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Large Number of Absentees at Annual Political Consultative Conference

As of March 11, members who did not show up at the annual China People’s Political Consultative Conference reached 301, Nanfang Dushi newspaper reports. China started its annual parliamentary sessions, the National People’s Congress (NPC) and its advisory auxiliary, Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), on March 5 and March 3, respectively. 252 out of 2,235 CPPCC members were absent for the second session. 84 of them did not obtain prior approval for the absence. 301 were absent for the third session. 103 of them did not get permission for the leave. Most absentees are Hong Kong members, followed by artists and athletes.  Nanfang Dushi comments that such a large number of members who did not care to show up is unprecedented in the 60 year history of  the CPPCC.

Source: Epoch Times, March 12, 2009

Former Chinese Intelligence Officer Denounces Communist Party

Mr. Li Fengzhi, a former intelligence officer of China State Security Ministry, stepped forward and denounced the Communist Party, Epoch Times reports on March 11 2009. While in China, his responsibilities were to collect and analyze economic and political intelligence. Several years ago Li gave up his career and moved to the United States for freedom. He has since been harassed and threatened by Chinese State agents. He hopes his decision will encourage his former colleagues to be true to themselves and break away from the Communist Party.

Source: Epoch Times, March 11, 2009

China Expanding its Influence Through Confucius Institutes

China is expanding its influence through Confucius Institutes, says Deputy Minister of Education according to a government portal under the State Council. Currently there are 256 Confucius Institutes in 81 countries. Over 100 countries have applied with the Chinese government. These establishments are primarily funded by oveasea partners while both Chinese government and overseas partner share the management. These institutes have been used to further the Chinese government policy on oversea Chinese and encourage their patriotism toward China. Confucius Intstitues are headquartered in Beijing under the Office of Chinese Language Council International of the State. It goal is to establish 500 Confucius Institites by 2010.

Source: China Internet Information Center, March 12, 2009

Rights Lawyer Gao’s Family Arrived in the US as UN Refugees

Wife and two children of prominent rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng arrived in the United States 11 March 2009 from Thailand where they were granted UN refugee status, says Radio Free Asia. The family left Beijing Jan 9 and traveled nonstop together with friends. They group successfully eluded police and arrived Thailand on Jan 16. They fled China because of the long-term government harassment and surveillance that makes it impossible for a normal life. Their 16-year-old daughter has attempted suicide. Lawyer Gao Zhizheng, a Christian, has openly criticized the Chinese regime for its persecution of Falun Gong. As a result he was imprisoned and tortured. His wife believed that the Chinese authorities arrested him again as of Feb 4, 2009. 

Source: Epoch Times, March 12 and 13, 2009

State Media: China Needs More Hawks to Safeguard National Interest

Without more hawks, there is no protection of Chinese national interest, warns an article of Global Times, a newspaper under the State media People’s Daily that focuses on international news. The Global Times article advocates for tough stance against the West and Japan as China is increasingly involved in international conflicts. The article cites examples of Wu Yi, former Deputy Minister of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade, Sha Zukang, the United Nations Under-Secretary-General and former Chinese Ambassador in Washington, Li Zhaoxing.  Chinese Navy admirals were quoted in the article to say that with the People’s Liberation Army, other countries have no chance in the South Chinese Sea.

Source: Global Times, reprinted by Qiaobao (a Chinese Government sponsored newspaper in the United States)

Chinese Navy: Pentagon Making up Story about USNS Impeccable

Chinese Navy top officials stated that U.S. stories about Impeccable were untrue. Deputy Political Commissar of Chinese Navy, Wu Huayang, stated that Pentagon’s statements about Chinese vessels harassing USNS Impeccable were totally U.S. speculations. “There were no confrontations or conflicts between China and U.S. ships,” Wu was quoted by Global International Leader under Xinhua. Chinese Navy Deputy Chief of Staff, Zhang Deshun, stated that USNS Impeccable was in the economic zone of the Chinese continental shelf and was engaging in ocean surveillance with military purposes. The U.S. Pentagon said on March 9 that Chinese ships dangerously trailed and followed the U.S. surveillance ship and harrassed the U.S. crew on board USNS Impeccable on March 8 in the South China Sea .

Source: China News, March 10, 2009

Study Times: Obstacles to Military Transformation

Attachment to old munitions, vested interest groups and rigid ideology are the three obstacles to military transformation, says Study Times, the newspaper of the School of Central Committee of Chinese Communist Party. “We should be on alert and eliminate any attachment to old mechanical munitions that may block the transformation.” The article attributes the failure of the transformation efforts of Nikolay Ogarkov (Russian Military Officer) to vested interest groups in Russia who would see their positions and interest impaired as a result of changes. Finally, “the outcome will have been already determined even before the war starts between an army guided by rigid ideology and an army guided by new innovative ideology.”

Source: Study Times, March 2, 2009

Police Arrested Christians in Henan House Church Raid

18 Chinese Christians were arrested on March 1, 2009 at Zhaojiazhuang, Nanyang, Henan Province, Radio Free Asia reports. They were arrested during the Sunday service. 16 of them were released the next day after paying a fine. 2 were detained for 15 days for committing the crime of “illegal religious activity.” On February 11, about 50 Chinese Christians were arrested at a home in Nanyang, Henan Province. 98 policemen raided the house of Mr. Chen, a Christian. They searched and ransacked the house, and arrested all Christians at the gathering.

Source: Radio Free Asia, March 5, 2009