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Xi Jinping Calls for Enhancing Combat Readiness

Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the China Central Committee and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, visited the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center and the Lanzhou Military District Command on February 2 and 3, 2013. While touring the Lanzhou Military District Command, Xi emphasized that China “must make efforts to expand and deepen military readiness, to promote the acceleration of the development of information technology, and to constantly enhance the combat capability of information systems; this is to ensure that the military troops quickly respond when called upon, are ready to fight when responding, and will win if engaged in a war.”

Source: Xinhua, February 6, 2013

Yunnan Province Stops Sentencing People to Forced Labor Camps

Meng Sutie, the Yunan Party Secretary of Politics and Law, announced that Yunnan would cease processing “cases of re-education through labor,” effective immediately. It has been common in China for the authorities to suppress opponents of the government by administratively sentencing them to forced labor camps as punishment. Meng, as Yunnan’s top law enforcement official, made the announcement on February 5, 2013, “Throughout the province, Yunnan will cease to approve and review all cases of re-education through labor for three alleged actions: endangering national security, constantly petitioning the authorities to redress officials’ abuse of power, and vilifying a leader’s image. The processing of cases based on other grounds will be suspended and will be handled in accordance with relevant laws; re-education through labor will not be used."
Source: Xinhua, February 7, 2013

CRN: Inflated GDP Hurts China’s Economy

China Review News published a commentary on the gap between the official GDP and the GDP as calculated by totaling the figures from local governments. According to the preliminary number that China’s National Bureau of Statistics released earlier, the domestic GDP for 2012 was 52 trillion yuan (about US$8.3 trillion). However, the total of the GDP figures that the local governments released was 5.76 trillion yuan (about $9.3 trillion), a discrepancy of 5.76 trillion yuan. The two figures have been inconsistent for several years.

According to the author, “the cause of the difference is that the local governments inflate GDP. Apart from statistical standards and technical reasons, the figure bears a direct relationship to how a number of local officials measure their performance. The most direct consequences of this inflated GDP are that it leads to economic data distortion and misguided macro-control policies; it adversely affects the moral integrity of the government and its attempt to build its credibility; and, eventually, it will hurt the healthy and steady development of the national economy and the people’s vital interests.”

Source: China Review News, February 5, 2013

Xi Jinping: Armed Police Must Follow the Party’s Commands

On January 29, Xi Jinping gave a speech during an inspection tour of the armed police in Beijing. During his speech, he underscored the stability of the armed police and the importance of its absolute loyalty to the Communist Party of China. Xi stated, “The armed police forces should be united, secure and stable.” The armed police should follow the command of the leadership of the Communist Party. “Absolute loyalty to the Party is always the first and foremost political requirement for them. … [We] must ensure the absolute loyalty, absolute purity, and absolute reliability of the armed police forces.”

Source: Xinhua, January 29, 2013

Beijing in Smog: Affected Regions Increasing

China’s Ministry of Environmental Protection released information that, according to the weather satellite remote sensing indicator, as of January 30, the smog area had increased to 1.43 million square kilometers, a growth of 130,000 square kilometer from the previous day. Since January 30, the smog has been getting worse. Shanghai, Jiangsu Province, and neighboring regions have become “highly polluted” from previously being “slightly polluted." Beijing, Tianjin, and neighboring regions remain “highly polluted.” On January 28, China’s National Meteorological Center (NMC) implemented a three-tier color-coded weather warning system to alert the public to the severity of the smog. The system uses yellow to indicate moderately smoggy weather, orange for severe conditions, and red for extremely severe levels of smog. The authorities continue to issue a yellow warning for smog.

Source: Xinhua, January 31, 2013

Censors in China Cut 40 Minutes from American Movie Cloud Atlas

Chinese authorities cut 40 minutes out of the American movie Cloud Atlas to be released in China on January 31, 2013. “Although in the Mainland version, the censors cut 40 minutes off as compared to the international version, the Mainland version of Cloud Atlas will not cause difficulties or problems for viewers. … The censors cut lines of words ruthlessly from the Mainland version. Most of the footage chopped off consists of dialogue.” Love scenes were also removed by the Chinese film censors.

[Editor’s note: Explicit love scenes, including between two same sex characters, were cut. Scenes of graphic violence, including a fatal gunshot and a man having his throat slit, remained. The film’s directors were not involved in the cuts.]  
Source: Jiefang Daily reprinted by Nanjing Daily, January 23, 2013

Local Officials Support Disclosure of Personal Assets

Recently, Guangzhou local government officials announced their support for calls for government officials to make a public disclosure of their personal assets. Fan Songqing, a Guangzhou Committee member of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference introduced a bill that would require public disclosure of personal assets. Fan was followed by Guangzhou Mayor Chen Jianhua, who announced at a press conference that, if financial disclosure is required, he will take the lead to disclose his personal assets.

Xinhua, January 22, 2012
Xinhua, January 21, 2012
People’s Daily, January 24, 2012

People’s Daily: Senior Executives at State-Owned Enterprises Have “Golden Rice Bowls”

The State Newspaper, People’s Daily (overseas edition), published a commentary criticizing the current appointment system for officials at central government-owned enterprises. The commentary was titled “Senior Executive Positions in Central Government-owned Enterprises Are a Means of Compensation; If One Cannot Become Deputy Provincial Governor, He Will Be Appointed Chairman of the Board.” The commentary stated, “Due to pressure from vested interests, the current personnel management at Central Government-owned Enterprises lacks a mechanism of constraints and incentives. Senior executives have become a privileged class, which has a significant negative impact on the national economy. It is imperative that this administrative appointment and dismissal system of personnel management be reformed. The commentary called those highly paid executive positions “golden rice bowls.”

Source: People’s Daily, January 16, 2013