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Beijing Lawyers Association Denies License Renewal to Rights Lawyers

A number of rights lawyers in Beijing have been denied renewed law licenses during the annual license review conducted by the Beijing Lawyers Association. The rights lawyers stated that the charter of the Beijing Lawyers Association only provides for regular reviews, not annual reviews, and that if the Beijing Lawyers Association continues acting outside its charter, the rights lawyers will move for removal of its leadership. Staff from the Beijing Lawyers Association stated that the Beijing Bureau of Justice had authorized them to conduct annual reviews.

Source: Voice of America, June 17, 2009

China’s Regime to Ensure the Absolute Security of Its National Day Celebrations

Over three thousands representatives of the national security forces met in Beijing on June 23, marking the launch of the security work for the 60th anniversary of China’s National Day on October 1, 2009. "Beijing Public Security is the main security force and has heavy responsibilities," said Wang Anshun, Director of Beijing Public Security Bureau. “We shall take security as our most important number 1 political task, the priority overrides everything else. We will do our utmost to prevent major political incidents, violent and terrorist incidents, and major mass incidents during the National Day period to ensure the absolute security of the National Day celebrations.”

June 23, 2009 was the 100-day countdown to the 60th anniversary of the the Communist regime’s takeover of China.

Source: China News, June 23, 2009

China Faces Frequent Leaks of Classified Information

China will increase its classified information system’s security measures, said Xia Yong, head of the National Administration for the Protection of State Secrets (NAPSS), in order to deal with “the grim situation.” The classified information system will provide technical protection to information according to the level of confidentiality of top secret, secret and confidential. The system has set forth tight security rules that must be enforced in the classified information system.

Source: Xinhua, June 22, 2009

Xinhua: U.S. Interferes with Tibet through Intelligence, Human Rights and Funding

Intelligence, human rights and economic aid are the three tactics that the U.S. uses to interfere with Tibetan affairs, stated the International Herald Leader under Xinhua on June 15, 2009. On June 10, the U.S. Congress passed House Resolution 2410 authorizing the Secretary of State to establish a Tibet Section within the United States Embassy in Beijing to follow political, economic, and social developments in Tibet. In response, Xinhua has since published a series of articles to express opposition.

The June 15 article cites U.S. military support for the Dalai Lama in terms of telecommunications, munitions and training of Tibetan rebels. The article accuses the U.S. Department of State of smearing China in its report, alleging the Chinese government infringes upon Tibet’s democracy and freedom by force. The economic aid that the U.S. provides has included annual direct funding of $2 million to Tibetan exiles since 2002 and another $300,000 from the CIA to the Dalai Lama’s government in exile.

Source: Xinhua, June 15, 2009;

South Korean Military Networks Attacked 95,000 Times This Year

The Global Times under Xinhua reported that a South Korean Defense Security Command release stated that military computer networks had been attacked over 95,000 times this year, a 20% increase over the same period last year. The attacks fell into the following categories: Hacking 10,450 times, spreading a virus 81,700 times, denial of service attacks 950 times, and web page tampering 1,900 times. The South Korean Defense Security Command indicated that the analysis showed that 89% of the attacks were directed at the servers and homepage of military websites and 11% were attempts to steal military intelligence, thus posing a serious threat. South Korean Yonhap News reported that most attacks originated from China and North Korea. Government defense think tanks believe that South Korea’s "Chinese hacker" speculation is a replica or another version of the "China threat theory," reflecting a "cold war mentality."

Source: Global Times, June 16, 2009

China Concludes $4.7 billion Oil Deal with Iran

The International Herald Leader under Xinhua reported an Iranian government release that China National Petroleum Corp. (CNPC) and Iran had signed a $4.7 billion dollar contract on June 3 for the upstream development of phase 11 of the South Pars natural gas field. “The aim in implementing the project will be to produce 50 million cubic meters a day of natural gas and other products.” The implementation will begin in three months. Xinhua states that the agreement with CNPC was in response to the French oil company Total’s delays in finalizing negotiations. “Deputy Oil Minister for Production Affairs Seyfollah Jashnsaz expressed that the concluding the agreement fully demonstrates that the sanctions the West has imposed on the Iranian oil and gas industry has failed and has no effect.”

Source: Xinhua, June 8, 2009;
See also Islamic Republic News Agency at

China to Raise Export Tax Rebates for the Seventh Time Since August 2008

The Chinese Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation announced that, effective June 1, 2009 export tax rebates will be raised for processed farm products, machinery, shoes, glassware, iron and steel products, covering more than 2,600 items. It is the seventh time since August 2008 that China has raised export tax rebates to shore up its exports.

Source: The Central People’s Government of the People’s Republic of China, June 8, 2009

Study Times: Regionalizing RMB will Promote Asian Economies

On June 1, 2009 the Study Times wrote that China should push Reminbi regionalization starting from border trade settlements and direct investment in neighboring countries. Study Times is the journal of the School of the CCPC. The article believes that this step is the key to Asian economy. In doing so, “China should leverage the existing bilateral currency settlement agreements with Korea, Hong Kong and Malaysia to further deepen and expand RMB cooperation in the region. Moreover, China should take advantage of financial markets in Hong Kong in engaging in RMB offshore business, thus making Hong Kong the hub for distribution of RMB to neighboring countries.”

Source: Study Times, June 1, 2009