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People’s Daily on Blinken’s “Table and Menu” Statement

At the Munich Security Conference in Germany on February 17, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that the U.S. is in a “strategic competition” with China. He remarked, “If you are not at the table in the international system, you’re going to be on the menu,” emphasizing the importance other countries actively participating in the “multilateral system” alongside the U.S.

People’s Daily published a “quick commentary” responding to Blinken’s “table and menu” statement. Below are some key excerpts from the People’s Daily response:

“This blunt statement by U.S. Secretary of State Blinken once again exposes the fundamental logic of American politics and diplomacy as ‘law of the jungle,’ where the strong prey upon the weak. American politicians are faithful followers of a wolfish culture.”

“America’s history of territorial expansion, wealth accumulation, and strengthening of national power is a history of external plunder, filled with destruction of other countries and the tears and blood of innocent people. From the massacre and land seizure of Native Americans, to the enslavement and exploitation of Africans, to interference and control in Latin America, to the creation of one humanitarian disaster after another in the Middle East — the U.S., in safeguarding its own interests and hegemony, has engaged in launching wars, imposing sanctions, and recklessly subverting other countries. Violence, coercion, deceit, and plunder are the ‘standard options’ in its toolbox, putting everyone on its [dinner] ‘menu.’ Meanwhile, it disregards and tramples upon the morality and order of which its politicians often speak.”

“In recent years, the U.S.’ bullying has become more rampant and ugly. The reason is that America’s hegemonic status is being challenged as the U.S.’ own problems continue to emerge while the increasingly balanced global power and the collective rise of developing countries lead to a deeper hegemonic anxiety. The U.S. has begun to use its military and financial hegemony to continuously transfer crises to the world, reaping benefits all the while. Those placed on the ‘menu’ by the U.S. are not only developing countries but also its allies.”

“In the U.S.’ cruel ‘table and menu’ calculation, European countries seem to sit at the table as allies of the U.S. most of the time. However, the U.S. also puts European countries on its ‘menu’ when necessary, making them the objects on which American capital and politicians feast. The U.S. did just this in exploiting the Ukraine crisis to pressure and squeeze Europe, or in using subsidies to induce companies to move their production bases from Europe to the U.S. This is the basic logic of American politics. This is why Europeans often lament: ‘Americans have stabbed us in the back.'”

Source: People’s Daily, February 22, 2024

Xinhua: “How Much of a Storm Can the West Stir up Using the Death of Navalny?”

Xinhua News Agency published an article claiming that the U.S.-led Western world has used the death of Russian opposition figure Alexei Navalny to “stir up trouble, with the aim of targeting Russia’s upcoming Presidential election.”

The article said that as soon as the news of Navalny’s death came out, “the Western world, led by the United States,” began to collectively condemn Russia, calling Navalny’s death “political persecution.” The Xinhua article quoted several Russian politicians and think tankers who condemned the behavior of Western media and politicians as “absolutely unacceptable and inappropriate.” The article called Navalny an “outdated” political figure and said that he is a “tool” of the Western world to criticize Russia.

According to the article, “Navalny ‘s political stance was constantly shifting between alignment with right-wing, center-left, and nationalist groups. He eventually became an internet sensation, portraying himself as an anti-corruption ‘fighter.’ In the 2013 Moscow mayoral elections, he won 27% of the vote, ranking second. However, since then, his political influence in Russia continued to decline, and the size of the opposition rallies that he called for steadily diminished. Polls in recent years showed his national approval rating hovering near 1%.”

Source: Xinhua, February 23, 2024

Beijing Says Restrictions on Sales of Stocks Do Not Count as Market Intervention

To force an upward trend in stock market prices, Beijing is taking measures to restrict major institutional investors from conducting net sales of stocks during the opening and closing phases of stock market trading in China. Additionally, Beijing has prohibited institutions from shorting A-share stocks via stock index futures.

On February 22, the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) responded to reports on the restrictions published by foreign media. The CSRC stated that the regulatory authorities “do not intervene in normal market transactions.” They said that their actions are a measure to “fulfill regulatory responsibilities on trading, and they do not represent a restriction on selling [stocks].” Rather the restrictions are to “crack down on illegal activities such as market manipulation and insider trading.”

1. Radio Free Asia, February 22, 2024
2. Xinhua, February 23, 2024

CCP Unveils World Federation of Daoism in Beijing

Following the teachings of Marxism-Leninism, the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) official position on organized religion is atheistic, and party doctrine prohibits CCP members from practicing or believing in religions. That being said, the CCP does allow for small numbers of Daoist, Buddhist, and Christians to worship in China provided that they are willing to practice their faiths on the CCP’s terms. This enables the CCP to showcase the “religious freedom” in China. Meanwhile, the CCP enacts continuous “revolutionizing” of those religions and demands that such religious groups bow to the CCP’s leadership.

Recently, the CCP established the World Federation of Daoism (WFD) in Beijing. According to The People’s Political Consultative Conference website, the WFD “is an international, voluntary organization formed by Taoist groups, Taoist temples, Taoist-related institutions and celebrities who believe in Taoism or love Taoist culture in various countries (regions). It is a professional, non-profit social organization with 52 founding members and is located in Beijing, China.”

On January 30, the CCP held an unveiling ceremony at the new WFD headquarters in Beijing. Li Guangfu, Chairman of the WFD, stated that the WFD “has established a new platform for Daoists at home and abroad to unite, collaborate, and explore the contemporary value of Daoist culture.”

Source: People’s Political Consultative Conference website, February 2, 2024

Two Chinese Fishermen Drown in Taiwanese Waters, Beijing and Taiwan Respond

There have been many instances of mainland-Chinese fishermen entering Taiwanese waters using “three-no” vessels (i.e. boats without a name, without a vessel certificate, and without a registered port). On February 14, a “three-no” vessel went fishing in Taiwanese waters near Beiding Island, Kinmen (Taiwan). As the Taiwanese coast guard approached the boat, the Chinese boat capsized while attempting to flee. Two of the four Chinese nationals died by drowning, and the other two were arrested by Taiwanese authorities.

On February 17th, China’s Taiwan Affairs Office issued a press release stating that there was no such thing as “prohibited or restricted waters” in the strait between Kinmen and Xiamen (mainland). On February 18, Zhu Fenglian, a spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office, alleged that the Taiwanese coast guard had “violently driven away” the mainland-Chinese fishing boats, resulting in the deaths of the two fishermen. “It was a callous act and caused strong indignation among people from all walks of life in mainland China, seriously harming the feelings of compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and seriously damaging cross-strait relations. The Taiwan Affairs Office firmly supports the decision of the mainland China’s maritime police department on conducting routine law enforcement patrols, to maintain the normal order of the relevant waters and ensure the safety of mainland fishermen’s lives and property.” (Editor’s notes: Beijing’s patrol boats are much larger than Taiwan’s. China has been using large maritime patrol boats to intimidate smaller Philippine patrol vessels in the ongoing Spratly Islands dispute in the South China Sea).

On February 18, Taiwan’s United Daily News reported on a press release by Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council responding to the comments from Beijing. According to the article, the press release stated that “the two sides of the Taiwan Strait are not affiliated with each other. According to the regulations of Taiwan’s Cross-Strait Act, mainland vessels are not allowed to enter restricted or prohibited waters of Taiwan without permission. Our competent authority will continue to enforce the law by expelling or detaining trespassing vessels to safeguard the rights and interests of fishermen. This has been the case in the past, is the case now, and will continue to be the case in the future.”

1. People’s Daily, February 18, 2024
2. United Daily News (Taiwan), February 18, 2024

Video Clip Containing Pro-Democracy Innuendo Spread Widely in China on Lunar New Year

China has produced many TV dramas about the the Chinese Civil War (1946-1949), when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) defeated the Nationalist Party (Kuomintang) and took control of mainland China.

During the 2024 Chinese New Year, people spread a video clip of the TV drama Bright Sword, where a CCP military commander motivates his soldiers to fight in the civil war. In the video the commander says, “People are struggling to survive, and inflation is rampant. Shouldn’t we overthrow such a dictatorial, corrupt, and dark government? Brothers, now is the time to decide the future of a nation. Every Chinese with a conscience should make his choice. I, Zhao Gang, make this choice: to demand democracy, demand freedom, overthrow the dictatorial regime, topple the fascist dictatorship, and establish a new China where the people are in charge.”

The clip is now spreading because what was said in the video can be interpreted as referring to the current leadership of China by the CCP.

Source: X Platform, February 10, 2024

Hong Kong Crowd Wards Off Arrest of Street Musician Playing Anti-CCP Protest Song

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has broken its promise regarding the principle of “One Country Two Systems,” putting Hong Kong under tighter and tighter control. The people of Hong Kong, however, have not surrendered to political pressure from the CCP.

Earlier this month a youtube video was published showing a street musician playing the English version of the anti-CCP protest song “Glory to Hong Kong” (愿荣光归香港) with his guitar and amplifier.

Several police officers surrounded the young man and yelled at him to stop playing. As the officers began to manhandle the musician, bystanders that had gathered began to shout out in the man’s defense, and one officer is seen looking around nervously. The police eventually backed off as a substantial crowd had gathered and many people were shouting that the man had not committed any crime. The man resumed playing, this time singing the Chinese version of the song, and many people joined in chorus as the officers stood by and watched. At the end of the video, the man is seen leaving with his belongings as the police continue to stand by.

The song “Glory to Hong Kong” became well known during the 2019-2020 protests in Hong Kong. It has been called “the anthem of Hong Kong’s anti-CCP protests.”


YouTube, February 6, 2024

“Glory to Hong Kong,” WIkipedia, retrieved February 20, 2024

Guangming Daily Editorial: “The Economic Landscape in China Is Most Uniquely Beautiful”

Xi Jinping delivered a Lunar New Year address on February 8, comparing China’s economy last year to a beautiful landscape: “the [economic] scenery here [in China] is uniquely beautiful” (“风景这边独好”).

On February 10, Guangming Daily published an editorial propaganda piece titled “Living Better Days!” aiming to substantiate the idea that China’s economic “scenery” in the best in the world. Here is a key paragraph from the piece:

“You see, we decisively implemented a transition from the COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control  phase [to an open society]. The bustling streets and the prosperity of markets tell us that we have come through that difficult period. Agricultural production has again reached new highs: the rumbling of machinery and the reaping of silver sickles proclaim that we have achieved twenty consecutive years of abundant harvests. The vitality of strategic emerging industries can be seen in [the country’s] continuous breakthroughs in technological innovation, in the rapid formation of new productive forces, and in the total export of the “three new industries” (electric vehicles, lithium batteries, and solar cells) having surpassing one trillion yuan (US$ 140 billion). Despite the continued global economic downturn, we have still sent out 17,000 China-Europe freight trains and generated 126 trillion yuan in total economic output. ‘The economic scenery on China’s side is uniquely the best’ – this is the declaration that we have sent out to the world.”

Source: Guangming Daily, February 10, 2024