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Intensive Training for Top Public Security Officials Linked to Upcoming Social Unrests

About 3,080 county public security bureau directors will go through a 10 day intensive training in Beijing in the next 6 months, a first in Chinese history, said China Public Security Ministry official. Starting from Feb 28, these public security officials will be in class in 7 separate groups. The first group has 425 Directors. The instructors at the training sessions in Beijing include Vice Minister of Public Security and other top Party officials. The top public security bureau directors expressed in class discussions that their biggest headache is social unrests. 2009 will be a high season for social unrests, according to Xinhua.

Xinhua, February 27, 2009
Nanfang Daily, February 26, 2009

Police Shot Tibetan Monk Who had set Himself on Fire

Chinese police at Aba prefecture in Sichuan Province shot a 24-year-old Tibetan monk after he set himself on fire at a market, just after Losar, the Tibetan New Year. Earlier he and his fellow monks were refused entry to the main prayer hall at the Kirti Monastery in Aba. The Chinese authorities had forbidden observation of Monlam, a traditional prayer festival held after Losar. The monk was shot three times and was taken away by police after he fell.

Source: Epoch Times, March 2, 2009

50 Million Quit Chinese Communist Party and Affiliates

As of February 26, over 50.4 million Chinese have renounced their affiliations with Chinese Communist Party at a web site of Epoch Times. Since the November 2004 release of an editorial series Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party by The Epoch Times, Quit the Party has become the biggest push ever for freedom in China. There have been numerous news reports that the Beijing authorities have arrested, tortured and killed people for distributing and possession of the editorial series. According to Epoch Times, these withdrawals run deep into the heart of the Party as its upper echelon including diplomats, general Party secretaries and other high-ranking officials are among those who publicly sever their ties with the Party.

Source: Epoch Times

Police Helicopters to Patrol in Beijing

The first four police helicopters will be patrolling above Beijing and will play a major role in cracking down social unrests, according Beijing police authorities on February 26, 2009. “During social emergencies, the police helicopters will work with ground police to track, search and arrest the targets.”

The police helicopter team consists of forty-three pilots. 86% of them are air force servicemen. It is the largest and best-equipped police helicopter team and will fly monthly schedules, three days a week, between 4 to 8 flights. In times of social emergencies, helicopters will take off within 30 minutes of the order. The helicopters were imported from Italy, models AW139 and AW109.

Source: China National Defense Information, February 27, 2009

Chinese RMB Becoming Hard Currency?

Chinese currency is quickly being adopted as settlement currency, claimed International Herald Leader under Xinhua on February 16, 2009. Since Dec 2008, China has entered into agreements with eight of its neighboring countries including Vietnam, Myanmar, Russia, Mongolia and South Korea to use Chinese RMB as settlement currency. On Feb 8, 209, China entered into a currency exchange agreement with Indonesia worth 80 billion yuan which allows Indonesians to borrow RMB at banks in Indonesia. China views the international financial crisis an opportunity to “internationalize” its currency to make further inroads into the international economies.

Source: Xinhua, February 16, 2009

Xinhua Downplays Criminal Charges Against Chinese Woman for Illegal Export

Xinhua comments on the recent criminal charges in the U.S. against a Chinese woman in Maryland. She was charged with exporting miniature controls for small, unmanned aircraft to China. Xinhua article stated that the alleged dual use aircraft has not yet been put to use by military thus it is far fetched to charge her for assisting Chinese military. Further, Xinhua stated that the case might be viewed as racial discrimination since Mr. Hansen, who played a more active role in the export and works at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, has not yet been charged in the case. “In fact, spy cases related to China are common in the U.S., most of which have acquitted defendants,” said Xinhua.

Source: Xinhua, February 19, 2009

State Public Relations: Transition from the Defensive to the Offensive

Starting from the Olympics in 2008 China has moved to the offensive in its public relations, wrote a government think tank, the Institute of Public Communications of the Remin University of China. From SARS in 2003 to Tibetan violent crackdown in March 2008, China was passive in public relations during crises. However, the Olympics in August 2008 served as a turning point when China changed to the offensive. In subsequent crises such as toxic milk powder and current international financial crisis, China was more proactive and quickly controlled the situation. The article recommends three PR weapons available to the State: media, visits and speeches by overseas leaders, and statements by Chinese celebrities such as Yao Min (athlete), Zhang Ziyu (actress), Jackie Chan (actor) and Jet Li (actor).

Source: Xinhua, February 3, 2009

Study Times: China To Internationalize Its Currency

China should take advantage of international financial crisis and push to “internationalize” the Chinese Renminbi, says Study Times, journal of the School of the CCPC February 16, 2009. The article takes note of recent State Counsel decisions on using RMB in settling commercial transactions with Hong Kong. The current international crisis has lowered the net worth in the U.S. dollar and the esteem the international communities has held for the U.S. dollar. The article recommends expanding pilot programs to use RMD as settlement currency.

Source: Study Times, February 16, 2009