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Pandemic: E.U. Asked Shanghai Government Not to Separate Parents and Children

On April 2, the Chinese authorities reported a new high COVID count: 13,146 cases (1,455 confirmed infection cases and 11,691 asymptomatic cases). Shanghai had 8,226 cases (438 confirmed infection cases and 7,788 asymptomatic cases). Jilin Province had 4,455 cases (956 confirmed infection cases and 3,499 asymptomatic cases). Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is known for hiding COVID information, the actual infection numbers are unknown.

The CCP sent medical support teams from many provinces, including Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shaanxi, Beijing, Fujian and other provinces, to Shanghai to help. Online videos showed many police from Shandong Province showed up in Shanghai; some Shanghai residents said they were sent to maintain “stability.” In other words, their task was  to put down any protests that the locked- down people initiated. Some protests broke out in residential communities due to the lack of a food supply. Also, a special airplane from Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province flew 120 food delivery people to Shanghai. Their job was to help to pick vegetables and package them for distribution. This indicates that the Shanghai’s food packaging and delivery system is also facing a severe resource shortage.

The French Consulate in Shanghai delivered a letter to the Shanghai government to request that the Shanghai authorities preserve the human rights of the citizens of the European Union who are in Shanghai. A few requests were:

  1. Under no circumstances should the parents and children be separated. They asked this because regarding the Chinese citizens, the  Shanghai authorities have separated the parents from their children.
  2. It is better to set up a special quarantine environment and provide English-speaking workers to the asymptomatic patients or patients with light symptoms.
  3. People who have only been exposed to COVID patients but are not infected should not be sent to centralized quarantine sites. Instead they should be allowed to manage their own health at home. They asked this because the Shanghai authorities gathered many exposed, but not infected, Chinese citizens and put them in centralized quarantine sites.

Related postings on Chinascope:

1. Epoch Times, April 3, 2022
2. Epoch Times, April 2, 2022
3. Radio France International, April 2, 2022中国/20220402-法驻沪总领事馆-不要因防疫将父母和孩子分开

China and the Solomon Islands Deepen their Police and Military Ties

Guancha, a Shanghai based news and commentary aggregation service in China, reported that, recently, the Solomon Islands signed a police assistance treaty with China. and “some people got really worried.”

China’s Embassy in the Solomon Islands reported that, on March 14, China’s police advisory team and the Solomon Islands police held an opening ceremony for a Sino-Solomon Islands Police Training Class. Hon. Anthony Veke, Minister of the Police of the Solomon Islands spoke at the ceremony. He expressed sincere gratitude to China for providing COVID prevention materials, police equipment, and police training. He hoped all trainees will proactively study China’s police knowledge, skills, and tactics, efficiently use China provided equipment, and quickly improve their skills in handling riots and sudden events.

On March 22, the Solomon Islands Ministry of Police website showed that its police in the training had started using the simulated guns that China had provided.

The Guancha article then stated, “Some people got really worried” about the cooperation plan. Both the Australian and New Zealand governments expressed their “concerns” about the impact of the Sino-Solomon Islands military cooperation on the (South Pacific’s) regional security.

Reuters reported that the Solomon Islands government confirmed that it was “diversifying the country’s security partnership including that with China,” and that it would sign off on a number of agreements with Beijing “to further create a secure and safe environment for local and foreign investments.” Reuters later reported on a leaked draft security treaty that would allow China’s armed police and its military to protect Chinese projects that are in the Solomon Islands.

1. Guancha, March 25, 2022
2. Reuter, March 25, 2022
3. Reuter, March 28, 2022

China Held Online Training for Teachers on How to Explain the Russia Ukraine War

Recently schools in Shandong, Shaanxi, Zhejiang, and Heilongjiang provinces held a “Hands-on Online Group Preparation for Teaching” activity. The topic was the “Ukraine Situation.” This event targeted teachers of political education classes. The goal was the implementation of the authorities’ requirement of “precisely grasping China’s principle position and the caliber of the situation in the Russia and Ukraine War.”

Shandong Provincial Department of Education issued a document entitled “Notice on Holding a Group Preparation Activity on the Situation of Russia and Ukraine War.” According to screenshots that a Chinese teacher uploaded to the Internet, the teacher explained to the students in answer to the question, “Why did Russia send troops to Ukraine?” in the following way. First, Ukraine is politically corrupt and economically depleted. It is split among ethnic groups and hates Russia. Second, NATO has expanded eastward five times, reducing Russia’s strategic space to the brink of extinction. The teacher also told students that, “(Ukraine) Nazis killed 14,000 ethnic Russians in Eastern Ukraine” and “the United States is the cause of the tragedy of the Russia and Ukraine War.”

Source: Radio Free Asia, March 28, 2022

Pandemic: Official Lies and Tragedies Associated with COVID

COVID has continued to spread and expand in China. On March 29, Beijing reported 8,825 cases (1,629 confirmed infection cases and 7,196 asymptomatic cases) . Shanghai had 5,982 cases (326 confirmed infection cases and 5,656 asymptomatic cases), or 67.8 percent of total reported cases on that day. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is known for hiding COVID information, so the actual infection count is unknown.

A YouTube channel, focusing on reporting uncensored news in China, reported several information items it received from its Chinese audience:

The Pandemic Situation:

A screenshot showed that a lab conducting COVID testing, after testing a little over half of the testing kits found 4,000 tubes positive (meaning, at least 4,000 people were infected with COVID). There are many other testing labs – indicating the infection number is much higher than the official number.

A person reported doctors stopped coming to a residence community to do COVID tests, since “almost everyone there is COVID positive already.”

A hiring posting showed Shanghai modular hospitals are looking to hire 30 janitors and will pay 1,500 yuan (US $236) per day. This is a relatively high salary since many people make only a few thousand yuan per month.

Officially Declared Rumors:

A citizen posted six COVID rumors that the Shanghai government rebutted in the past:

Authorities declared rumor that “Huating Hotel had a few hundred infected guests.” The truth that authorities didn’t tell people was that “a few thousand people were infected.”

Authorities declared there was a rumor that “a senior team at the Caoyang Residential Community has been group infected.” The truth that the authorities didn’t tell people was that “senior teams on the whole street (with multiple residential communities) have groups that have been infected.”

Authorities declared there was a rumor that “Shanghai is building modular hospitals.” The truth that authorities didn’t tell people was “Shanghai has completed building modular hospitals.”

Authorities declared their was a rumor that “Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Xuhui Campus) reported several hundred cases.” The truth that the authorities didn’t tell people was “Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Minhang Campus) reported several hundred cases.”

Authorities declared there was a rumor that “Pudong reported 8,000 cases.” The truth that authorities didn’t tell people was “Pudong had much more than 8,000 cases.”

Authorities declared there was a rumor that “Shanghai will lock down the city.” The truth that authorities didn’t tell people was “Shanghai will lock down half of the city (Pudong) first and then the other half (Puxi) later.”


A citizen shared two sad stories in his community: A teenage girl was tested positive but the government would not take her to quarantine and instead asked her to home-quarantine. She didn’t want to pass the virus to her parents, so she jumped off the building to kill herself. An elderly person ran out of medicine that he needed to take regularly. The gate guard would not let him get out to buy the medicine. Then the elderly person jumped off from the top of the building.

A woman posted that her father, near 70, was doing business at Jiangqiao Market in Shanghai. After the lockdown, he was driven out of his market’s dormitory and had to sleep under a bridge. He paid for a COVID test but was not given the test results, so he was stuck in Shanghai and couldn’t buy a ticket to leave (he needed proof of a negative COVID test ).

Jilin City, Jilin Province

A citizen was informed that Jilin’s situation was worse than Wuhan City in early 2000. Two deputy majors had been infected.

He was also informed that as early as March 20, the CCP’s Chemical Corps had entered Jilin City. His video showed multiple Chemical Corps’ special vehicles driving through the streets of the city.

Related postings on Chinascope:

1. Epoch Times, March 29, 2022
2. China Government Site, March 30, 2022

Pandemic: Shanghai Started a Half-City Lock-down

China has continued to report that its COVID-19 infection numbers are increasing and are more than they were previously.

On March 27, Beijing reported 6,215 cases (1,129 confirmed infection cases and 4,996 asymptomatic cases). The CCP is known for hiding COVID information, so the actual infection count is unknown.

Shanghai reported 3,500 cases (50 confirmed infection cases and 3,450 asymptomatic cases), accounting for 56 percent of all announced cases in China. The city, with a population of 26 million, announced a lock-down in Pudong of half of the city on the east side of the Hongpu River from March 28 to April 1 and then a lock-down of Puxi, the other half of the city on the west side of the Hongpu River, from April 1 to April 5. April 5 is the day for people to worship their dead family members, but the government announced the cemeteries will be closed to visitors and they will instead offer online grave visits or valet grave visits instead.

Jilin Province reported around 2,000 cases. It is building modular hospitals in its two most infected, cities Changchun and Jilin, as well as a few other cities. The province has built 19 modular hospitals, including eight in Changchun, ten in Jilin, and one in Huichun. Liaoning Province and Fujian Province also started building modular hospitals.

Related postings on Chinascope:

1. Epoch Times, March 28, 2022
2. United Daily News, March 28, 2022

China’s True View between the U.S. and Russia

 On March 19, the day after Biden and Xi Jinping had their conference call on March 18 to discuss China’s position on the Russia-Ukraine War, Liu Xin, a famous news reporter for the Communist Party’s mouth-piece China Global Television Network (CGTN) posted a message on Twitter. The message read, “Can you help me fight your friend so that I can concentrate on fighting you later?” (The “friend” in her tweet is likely to refer to Russia).

The Arms Control Division of China’s Ministry of Diplomacy reposted Liu Xin’s tweet in both English and Chinese on its official Weibo account, “Strategic Security and Arms Control Online,” with three Chinese characters as the comments: “真相了!” (meaning “Truth!”)

1. Twitter, March 19, 2022

2. Weibo, March 19, 2022

The State Department Placed Restrictions on CCP Officials Who Repress Minority Groups, Dissidents, and Human Rights Defenders

iThe U.S. Department of State announced on March 21 that it is taking action against officials of China (the People’s Republic of China, or PRC) for their involvement in repressive acts against members of ethnic and religious minority groups and religious and spiritual practitioners inside and outside of China’s borders, including within the United States.

The statement said, “The United States rejects efforts by the PRC officials to harass, intimidate, surveil, and abduct members of ethnic and religious minority groups, including those who seek safety abroad, and U.S. citizens, who speak out on behalf of this vulnerable population.” It “imposes visa restrictions on PRC officials who are believed to be responsible for, or complicit in, policies or actions aimed at repressing religious and spiritual practitioners, members of ethnic minority groups, dissidents, human rights defenders, journalists, labor organizers, civil society organizers, and peaceful protestors in China and beyond.”

Source: Department of State website, March 21, 2022

Pandemic: 17 Cities in China Locked Down in This Current Pandemic Round

China continued to report much higher COVID-19 infection numbers than it reported previously. By now, 28 provinces (out of the total 30) in China have reported COVID cases in this pandemic round. At least 17 cities imposed lockdowns in their city and Jilin Province locked down the entire province.

For the day of March 22, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) reported 2,591 confirmed infection cases and 2,346 asymptomatic cases, or a total of 4,937 cases. The CCP is known for hiding COVID information, so the actual infection count is unknown.

Shanghai reported 981 cases on March 22, including 4 confirmed infection cases and 977 asymptomatic cases. A posting on the Internet said that Shanghai found 8,000 asymptomatic patients on March 21, on just one day alone and the authorities, to hide the information, is spreading the count over multiple days to report only eight to nine hundred cases each day. The authorities claimed this report was untrue.

Related postings on Chinascope:

1. Epoch Times, March 23, 2022
2. Epoch Times, March 23, 2022