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Minister of National Defense: China Can Wipe out Any Enemy within First Island Chain

An article posted by an unnamed author on the forum of the Global Times, under the People’s Daily, discussed some insider knowledge about the North Korea Nuclear Crisis in 2003.

The article claimed that the Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie ordered over 100,000 combat troops to replace the Chinese North Korea border patrol police after obtaining intelligence of a US surgical operation to remove the current North Korean regime. Two more steps were taken: one on the South China front bordering Myanmar and one on the Japanese front by sending a submarine to the Tokyo Bay. Liang later boasted during a visit to the US, "China can wipe out any enemy within First Island Chain."

Source: Global Times Forum, April 16, 2009.

(Chinascope notes: The ultimate source of this article is unclear. Officially, the Chinese Defense Minister does not have the direct authority to move troops.)

China Supports the US “800 Plan” for Chinese Language Education

The China Press, a US based publication sponsored by the Chinese government, reported that the Chinese State Councilor Liu Yandong announced China’s support of the "800 Plan." The plan consists of: a scholarship for 800 people, an invitation to 800 US students to attend a summer camp in China and an invitation to 800 US education professionals to visit China every year.

The report suggested that the demand of learning Chinese is heating up in the States. It helps improve the strategic relationship between the two countries.

Source: The China Press, April 19, 2009.

[Editor’s note: The plan is channeled through the Chinese state-sponsored Confucius Institute, which offers Chinese language courses with messages considered “positive” by the Chinese government.]

China Announced Policy on Administering Private Publishing Companies

Xinhua News republished an Oriental Morning Post article on April 7 regarding the official announcement of the new policy governing the private publishing industry in China. The policy clearly stated that private publishing will be included in the formal planning and administration of China’s overall publishing industry.

Due to the tight control the Chinese government has on the publishing industry, private publishing companies were constantly facing the pressure of a potential violation of government rules. However, while validating the status of the private publishing industry, the new policy also emphasizes the government’s role of "guiding" and "regulating" the behaviors of the private publishing companies.

The new policy is unclear about foreign capital’s role in the private publishing sector. The report stated a belief that the new policy will not heavily impact state-owned publishing companies.

Source: Oriental Morning Post, April 7, 2009.

Xinhua: Canadian Prime Minister Wakes Up on Visit to China after Three Years

The International Herald Leader, a branch of Xinhua News, published an article which reflected China’s state view analyzing Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s intention of his trip to China. The article quoted Globe and Mail to describe Harper’s China policies as “childish”.

The article stated the belief that the Canadian Minister of International Trade Stockwell Day’s recent visit to China signaled an important policy adjustment to seek more trade opportunities with China to survive the current economic crisis. The article mentioned that Harper has consistently criticized China on human rights issues since he was elected.

Source: Xinhua News/International Herald Leader, April 16, 2009.

Xinhua: Weighing International Settlement in Chinese Currency RMB

Outlook Weekly, a magazine by Xinhua News, reported on China’s effort to restructure its international financial strategies. The core strategy is to reduce the dependency on the US dollar. This strategy consists of three aspects: internationalization of RMB, currency and financial cooperation within East Asia and international currency system reform.

The Chinese State Council decided on April 8 that Shanghai and four cities of Guangdong Province will start a trial on international settlement in RMB. Another action taken by the Chinese government was currency exchange with six countries or administrative regions.

Source: Outlook Weekly, April 15, 2009.

Xinhua: Cautious about RMB Internationalization

Outlook Weekly, a magazine by Xinhua News, published an article suggesting that “there is a strongly rising public opinion that the Chinese currency RMB should become an international currency to match China’s world power status.”

The article cautioned that although the world suffered the damage brought by the US Dollar monopoly in recent years, there are still a great deal of risks for RMB internationalization. Risks mentioned in the article are: reduced capability for the central government to control Chinese macro economy, lowered stability of the economy, much heavier international responsibilities.

Source: Outlook Weekly, April 4, 2009.

Chavez Visits China

The President of Venezuela Hugo Chavez arrived in Beijing on April 7 for a three day visit. Upon arrival, he stated that “a new world order is being established”.

The BBC Chinese report indicates that it believes the motive of developing the relationship between Venezuela and China is simple: Venezuela wants to break loose of the trade dependency on oil with the United States, while China wants to expand its oil supply channels.

In addition to the oil trade relationship, the two countries have military and news media relationships.

Source: BBC Chinese, April 7, 2009.

More than Half of Australians against Chinese Acquisition of Australian Mining Industry Assets

BBC Chinese reported from Australia that according to a recent poll, more than half of Australians are against the Chinese acquisition of Australian mining assets. Yet, nearly an equal amount of people polled are for or against keeping close ties with China.

The media played an important role in bringing the heated debate between the ruling party and the opposition to the general public.

“Communist China” was frequently used in reference to China in the report.
Source: BBC Chinese, April 6, 2009.