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South Korean Media: Chinese State Agent Behind Violence during Olympic Torch Relay

The newspaper World Journal in South Korea reported on April 29, 2008 that a Chinese thug involved in the violence during the Olympic Torch Relay in Seoul had been identified as the head of the Chinese Students Association in Korea. The unnamed person is a PhD candidate in police administration at Dongguk University in South Korea. According to the report, he was an official from China Public Security prior to admission into Dongguk University and upon graduation, is scheduled to return for a professorship at the Public Security University in China.

South Korean MBC TV reported on April 28, 2008 that Chinese students studying in South Korea disclosed that several thousand Chinese students were brought from China to South Korea for the Olympics Torch Relay greeting teams.

Japanese Asahi Shimbun also reported that Chinese embassies organized, directed and financed “greeting teams” in the cities the Olympics Torch Relay passed.

Source: Epoch Times, May 2, 2008

Chinese Students Abroad: 1.21 million in 30 Years

According to Ministry of Education, in 1978 there were 860 Chinese students who departed China for education abroad. 30 years later, a total of 1,211,700 Chinese students went overseas for higher education, 319,700 of which have returned to China. 657,200 are currently in various bachelor, master or PhD programs abroad. 

In 2007 alone, 144,000 left China for education abroad.  8,853 of them were sponsored by the State.

Source: Xinhua, April 30, 2008

EV 71 Outbreak in Anhui; 20 deaths and 1,884 Infected

As of April 29, 2008, Fuyang City in Anhui reported 1,884 cases of infections of Enterovirus 71, with 20 deaths, according to China Center of Disease Control. No new deaths reported in the past 5 days. Early March, People’s Hospital of Fuyang City admitted 5 infants with similar symptoms. Bewteen March 27 and 29, all 5 died.  Panics among parents ensued.  On April 15, local authorities issued a statement that several infants died of respiratory diseases and that none of these cases were related to each other. On April 23, EV71 was determined as the cause of deaths.

Xinhua, April 30, 2008
Xinhua, April 30, 2008
Nanfang Daily, April 30, 2008

Consumer Price Index at 11-Year High

National Bureau of Statistics issued its forecast alerts for the past 12 months on April 30, 2008. Consumer price index (CPI) has been yellow for the seventh consecutive month. CPI was 6.2% in September 2007 and hit 8.3% in March 2008. Consumer price index is now at 11-year high. Fiscal Income has been red for the 11th consecutive month.

National Bureau of Statistics of China, April 30, 2008
Xinhua, April 30, 2008

Chinese Students Facing Charges and Deportation û Scuffles in the Olympics Torch Relay

Five Chinese students in Australia are facing charges and potential deportation due to scuffles at the April 24 Olympic Torch Relay event, according to Australian Chinese Website, Snowpear on April 29, 2008. Chinese students are hoping the matter would be resolved via diplomatic channels. Apparently the Chinese embassy and consulates in Australia have been unwilling to get involved stating they had nothing to do with the incident.

Source:, April 29, 2008
Renminbao, April 28, 2008

Students in Hefei Confined to Campus Amid Government Concerns of Social Unrest

Hundreds of thousands of college students in Hefei, Anhui Province, have been ordered to stay on campus according to Boxun. On April 18, 2008 tens of thousands of students took to the streets protesting outside the French chain store Carrefour in Hefei. The momentum continued on April 19. On April 20, the authorities ordered that students must not leave campus, except for in the case of an emergency and with the permission of their instructors.

Earlier, President Hu Jintao reportedly directed the Minister of Public Security to rein in student protests following the showing of Paris residents’ support for the Dalai Lama and Tibetan monks. Hu’s move was viewed as signs of his concerns that the protests might get out of hand, as happened during the June 4th student movement in 1989.

Source:, April 22, 2008, April 20, 2008

About 10% of Xinhua Daily Postings are about the U.S. û Half of Them Negative

From April 1 through April 7, 2008, the State Xinhua News Agency posted 516 articles pertaining to the United States on its website 243 of them were negative, 187 were neutral, and 86 were positive. Negative reports covered topics such as U.S. troops in Iraq, economic recession and unemployment, CNN and U.S. media’s reporting on Tibet, U.S. presidential candidates, the "China Threat" theory, and arms sales to Taiwan. Examples of positive articles were Chinese obtaining permanent residency status, U.S. research on re-growing teeth, and an increase of U.S. investment in China. The total number of articles posted on during these 7 days was 5,314.
Source: Chinascope

Top Power Companies Post Huge Losses

For the first time, four out of five of the largest power companies are suffering from huge losses due to an increase in the price of coal, said Xinhua. The four are state-owned Datang Corporation, China Power Investment Corporation, Huadian Corporation and Guodian Corporation. All these power companies are state-owned.

According to official statistics released in April 2008, of the 4,773 power companies in China, 1,990 (41.69%) were in the red in the Jan-Feb period, which was 6.35 % higher than last year. The losses reached 13.79 billion yuan in the Jan-Feb period, a 218% increase over the same period last year.

In February 2008, Guandong Yudian Group Co., a Chinese power cmpany, purchased 7.5% stakes in Australia’s Whitehaven Coal Ltd (WHC) to ensure a consistent supply of coal.

Xinhua, April 8, 2008
China News, April 20, 2008