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Global Times: Be Vigilant on Traps Set by the U.S. and Tibet Independence Activists

An article posted on the Global Times, a newspaper under the People’s Daily, suggested that the International Broadcasting Bureau (IBB), a U.S. government entity, is funding a secret online project to work with the former North America Representative of the Tibetan Government in Exile.

The article claimed that the mission of the more than $100,000 U.S.-funded project is to: collect intelligence, spread rumors, trigger disturbance and delude Tibetans via the internet. Detailed records are kept in “U.S. required format” and the Tibetan Government in Exile has provided a project location in India .

Source: Global Times, March 28, 2009.

Zimbabwean First Lady Enjoys Immunity in Hong Kong

Although Hong Kong police have enough evidence to bring Zimbabwe’s first lady Grace Mugabe to court, she will not be prosecuted, according to the Hong Kong Department of Justice. Mugabe attacked and hurt British reporter Richard Jones on January 15. According to the Hong Kong Secretary of Justice, the decision was made by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who decided that Mugabe enjoys diplomatic immunity.

Many Hong Kong human rights organizations and Legislative Council members argued that Mugabe was on a tourist trip, not a diplomatic mission, when she conducted the attack. They also expressed deep concerns regarding the Hong Kong government’s inability to stand for human rights while yielding to Beijing’s pressure in support of dictators.

Source: Epoch Times, April 1, 2009.

Six Industries Enjoy Increased Export Tax Rebate Rate

The International Finance News for Chinese state media People’s Daily reported that six industries started to enjoy increased export tax rebate rates on April 1. The six industries are Apparel and Textiles, Light Industry, Electronics and Information, Steel, Nonferrous Metal, and Petrochemical.

This is the second time China has increased export tax rebate rates this year. Export companies welcomed the move in general. However, some suggested that due to the decline of exports they tend to sell more goods to the domestic market. Also, due to the international financial crisis, the rate increase may result in more anti-dumping investigations.

Source: International Finance News/People’s Daily, April 1, 2009.

Xinhua report: “Mutated” Protectionism Attacks “Made In China”

International Herald Leader, under Xinhua News, reported from Beijing that traditional protectionism is no longer the primary weapon against China. Some countries are attacking “Made in China” with “mutated” protectionism.

European and American countries are currently hiding protectionism behind accusations raised by their NGOs. Examples are attacks under the names of “animal protection” and “labor rights”. The Xinhua report concluded that, the goal of this kind of “hidden” protectionism is to reduce imports from China. The report also suggested that Chinese NGOs should fight back by various means.

Source: Xinhua Net, March 31, 2009.

The Chosun Ilbo: Super-Sovereignty Reserve Currency Triggers US-China Currency War

China recently suggested the creation of a “global currency” to replace the US dollar. The US is firmly against the proposal. US President Obama told the press on the March 24 that “the US dollar is extraordinarily strong.” Primary US economic officials retorted on the same day.

Despite US rebuttal, Mr. Zhou Xiaochuan, Governor of the central bank of China, mentioned this “international reserve currency” issue again on March 25. The new members of the G20 are skeptical about the current international currency system.

The article quoted a Russian official announcement on the necessity of a G20 discussion on a new IMF international currency. The British Prime Minister was also quoted on his dismissal of such a discussion.

Source: The Chosun Ilbo, March 26, 2009

US Vigilant of China’s Challenge to US Dollar

Global Times, under Chinese state daily news, Renmin, reported from New York that the United States responded strongly against China’s call for a new international reserve currency to replace US dollar.

The report referred to an AFP article which quoted President Obama as stating that the“US dollar is extraordinarily strong” on March 24.
Earlier, US Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner both agreed that they’ll “unconditionally” refuse the switch to an international currency. The Wall Street Journal reported the story in an article entitled :“China Points the Finger at US Dollar”. The New York Times believes that this demonstrates China’s worry about the safety of its assets in US dollars as well as China’s intent to use this as a playing card in the G20 Summit.

Source: Renmin/Global Times, March 25, 2009

China Preparing Major Move in South China Sea

An article was posted in a popular Chinese discussion forum suggesting that China should rapidly improve naval and air forces to deal with the increasing threats introduced by the countries bordering the South China Sea.

The article emphasized a need for aircraft carriers. It also compared the current naval and air capabilities between China and those of Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Detailed mid-term and long term strategies were laid out.

Source: Teng Xun Forum, March 24, 2009

Xinhua: Foreign Countries Cannot Force China to Drink Coke

After Coca-Cola’s acquisition of Hui Yuan failed the antitrust review by the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, the news quickly gained media attention. The failed acquisition triggered a range comments.

Many Foreign media cited trade protectionism as the cause. Because the case sets the precedent for Chinese Antitrust Law governing a foreign acquisition, Chinese researchers indicated that the reported reactions reflected a worry about future foreign acquisitions. The Wall Street Journal insisted this was a warning to foreign investors.

Foreign media also brought up the potential negative effect on Chinese investments overseas. Chinese experts dismissed this view as they believed the ruling was merely based on protecting healthy competition as they stated that there was no bias against international corporations.

Source: Xinhua News/International Herald Leader, March 23, 2009