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China Military Emergency Forces Approach 100,000

On October 12, Liu Junjun, an official from the China Ministry of Defense, remarked that the Chinese military established an emergency system, which consists of 50,000 people with national emergency response expertise and 45,000 with provincial emergency response expertise.  

His remarks were made during the second ASEAN Plus Three forum on non-traditional security threats.  

Liu identified special military task forces for flood disasters, earthquakes, nuclear biotech attacks, emergency airlifting, coastal searches, etc., totaling 50,000 national and 45,000 provincial personnel. Over 20 defense officials and military officers from ASEAN, China, Japan, and Korea attended the forum.

Source: Xinhua, October 12, 2010

Over 100 Million Chinese Are Mentally Ill

According to People’s Daily, one out of every 13 Chinese (for a total of over 100 million people) suffers from mental illness. Less than 20% of them have received professional psychiatric treatment.  

Based on its residential population, Shanghai has increased special funds for mental patients to 3 yuan per person per year, while in Beijing it is less than 1 yuan.

Source: People’s Daily, October 10, 2010

China to Launch Satellite Shi Jian-6

An official from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center stated on October 5 that the center will launch two satellites to explore the environment in outer space as part of the Shi Jian-6 Group 4 mission. “Currently, rockets and satellites are in good condition, and all the preparatory work is progressing smoothly.”

Source: Xinhua, October 5, 2010

Wen Jiabao: China-Europe Relationship Has Reached Unprecedented Breadth and Depth

October 3, 2010, Wen Jiabao spoke to the Greek Parliament during his visit to Greece. Wen stated that the China-Europe relationship has reached unprecedented breadth and depth. “China and Europe are in different stages of development and strongly complement each other economically. There is no fundamental conflict of interest. Both are pursuing multilateralism, and both stand for maintaining the diversity of world civilization. …”

Source: Xinhua, October 3, 2010

China to Loan $56 Million to Africa for Telecom Projects

The Export-Import Bank of China has signed a $56.4 million loan agreement with the African Export-Import Bank. The loan will be used to finance Zhong Xing Telecommunication Equipment Co., Ltd. (ZTE) so that it can export telecommunication equipment to Africa for projects in Zimbabwe and Burundi, said Xinhua, citing the African bank’s president, Jean-Louis Ekra.

According to officials from the Export-Import Bank of China, the African Export-Import Bank held its 85th Board meeting in Beijing, the first board meeting outside the African member countries. It was meant to promote across the board development of the China-Africa partnership.

ZTE was established in 1985 by a group of state-owned enterprises associated with China’s Ministry of Aerospace. It is publicly traded in Shenzhen and Hong Kong.

Source: Xinhua, September 28, 2010.

China-Russia Joint Statement on Deepening Coordination

On September 27, 2010, China’s President Hu Jintao and Russia’s President Dmitry Medvedev signed a joint statement to "deepen their strategic coordination partnership.” Both sides agreed that mutual support on core interests of state sovereignty and territory claims is an important component of China-Russian strategic cooperation.

Russia reaffirmed its support for China’s positions on Taiwan, Tibet and East Turkistan, while China affirmed its support for Russia’s effort to stabilize the Caucasus and Commonwealth of Independent States. They also agreed to jointly work on anti-terrorism issues more frequently and hold regular working sessions. The joint statement was affirmed in a statement of the importance and efficiency of the Chinese-Russia energy negotiation mechanism. Both sides agreed “to hold the same position on maintaining the Shanghai Cooperation Organization region, as well as peace and stability in Central Asia.”

Source: Xinhua, September 28, 2010

Politburo Met on Social Conflicts

The Communist Party held its twenty-third Politburo group study on September 29, 2010, to discuss how to resolve social conflicts. At the group study, Hu Jintao urged having a deep commitment to resolving social conflict, thereby creating a favorable environment for economic development.

“We must further our understanding of the importance and urgency of properly handling situations of conflict among the people, and must, to the maximum extent, focus on stimulating social creativity, and on increasing harmonious and reducing disharmonious elements, to more proactively handle these conflicts, so as to promote scientific development and social harmony,”

Source: Xinhua, September 29, 2010

People’s Daily on China’s Strategy for Intellectuals

At the beginning of September 2010, People’s Daily published a series of articles on “China’s Strategy for Intellectuals.” On September 18, 2010, People’s Daily and the Research Center of “Three Represents,” which is attached to Remin University of China, co-sponsored a forum called “Revival of Great Power – Strategy for Intellectuals” to discuss the concept, values, features and standards of a “strategy for intellectuals.” Over 60 individuals attended the forum, including representatives of the History Research Center of the Party, the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, the China National School of Administration, the State Council Research Office and other State’s departments, as well as representatives of State media.

Source: People’s Daily, September 20, 2010