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China’s Economy Still Has Overcapacity Issue

Li Yi, the Minister of Industry and Information Technology, recently commented on the overcapacity issues, referring to industries such as steel, concrete, nonferrous metals, aluminum, coal,  chemicals, and others. Li mentioned that the central government tends to continue proactive fiscal policies and moderately easy monetary policies. On the industrial side, the policies focus on homegrown innovations, small and medium sized businesses, new industries and technological reforms. Expansion in the industries with overcapacity problems will not be supported. These industries will be controlled by (issuing) fewer loans and (allocating) less land.

Source: Global Times, March 12, 2010

Wen Jiabao: China Needs to Enhance Military Power

In his Annual Report on the Government, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao observed that the Chinese military needs overall improvements, centered on the primary goals of the Party and the government. He mentioned some major achievements over the past year, such as the National Day parade and the “stability maintenance” missions in key areas. For the new year, Wen emphasized the core capability of winning a regional war under high-tech conditions, as well as the military’s ideological and political development. He also discussed the need to enhance the capability of the military police to handle emergency events and “maintain social stability.”

Source: Xinhua, March 5, 2010

China News: China to Build Super Computer Domestically

China News, a state owned and internationally oriented Chinese news agency, recently reported on the plan to build a “Thousand Trillion Level” super computer based on the domestically made FT-1500 CPU. The computer, named “Tian He II,” is scheduled to be built in 2011. The “Tian He I” super computer, built in 2009, was No. 5 in the world and No. 1 in Asia. It made China the second country after the U.S. that could build “Thousand Trillion Level” computers. The new project will focus more on high performance multi-core CPUs, secure and versatile CPUs, as well as embedded CPUs.

Source: China News, March 3, 2010

Xinhua: China to Launch Space Aircraft

Xinhua recently reported on China’s plan to launch a new space craft named “Tian Gong I” in 2011. Called the “Object Space Aircraft,” it will eventually be reconstructed into a manned space lab where astronauts can spend short periods of time. The grand plan of Chinese Manned Space Missions is divided into three steps. The first is manned space shuttles, which has already been accomplished. Step two is a space lab, which requires four key technologies. It is on going. Step three is building a space station. The four key technologies required by step two are: (1) a space walk; (2) docking; (3) replenishment of supplies; (4) creation of a life sustaining system.

Source: Xinhua, March 3, 2010

Xinhua: China has enough tools in its toolbox to deal with the United States

Xinhua recently republished an article by a commentator of Phoenix Satellite Television, a pro-government TV station based in Hong Kong. The article suggested that the latest visit to Hong Kong of a U.S. aircraft carrier demonstrated China’s weakness, since the United States hardened its position in the relationship between the two countries. It considered this “proof” of China being a “paper tiger” in the “cyclical game” played by the U.S. The author believes China has enough “tools” in its toolbox to punish the United States when President Obama is taking a tougher position with the recent arms sale to Taiwan and meeting with the Dalai Lama in the White House. The Chinese leadership did not deliver on what it talked about. That seems to be a sign of a lack of “political will.”

Source: Xinhua, February 26, 2010

China Took Up the Matter of the Dalai Lama with CNN

China News, a state owned and internationally oriented Chinese news agency, recently reported the fact that the Chinese Embassy complained to CNN about Larry King’s interview of the Dalai Lama. The Chinese Embassy reiterated its position against the Dalai Lama’s visit to the U.S., as well as against CNN’s interview. The Embassy asked the news network to abide by the U.S. government’s acknowledgement of Tibet being part of China. CNN was also asked not to provide a stage for the Dalai Lama. CNN did not cancel the show as the Chinese Embassy had requested, but a Chinese announcement was presented during the show.

Source: China News, February 28, 2010

Largest Chinese Manmade Modern Canal to Be Constructed

The State Council recently approved the Yangtze to Hanjiang Project, with an investment of RMB 6.2 billion. It is estimated that the construction work will start in March at the earliest. The project is to build a canal between the Yangtze River and the Hanjiang River in Hubei Province. It will be the largest modern canal in China and the largest water resource adjustment facility in the province. The canal will be around 67 kilometers in length and 3.7 billion cubic meters in annual water volume. The central governement will fund the entire project.

Source: Xinhua, February 26, 2010

Guangming: 1.3 Billion Chinese Despise Obama

Recently, many major Chinese websites widely republished an article against Obama. The article was originally published on the official site of Guangming Daily, a Beijing City based national newspaper. The author, Fu Yi, claimed “Nobel Prize winner Obama” finally revealed his “scary pseudo-peace” face. The article mentioned the arms sale to Taiwan, which is “opposed by both sides of the Strait” as well as the “splitter and terrorist” Dalai Lama’s visit to the White House. As the people of a rising world power, the author believes, 1.3 billion Chinese are not “easily threatened” – they all “despise” Obama.

Source: Guangming Daily, February 5, 2010