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China Views U.S. Diplomatic Missions in China as Hostile Forces

An internal document that Epoch Times recently obtained shows that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regards the U.S. and other Western embassies and consulates in China as “hostile forces” “to contain and to block.”

The document that the Foreign Affairs Bureau of Leizhou City, Guangdong Province, issued on April 5, 2018, was titled, The “Working Plan for Guarding against and Combating Hostile Forces’ Infiltration and Destructive Activities in order to Maintain Political Security.”

The plan identifies the focus of “preventing and combating hostile forces” from the U.S. and other Western embassies and consulates in China and lists the details of the methods.

According to the internal documents, the priority is to “prevent the penetration of and destruction by the U.S. and other Western embassies and consulates in China.”

The “objective is to counteract the internalization, personalization, and agency of the U.S. and Western embassies and consulates in China in their infiltration activities and to block them effectively from communicating with key political persons, lawyers, ‘public intellectuals,’ ’rights defenders and specific interest groups,’ and to sever their ties and break their network, in order to compress their penetration space, reduce their penetration energy, and defeat their penetration scheme.”

The Leizhou Foreign Affairs Bureau listed several implementation measures. “Cut off any connections between the U.S. and other Western embassies and consulates in China and with key [Chinese] figures in the country. Strengthen intelligence and early warnings, find out about the infiltration activities of the U.S. and other Western consulates in Guangzhou in a timely manner and use various methods such as reminders, warnings, striking, and other methods to discourage relevant [Chinese] figures from participating in the activities to such an extent that the U.S. and other Western consulates in Guangzhou ‘cannot connect, cannot enter and cannot make things happen.’”

In addition to these measures, the Foreign Affairs Bureau also directed “to establish a database of key personnel of the U.S. and other Western embassies and consulates in China. Use big data to collect background information about activities and the whereabouts of relevant personnel [diplomats].”

Source: Epoch Times, October 16, 2020

People’s Daily: U.S. Presidential Debate Should Not Discuss China

Hours before the September 29, 2020, presidential debate, People’s Daily, the official newspaper of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), published a commentary titled, “The U.S. Election Should not Manipulate the ‘China issue’ as in a Spectacle.”


The author of the commentary was Zhongsheng, a homophonic abbreviation of the “Voice of China” which is generally viewed as representing the opinion of the CCP leadership on international issues.


The commentary stated, “It must be emphasized that the U.S. election is an internal affair of the United States. China is not interested in it and has never interfered with it. Distractions and shifting conflicts cannot resolve the problems that the United States faces. The biggest ‘enemy’ of the United States is itself.”


The commentary further stated, “As an independent country, China has the right to safeguard its sovereignty, security, and development interests. It will not sacrifice its principles to cooperate with the U.S. election game. Some U.S. politicians should immediately stop playing tricks that drag China into American domestic politics.”


Source: People’s Daily, September 29, 2020

CCP: Xi Jinping’s Latest Speech: Five Musts and Five Never Agrees

On September 3, 2020, CCP General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered a speech at an event held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. The purpose was to commemorate the end of World War II, 75 years ago. The Chinese Communist Party News reported on it under the headline “Xi Jinping’s Latest Speech Lights up the Road Forward.”

In his speech, Xi talked about five “musts” and five “never agrees.”

The five “musts” are:

  • “To achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we must uphold the leadership of the Communist Party of China.”
  • “To achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we must adhere to the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.”
  • “To achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we must insist on putting the people at the center.”
  • “To achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we must persist in the spirit of struggle.”
  • “To achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we must unswervingly follow the path of peaceful development.”

The five “never agrees” are:

  • “The Chinese people will never accept any attempt by anyone or any force to alter the history of the Chinese Communist Party and vilify the nature and purpose of the Chinese Communist Party!”
  • “The Chinese people will never accept any attempt by anyone or any force to distort and change the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, or to deny or vilify the great achievements of the Chinese people in building socialism!”
  • “The Chinese people will never accept any attempt by anyone or any force to split the Communist Party of China from the Chinese people and have them oppose each other!”
  • “The Chinese people will never accept any attempt by anyone or any force to impose their will on China through bullying, to change the direction of China’s progress, and obstruct the efforts of the Chinese people to create their own beautiful life!”
  • “The Chinese people will never accept any attempt by anyone or any force to undermine the peaceful life and development rights of the Chinese people, undermine the exchanges and cooperation between the Chinese people and the people of other countries, or undermine the noble cause of human peace and development!”

Source: Chinese Communist Party News, September 4, 2020.


The CCP Inspects the Entire Internet for Xinjiang Information More than 1 Million Times Per Day

Recently, Epoch Times obtained a document that the Chinese Communist Party’s local branch at the Public Opinion Center of Xinjiang Cyberspace Affairs Office (the Public Opinion Center) issued on June 20, 2019.

According to the document, the Public Opinion Center currently monitors and inspects Xinjiang-related information on the entire Internet at all times, by all means, and through all platforms, with an average of more than 1 million inspections per day.

From its establishment in 2014 to June 2019, the Public Opinion Center “reported and investigated” (i.e., referred for investigations and penalties) a total of more than 1.07 million pieces of information related to the “CCP, government, military, violence, terrorism, and religious extremism.” It shut down over 4,800 websites, canceled over 4,440 new media accounts, and suspended over 760 websites. It interrogated over 690 persons in charge of the websites and investigated over 63,000 netizens.

The document stated that the Public Opinion Center focuses on the Internet postings about the “China threat theory,” the “China penetration theory,” the “Chinese hegemony theory,” and “strictly investigates officials who violate discipline and the law and engage in internal fighting.” The Public Opinion Center monitored and censored over 150,000 pieces of political information, including 145,000 pieces of information outside Xinjiang and over 5,000 pieces of information inside Xinjiang. The CCP Central Government’s Cyberspace Affairs Office repeatedly commended the Public Opinion Center of the Xinjiang Cyberspace Affairs Office.

The Xinjiang Cyberspace Affairs Office keeps an eye on more than 2,300 Xinjiang-related key people and key accounts.

To control the dissemination of videos, over 500,000 videos have been censored, information transmission has been blocked more than 6.3 million times, and 40,281 information samples have been blocked and filtered.

For example, the document stated that in May 2017, the CCP Central Committee and the Xinjiang autonomous region worked together to “purify the public opinion environment.” The Public Opinion Center directed the cyber information offices of all prefectures and cities across Xinjiang to dispose of more than 200,000 pieces of negative information.

To join the Public Opinion Center, one must pass a strict “political” background check, and must also be in good health to be able to monitor online 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and 365 days a year. As for language skills, people working at the Public Opinion Center are proficient in Uighur, Kazakh, English, Russian, Uzbek, Arabic, and other languages.

Source: Epoch Times, August 30, 2020

China State Media Says Military Exercise over Taiwan not Impossible

On August 18, 2020, the Chinese Communist Party mouthpiece China Central TV reported that, at the end of U.S. Secretary of Health Azar’s visit to Taiwan, the Eastern Theater District of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) announced that it had organized actual combat exercises in the Taiwan Strait and on the northern and southern sides of the Taiwan Strait and made it clear that it was a necessary action for the current security situation across the Taiwan Strait and the maintenance of national sovereignty.

The state media claimed that, as a result of the China military “showing its muscles,” the United States immediately announced the withdrawal of the USS Ronald Reagan from the East China Sea.

“Today it is an exercise in the Taiwan Strait and on the north/south sides of the Strait. Tomorrow it is not impossible to carry out a large exercise around Taiwan Island or even an exercise over the Taiwan Island. The strength, confidence, and determination of the People’s Liberation Army will determine that once the ‘reunification by force’ is triggered. ‘The first battle’ will be the ‘final battle.’”

Source: The Paper Times, August 18, 2020

China’s Public Security Controls its Health Code Data

Recently, Epoch Times has obtained several internal Chinese Communist Party documents showing that, in the CCP virus pandemic, China’s Ministry of Public Security controls the digital QR code or “health code” data people provide through WeChat. There are concerns about people’s privacy and their personal information. Such data includes those foreigners who visit China by flying there on Chinese airlines.

At present, people in mainland China must scan and register their local “health code” when entering major shopping malls, hospitals, and other public places. The “health code” is a QR code that mainland Chinese generally apply for through Tencent’s WeChat or Alibaba’s Alipay. The “health code” has three colors, green, yellow, or red, which indicates the person’s health status. A green code enables its holder to move about unrestricted. Someone with a yellow code will be asked to stay home for seven days. The red code means a two-week quarantine.

Epoch Times has obtained government pandemic control documents from the Baoding City, Hebei Province; Anxin County, Hebei Province; and Heilongjiang Province Health Commissions. These documents raise concerns about privacy and the security of personal data.

These documents show that WeChat is used for the designated application for the “Health Code” in Hebei Province. China’s Ministry of Public Security and its local departments control WeChat’s “Health Code” data. The government document obtained for Anxin County states that, while the local Pandemic Prevention and Control Team is responsible for organizing and coordinating related work and work promotion, the Public Security Bureau is responsible for big data analysis, mining, and the in-depth application of the “health code.”

Heilongjiang Province launched the international version on March 17. This version requires users to enter data through the WeChat program, and then tie the health code that is given to the mobile phone number which performs real-name authentication. Tencent stated that “the international version brings foreigners into the unified health management system.” The Heilongjiang Provincial Health Commission’s document issued on March 23 reveals that when using the health code system, it is necessary to communicate actively with the Heilongjiang Provincial Public Security Department and Tencent.

The state media China News Weekly reported on April 27, 2020, that, according to a Hangzhou City Health Code official, “The moment you open the health code, the big data in the background has undergone countless calculations and comparisons.”

Source: Epoch Times, August 13, 2020

Major Chinese Banks Conduct Internal Testing of Digital Currency App

The 21st Century Business Herald reported that China is conducting large-scale internal testing of a digital wallet application at four major state-run commercial banks: the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, the Bank of Agriculture, the Bank of China, and China Construction Bank.

Banking sources said that, in early August, employees at these banks in Shenzhen started internally testing the app to transfer money and make payments.  Other banking sources said that tests involve payments of CCP membership dues, union fees, and other expenses. Tests are being conducted at their institutions. While tests are primarily conducted in Shenzhen, the app is not available for public download.

To register the app, one needs to open a digital wallet in the four major banks. The digital wallets are linked to the individual’s bank accounts and one can recharge funds into the wallet using online banking or credit cards.

On August 3, 2020, the central bank, the People’s Bank of China (PBOC), said the country should actively and steadily promote the development of a state digital currency. PBOC has led the development of the digital currency in an effort to promote the RMB as an international currency and to reduce dependence on the U.S. dollar. The digital currency is still in the internal R&D and testing stage under high confidentiality.  There is little information about a launch timetable.

Source:, August 5, 2020


U.S. Embassy in Beijing Offers Reward for Information on Interference in U.S. Elections

On August 5, 2020, the U.S. Embassy in Beijing posted a media notice on its websites in both Chinese and English.

The Chinese media notice mentioned the U.S. Department of State’s Rewards for Justice (RFJ) program, which the Diplomatic Security Service administers. It is offering a reward of up to $10 million for information leading to the identification or location of any person who works with or for a foreign government who uses certain illegal cyber activities for the purpose of interfering with U.S. elections.

The Chinese media notice provides a link to the English media notice which contains more details.

U.S. Embassy in Beijing, August 5, 2020;