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Guangdong and Hong Kong Jointly Building New Economic Region

Xinhua recently republished a report by China Securities Journal on an April 7 event in which the governments of Guangdong Province and Hong Kong signed a framework agreement of cooperation. The agreement focuses on improving Hong Kong’s status as an international financial center. It was made clear that the goal is to enhance Hong Kong’s leading position by integrating resources and services provided by Guangdong Province. The two sides agreed to jointly push the tests of cross-border RMB settlements with needed infrastructure. This is one step in exploring the path of the internationalization of the Chinese currency. Other important elements of the agreement are making the region a center for air travel, shipping, cargo distribution and human talent.

Source: Xinhua, April 8, 2010

Writers are not Telling the Truth

Modern Express News, a branch of Xinhua, recently published an article suggesting that today’s Chinese writers “owe this era” a lot because they don’t tell the truth. The article quoted a question by Tie Ning, the Chairman of The Chinese Writers Association, “I search my heart, and ask myself, as a writer, do my writings live up to the expectations of this great and tough era?" She did not explain more. The author of the article believed many writers are suffering from a serious decline of conscience. They write grand works to praise sham. The author concluded that the fact that most writers don’t tell the truth is turning society into one with a “quiet majority,” and critics should be truly respected.

Source: Xinhua, April 2, 2010

The Next U.S. War Target

Xinhua recently republished an article by PLA Life Magazine, authored by popular military commentator, Zhang Zhaozhong, on who will be the next U.S. war target. The article started with the story that the CIA helped Saddam Hussein obtain the ruling power and pushed the war against Iran. Then, after a failed war against Iran, the U.S. tacitly agreed to Saddam’s plan to invade Kuwait as a trap. The Bushes attacked Iraq to sustain control of the region by having a pro-US government. The war in Afghanistan afterwards was to completely remove Russia’s influence and to “put a knife in China’s back.”

The author considers Obama’s peaceful look to be a “political smoke bomb.” The article looked back into U.S. history and concluded that there was no US president that never had a war. Therefore Obama will not be an exception. Zhang predicts the U.S. will not let Iran be the strongest military power in the Middle East.

Source: Xinhua, April 6, 2010

Xinhua Published Five Commentaries on Local Government Land Sales

From March 28 to April 1, Xinhua consecutively published five commentaries against local governments on selling land to increase income. The key points of the commentaries were: (1) land-selling based local finance policies are an overdraft that’s not sustainable; (2) local governments must change the mentality of real estate speculation; (3) the entire government real estate approval process should be transparent to avoid corruption; (4) land monopoly causes vicious competition and pushes land prices up; (5) the high profit and immediate contribution to GDP (which is a major measurement of a government’s performance) discourages local government’s willingness to control housing price.

Source: Xinhua, April 4, 2010

People Video Communications Enters the Mobile TV Market

People Video Communications, under state daily news Renmin, announced the availability of online video services for mobile phones. The Mobile video services include forums, news, laws, movies, TV series,  entertainment, and more. The services contents are based on the People’s Daily newspaper. The 24-hour broadcast platform also serves as an integration point of movie and TV distribution channels, entertainment agents, interactive entertainment and value-added mobile services. The Central Propaganda Department of the Communist Party also sent representatives to the announcement ceremony.

Source: Renmin, April 9, 2010

US-China Party Leadership Talk Took Place

The First US-China Party Leadership Summit took place in Beijing on March 31. Chief of the International Liaison Department of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Wang Jiarui, represented the Chinese side. Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and former Assistant Secretary of State Richard Williamson represented the U.S. Democratic Party and Republican Party, respectively. Wang introduced the Chinese political system and suggested that the US-China relationship should focus on key interests to avoid constant damage by “some events.” The U.S. representatives agreed on the importance of the relationship between the two nations, and explained the functions of parties in U.S. politics and how US parties operate in the States. Williamson believed that parties do have different political views while they all face similar tasks for the prosperity of the nation.

Source: Xinhua, March 31, 2010

China Signs Satellite Agreement with Bolivia

China Great Wall Industry Corporation signed an agreement with the Republic of Bolivia at the Presidential Palace in La Paz. The agreement includes the delivery of a communications satellite and corresponding land systems. The satellite will be based on the Chinese Dong Fang Hong 4 platform. It will be launched 33 months after the contract takes effect. The theoretical life span of the satellite is 15 years. This is the first satellite owned by Bolivia. China entered the international satellite production and launching market in 1990. This is the sixth on-orbit delivery contract.

Source: Xinhua, April 2, 2010

A Great National Problem: False Data

Xinhua recently republished an article by China Youth Daily, discussing the quality of officially published data. The latest report by the Ministry of Land and Resources showed that the average housing cost rose 25.1% last year, while not so long ago the State Statistics Bureau claimed only 1.5% for the same period. Many people don’t even believe the 25% result. The article suggested that “number management” is an important measurement of a modern society. It can have a major impact on decision making. The latest example of a failure on this point is the government of Greece, which based activities on incorrect statistics. The article called for a “responsible attitude” in the Chinese official statistics institutes.

Source: Xinhua, April 2, 2010