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Public Petition for Special Pardon of Yang Jia

As of October 23, over 1,200 people petitioned for Special pardon of Yang Jia. Yang Jia, a young man in his twenties, was sentenced to death on September 1 2008 by Shanghai No.2 Intermediate People’s Court, after a closed trial, for killing 6 policemen in Shanghai. On October 20, the Shanghai Higher People’s Court turned down his appeal. The petition initiated by 44 in China on October 21 calls for abolishment of death penalty and cited unfair treatment of Yang while in government custody and during the trial.

Source: Chinese Human Rights Defenders, October 23, 2008

Patent Applications Bring Little Economic Returns

Patent applications by universities in China have brought little licensing fees, Guangming Daily reported. Comparing to 3 to 5 % world average, patent applications have increased at an annual rate of 20% in China since 2000. Applications by higher education institutions account for 11.7%. Scientists and researchers find no incentives to apply due to low economic returns and high application costs.

Source: Guangming Daily, October 19, 2008 reprinted by China News

Users of Beijing Internet Cafes Face Tighter Control

Whoever uses Beijing Internet cafes for the first time will be photographed and their Identification Cards scanned. The data is transmitted to the database of the monitoring platform maintained by the “culture policing forces.”  By mid December, the installation and implementation of the system will be completed in all Internet cafes in Beijing.   At the monitoring platform, the authorities can monitor remotely any computer in any Internet café, real time.  Owners of the Internet cafes have no access to the data.

Source:, October 16, 2008

Soft Power at Work û Confucius Institutes in Africa

Confucius Institutes are instrumental in bringing China and Africa closer, reported Xinhua. There are 21 Confucius Institute in 13 African countries. 10 of them have started operation with 2,000 students, the remaining in preparation stage. The State headquarters of Confucius Institutes in Beijing have provided significant support to these Confucius Institutes in terms of Chinese teachers, financial support of over $3 million, donations of over 30,000 textbooks and multimedia items.

There are 271 Confucius Institutes throughout the world in 77 countries and regions.

Source; Xinhua, October 7, 2008

China Becomes the Largest Investor in Zambia

Chinese companies have invested in over 140 projects and created 11,000 jobs, quoted Xinhua from Zambia Times. Investment tends to concentrate on agriculture, machinery processing, mining and tourism, totaling over $80 million.

Source: Xinhua, October 6, 2008

Government Announces Allowable Melamine Content in Milk

Several government departments issue d a joint notice announcing the provisional amount of melamine allowed in milk and milk products, reported People’s Daily on October 8, 2008. Ministry of Health stated that the move is an administrative measure responding to the emergency in order to ensure product quality. For example, the allowable amount of melamine in infant formula is 1mg per kilogram, and in milk/milk powder the allowable amount is 2.5mg. According to an earlier release of Ministry of Health, over 10,000 children remain hospitalized due to melamine contaminated milk.

Source: People’s Daily, October 8, 2008

Over 100 Million Agricultural Workers Now in Non-Agricultural Sectors

Economic reforms in the past 30 years have moved over one third of farmers to non-agricultural jobs, said Xinhua on October 9, 2008 citing a recent survey of National Trade Union. There are about over 100 million farmers now working in the non-agricultural sectors. As of June 2008, 65 million of them are trade union members. The total trade union members amount to 209 million.

Xinhua, October 9, 2008
Xinhua, October 8, 2008