of Eastern European, Russian & Central Asian Studies in the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences published a “Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Yellow Book: Shanghai Cooperation Organization Report 2009” on August 11, 2009. The report said that SCO is a growing regional international organization. Security cooperation and economic operations are the major cooperation areas among its member countries. SCO’s influence has been increasing. Many countries and international organizations have expressed interest in working together with or even joining it.

The Yellow book also mentioned the global financial crisis’ impact on SCO’s member countries. All its member countries use infrastructure construction to stimulate domestic consumption and promote economic development. They are paying special attention to economic structure adjustment, which will present a larger area and scale for future economic cooperation among these countries.

[1] Xinhua, August 11, 2009
[2] Xinhua, August 11, 2009

Chinese Official: Properly Managing Relationship with Overseas Chinese

Qiushi Journal, a publication of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China organs, published an article “Properly Handling Several Relationships with Overseas Chinese,” by Li Haifeng, director of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council. This article discusses the relationship between China’s external propaganda machine for overseas Chinese (the CCP’s media that publishes Communist Party propaganda targeting overseas Chinese) and the overseas Chinese media. Li states the common objective of these two groups is to lead the overseas Chinese to follow the right direction (set by the CCP) (The CCP has been heavily invested in and has thus taken control of many overseas Chinese media – Ed.). The two should join forces to strengthen their broadcasting power and boost their media coverage. “China’s’ external propaganda media for overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese media can work together through sharing information, providing content, exchanging experiences, organizing (joint) interviews, and having (joint) forums, so as to make the propaganda more focused, more lively, more attractive, more communicable and more persuasive.” While cooperating, both sides will improve their mutual understanding of each other.

Source: Qiushi Journal, August 1, 2009

Li Yuanchao on Establishing Party Organizations in Colleges

Li Yuanchao, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, and the Head of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, hosted a conference for Party Secretaries and Presidents of universities and colleges in China on August 8, Xinhua reported. “(We) must use our revolutionary and innovative spirits to strengthen the establishment of party organizations and party member teams in universities and colleges, and transform the Party’s political and organizational strength into the college’s scientific development strength. (We) must adhere to the Presidential Responsibility System under the Leadership of the Party Committees; smooth the work system and operational mechanism of the party organizations at the school and department level.  (We) should strengthen the establishment of root-level party organizations, especially the branches that draw professors for their membership, and actively recruit young professors and college students that are deserving into the Party,” Li announced.

Source: Xinhua, August 9, 2009