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TGTM Helped Columbia University Reject Chinese Student Hostile to the United States

The Great Translation Movement (TGTM) (see Chinascope posting) is a volunteer-based translation efforts to translate Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) domestic propaganda and the brainwashed Chinese people’s extreme online messages, from Chinese to English, to present to the Western world the true ideology and sentiments in China.

Recently, a Chinese student who was admitted to the Columbia University, posted on WeChat in Chinese that he had received the offer and “will go buy guns to blow out Americans.” TGTM translated his posting into English and sent it to the Columbia University. The school discussed it with the student who admitted his posting. Then Columbia University cancelled his admission.

Many Chinese people posted comments to support Columbia University’s decision.

Source: Epoch Times, April 20, 2022

The Great Translation Movement and the Communist Party’s Concern

The Great Translation Movement (TGTM), which has the goal of informing the Western world about the true thoughts of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the Chinese people it has brainwashed (by translating what the Chinese actually say), has created a real impact in Western society. As a result, the CCP media recently denounced it, indicating that it has reached a level at which the CCP can no longer ignore it.

TGTM started in March this year, during the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The CCP published strong domestic propaganda to support Russia and misled some of the Chinese people so that they posted messages online to support Russia and ridicule Ukraine (in one example, they even wanted to bring some of the beautiful Ukraine  women to China to “save” them). A group of Chinese with consciences started to translate these extreme views into Ukrainian. Later the movement expanded into translating CCP propaganda and people’s postings on WeChat, Weibo, Tiktok, and extreme Chinese leftist websites, into English, Korean, and Japanese. The movement has an official Twitter account TGTM_Official, with more and more volunteers joining to supply translations. Western media and society in general have picked up this information in order to demonstrate the CCP’s true qualities and true self to the world so the world’s people can understand its true nature., China’s official site which is run by the Chinese government body’s China Internet Information Center (CIIC), posted an article on April 27, 2022, to comment on this movement. It called The Great Translation Movement an “Internet virus” and said it had been mutating and creating a relatively large negative impact on China’s overseas propaganda and international image.

To stop the spread of this “Internet anti-China virus,” that article claimed, China needed to take necessary counter measures. It indicated that, on its official side, China needs to strengthen its domestic Internet platform in order to control and regulate netizens’ behavior. From the civilian angle, China needs to utilize the postings by Chinese students studying overseas and the Chinese diaspora who have patriotic sentiment toward China, leading them to promote the “true” China and build a good international image for China.

Source:, April 27, 2022

Is DiDi a Casualty of CCP In-fighting?

Epoch Times published an analysis article to explain that the shrinkage of DiDi, once China’s largest vehicle for hire company, might be a result of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) in-fighting.

On April 16, DiDi announced its plan to hold a special shareholder meeting on May 23 to decide whether to remove the company from the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). Its 2021 financial report showed that, in the fourth quarter, its revenue decreased by 12.7 percent and it had a net loss equivalent to $27 million. In February’s ranking of ride-for-hire market share in China, it was not even on the list of top ten companies.

DiDi’s President is Liu Qing (柳青) who holds the real power in the company. Her father is Liu Chuanzhi (柳传志), the founder of the Lenovo Group, one of China’s largest IT companies. Liu’s family had controlled China’s ride-for-hire business in the past. When Uber was in China, it hired Liu Zhen (柳甄) as the head of its China business. After Uber lost to DiDi, Liu Zhen worked with Liu Qing to merge Uber China’s operation into DiDi. At that time, the combined company had 93 percent of the market share. The same last name of Liu Qing and Liu Zhen are not accidental. They are true cousins.

It seems that, since last year, the authorities have been tough on both DiDi and Lenovo. DiDi made its IPO on the NYSE last June and Beijing started to restrict it afterward. Three months later, on September 30, Lenovo filed an application to make an IPO on the Shanghai STAR market (science and technology innovation board), but withdrew it a week later. This year, on April 14, the China Security Regulatory Commission criticized Lenono for not reporting financial data on time and required it to rectify itself. Two days later, DiDi announced its plan to delist from the NYSE.

The article said it is possible that Xi Jinping is targeting the Liu family, which was the front-man for the bunch of high-ranking officials in other CCP factions. Liu Chuanzhi created his enterprise during Jiang Zemin’s time – Jiang was a former CCP head and had a fierce power fight against his successor Hu Jintao and also Hu’s successor Xi Jinping. Liu was the President of the Tai Mountain Club, a secrete association of top business elites including Alibaba’s Ma Yun, Baidu’s Li Yanhong, Huaiyi Brother’s Wang Zhongjun, and others. These people started their business before Xi becameing the top man and therefore, the political power behind them was not from Xi’s group.

DiDi was likely to have received support from these business tycoons and thus the top red powerhouse families behind them. Xi might consider them a threat and therefore started targeting DiDi and Lenovo, similarly as Alibaba and its Ant Group.

Source: Epoch Times, April 22, 2022

China Is Quickly Building up Its Nuclear Warheads

A Pentagon report estimated that China currently has 200 nuclear weapons and predicted that it will increase the count five-fold, to 1,000, by 2030.

Peter Pry, Executive Director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security and Director of the U.S. Nuclear Strategy Forum, Center for Security Policy, estimated a much higher number. In an interview with the Epoch TV, he stated that, according to the speed with which China builds new Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) and launching sites, and its speed in manufacturing uranium, China’s nuclear warheads will be around 4,000 by 2030.

Source: Epoch Times, April 20, 2022

Former China’s Central Banker: It is Possible for the RMB to Replace SWIFT

Zhou Xiaochuan, former head of China’s Central Bank, the People’s Bank, said that it is possible for the Renminbi (RMB) to replace the SWIFT system.

Zhou made such statement at Qinghua University’s 2022 Global Finance Forum on April 14. Zhou expressed that SWIFT is not a cross-border international payment system, but rather a communications organization. The RMB’s Cross-border Interbank Payment System (CIPS) is a payment, clearing, and settlement system.

Zhou stated that circumventing SWIFT is theoretically feasible. Trade is the foundation and in the worst case scenario, people can conduct trade by exchanging goods for goods (instead of using currency).

Source: Net Ease, April 17, 2022

China’s Ministry of Commerce: Companies Should Not Condemn Russia under Pressure

Russian news agency Sputnik reported that China’s Ministry of Commerce asked Chinese companies not to yield to the pressure to condemn Russia.

At the ministry’s press conference on April 14, a media reporter asked the Ministry spokesperson Su Jueting, “According to some China companies, some of their foreign business partners have asked them to state their opposition to Russia’s military actions against Ukraine. Otherwise their normal business cooperation will be affected. Do you want to say something?”

Su responded, “Since the Russia-Ukraine conflict began, some countries have imposed a series of sanctions on Russia. This has disrupted the normal economic and trade relationship between China and Russia. Some foreign companies have violated the normal market principles and threatened Chinese enterprises to pick a side. Here, we reiterate that China always firmly opposes unilateral sanctions and ‘long-arm jurisdictions’ that have no basis in international law and are not authorized by the United Nations’ Security Council. China also opposes undue bans or restrictions on normal economic and trade activities between Chinese enterprises and those of other countries.”

Su also stressed that, according to the Foreign Trade Law and other relevant laws and regulations, in order to maintain a fair and free foreign trade order, companies and individuals must not succumb to external coercion or to make improper statements. China will take necessary measures to firmly protect Chinese enterprises’ legitimate rights and interests.

Source: Sputnik, April 14, 2022

Government: Beijing Defends its “Zero-COVID” Strategy

The COVID-19 virus is continuing to spread in China. Since April, 12 local authorities (in provinces, cities, and counties) have imposed lockdowns either of their whole region or within a district. This is in addition to Shanghai, which was locked down in March. Around 373 million people in China are now living under COVID lockdown measures. {1}

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) controlled media recently published several commentary articles to defend the “Zero-COVID” strategy and downplay the humanitarian crisis and the economic impact of both COVID and the lockdowns. The following are comments from the CCP’s media:

  • Xinhua on April 12: A Short-Term “Pain” Will not Shake China’s Economic Fundamentals {2}
  • Xinhua on April 15: A Temporary “Restriction” Is for a Better “Loosening Up” – Understand the Necessity of the “Zero-COVID” Policy by reading the Explanations of Authoritative Experts’  {3}
  • China News Service on April 16: Act Quickly to Control the Quickly-Spreading Virus and Do Not “Lie Flat (Stop Working)”; Life Will Return to Normal In the End {4}

Related postings on Chinascope:

1. China Press, April 16, 2022 ◤全球大流行◢坚持动态清零-中国4月已有12地封控/
2. Xinhua, April 12, 2022
3. Xinhua, April 15, 2022
4. China News Services, April 16, 2022

Government: Office Document Shows Jilin Plans to Impose Lockdown with No Advanced Notice

The Epoch Times reported that an internal government document revealed that the authorities in Jilin Province have decided not to provide notice in advance to all of the residents before locking down a city or a region.

The document referred to the provincial COVID control meeting on April 15, where both the Provincial Party Secretary and Governor attended and spoke. The meeting requested, “After the current lockdown is over, residents should store at least a month-long supply of meat, eggs, and milk and a two weeks-long supply of vegetables. In the future, there won’t be any advanced notice before a lockdown takes place. [The Authorities] will impose a lockdown immediately to avoid close contact [and COVID infections] due to people’s rushing out to buy supplies.”

However, people are questioning if it is realistic for them to store such a big volume of supplies of perishable goods since  they have limited living space and only a small amount of room in their refrigerators.

Related postings on Chinascope:

Source: Epoch Times, April 16, 2022