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Agriculture Official on Privatization of Land

Privatization of land will not solve China’s problems, said Huang, an Agriculture official, at a press event on November 4, 2008.  Huang stated that China agriculture sector cannot compete with that of the United States because of low land per capita (1.38 mu per person) and its small scale of economy.  The right way, according to Huang, is to increase the efficiency of land use and the scale of economy through transfer of  land use right. 
Source: Xinhua, November 7, 2008

China Exports Slows Down

Chinese Customs authorities released export statistics for the first three quarters of 2008 showing an 11.8% net growth of export, totaling $1,074 billion.  It is a reduction of 8.1 percentage point comparing to the same period last year. The reduction was mostly caused by the decrease in the traditional and bulk products. A China Customs official warned that China cannot ignore the impact on its import and export trade of the U.S. financial crisis.

Source: Xinhua, November 6, 2008

China to Produce and Distribute U.S. Aircraft Liberty XL2

Xinhua reported on November 6, 2008 that Henan Anyang Eagle, an aircraft technology company, will join hands with U.S. Liberty Aerospace of Melbourne, Florida to produce and distribute in China the Liberty XL2.  It is a two-seat, low-wing, general aviation aircraft manufactured by Liberty Aerospace for the personal transportation, touring and flight training roles.

Source: Xinhua, November 6, 2008

Xinhua: Obama Needs China

Xinhua noted in a November 6 article that during the 30 some years since the establishment of diplomatic relationship between China and the United States, no U.S. election was like the 2008 election – China policy was basically excluded from the election debates. “Obama needs China’s cooperation in his foreign policy and U.S. economic recovery. The United States will contract in its foreign strategy in the next 4 years, except that as a Democratic tradition, it will make some noises on human rights and pressure China on Tibet issues.”

Source: Xinhua, November 6, 2008

China Fears Jobless Rate Hike

Minister of Human Resources and Social Security alerts local authorities to “closely monitor the impact of changing economy that may have on employment.” His directive was made during his visit to Guangdong, one of the fastest growing regions in China. According to Shenzhen job market statistics, the number of employers hiring started to decrease in the 2nd quarter 2008. It was down 30% in 3rd quarter comparing to the 2nd quarter. On the other hand, job seeker increased close to 40 percent in the past 4 months.

Earlier release from National Development and Reform Commission shows that over 67,000 enterprises of small and medium sizes closed down in the first 6 months of 2008.

Source: China Federation of Trade Unions, November 6, 2008
Xinhua, September 8, 2008

Falun Gong Practitioner Sentenced in Shanghai for Distributing Internet Materials

Ms. Liu Jing, a Falun Gong practitioner, was sentenced to three and half year imprisonment on November 3, 2008. Ms. Liu was arrested November 2007 for downloading from the Internet and distributing Falun Gong materials. In March 2008 she was charged of undermining the implementation of the laws and administrative rules and regulations of the State under Article 300 of the Criminal Law. During the November 3 trial at the People’s Court, Fangxian District, Shanghai, her attorney Mo Shaoping presented oral argument stating Ms. Liu was not guilty as charged and that her actions were protected by freedom of speech and freedom of religion under the Chinese Constitution.

Source: The Epoch Times, November 3, 2008

Large Migrant Population in Shanghai Poses Problems for One-Child Policy

Close to half of Shanghai population are migrants according to the release of the National Population and Family Planning Commission of China on October 30.   Shanghai has a population of approximately 18.6 million.  8.6 million of it are migrants.  70% of these migrants are from adjacent provinces of Anhui, Jiangsu, Sichuan, Zhenjiang and Jiangxi.  This large migrant population in Shanghai has been the priority and problem area for the National Population and Family Planning Commission of China to ensure compliance of one-child policy.

Source: Xinhua, October 30, 2008

More High-Ranking Officials Under Disciplinary Investigation for Corruption

Lu Guoping, Chief of Staff of China Ministry of Land and Resources has been under disciplinary investigation for corruption, Xinhua reported. Apparently he was removed from his position because Xinhua used “former Chief of Staff” to identify his position. Lu made his last appearance on October 12 as Chief of Staff at an official function.

Source: Xinhua, October 31, 2008