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National Audit Office Discovered Repeat Offenders in Central Government

On January 16, 2013, China’s National Audit Office released its 2011 audit report on the implementation of the budget and on other revenues and expenditures of the central government. The audit report showed that, as of the end of last October, the 50 central government departments and their affiliates spent 10.281 billion yuan in violation of financial management regulations. “As for repeat offenders, the person-in-charge at the National Audit Office observed that every year the audit report covered the same audit targets with the same audit scope. Thus, to a certain extent, the audit led to the discovery of problems that were similar to those of previous years. This gave the public the appearance that it revealed the same old face and the same old problems."

Source: Huanqiu, January 17, 2013

PLA: Get Ready for War

The General Staff Department (GSD) of the People’s Liberation Army has issued the 2013 military training instruction manual for the entire military. It stresses “getting ready for war” and “training to meet the needs of a war.”  People’s Daily reported the issuance using the title: Military Training Guide Issued; War-Fighting Has Become the Key Word.” According to the People’s Daily, the instructions “ask that all of the military forces and armed police strengthen their mental preparation for war; increase the sense of urgency, a sense of crisis, and a sense of mission; get ready for war, conduct difficult and strict training of troops based on the actual needs of war; improve the capability to fight war, …. adhere to the standards for war, and measure training effectiveness in accordance with the demands of an actual war.”

Source: People’s Daily, January 14, 2013

Study Times: State Enterprises Should Engage in Overseas Public Relations

Study Times published a commentary advocating that China’s centrally administered State enterprises should go international in the light of the recent global economic changes. “[These] enterprises should implement an international business strategy, step up the ‘going out’ process, actively explore overseas business, increase market share overseas, and focus on optimizing the industrial chain and value chain.” The article also stated that the allocation of resources must be based on a global expansion strategy to gradually accomplish globalization in strategy, operation, management, and culture. The commentary recommended that, in going global, State enterprises must implement measures that “through local hires, respect local customs, be immersed in the local economy, and strive to create and build a win-win situation.” The article cited the State-owned China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company (COSCO) as a success in the United States. COSCO “hired U.S. public relations firms and did a good job on anti-China Congressmen. … COSCO was removed from the ‘controlled carrier’ list [by the Federal Maritime Commission] and later was even approved to make an investment in the Port of Los Angeles.”

Source: Study Times, January 7, 2013

People’s Daily Says It Will “Work Hard” to Tell Truth in 2013

On December 31, the Communist Party newspaper, the People’s Daily, issued a posting on its official blog announcing its expansion from 8 pages to 12 pages on weekdays and 4 pages to 8 pages on weekends. In addition, it added the statement, “In the new year, we will work hard to tell the truth and write the truth … making [our paper] more readable and viewable to truly serve our readers.”

Because of its insistence that it would "work hard to tell the truth," the posting has drawn a large number of sarcastic comments from Chinese netizens.

“I am surprised at this announcement. If it is true, it would be the first step that the People’s Daily is taking the lead to make the media move towards openness and its contribution should deserve recognition. If, however, this first sentence from the People’s Daily in the New Year is a true lie, what to do? How could the People’s Daily face its readers?”

“Does this mean that the Party’s official media has always been lying?”

“How come the Party’s newspaper must "work hard" to tell truth?”

“It is very hard for a newspaper belonging to the Party to speak the truth. Of course, it must work hard to do so.”

“When we were young, parents and teachers taught us not to lie. But after we grew up, [we] found out that one may lose his life just for telling the truth. …”
“Even the Central Government newspaper must work hard to tell the truth. Whether after the hard work, the truth is really told or not may never be known. …”

“Anything that requires ‘hard work’ is usually difficult. To call a deer a horse is normal. But to call a deer a deer requires hard work.”

Source: Official Blog of People’s Daily, December 31, 2012 (comments made as of January 3, 2013, at the blog)

PLA Daily: Message for the New Year

On January 1, 2013, the People’s Liberation Army Daily (PLA Daily) published an editorial, “A Message for the New Year” highlighting the importance of being in unison with the new Party leadership headed by Xi Jinping. “[We] must firmly adhere to the Party’s absolute leadership over the military; … always remain in ideological, political, and actual unison with the Party Central Committee; and resolutely safeguard the authority of, and resolutely obey the command of, the Communist Party Central Committee, the Central Military Commission, and Chairman Xi.”

Source: People’s Liberation Army Daily, January 1, 2013

Xinhua: Hong Kong Protest Called for Leung Chun Ying to Step Down

The state media Xinhua reported through its news wire that a protest was held in Hong Kong calling for the resignation of Leung Chun Ying. Leung, the pro-China Chief Executive and President of the Executive Council of Hong Kong, assumed office on July 1, 2012, with the endorsement of the Chinese Communist leaders. The Xinhua article said, “The protesters demanded that Leung Chun Ying step down, that all of the people receive full implementation of their retirement protection, and that freedom of speech be safeguarded.” A search of did not return the report. No Xinhua report was available in English.

[Editor’s note: A Washington Post article stated, "Tens of thousands of people marched in Hong Kong to call for the city’s Beijing-backed leader to step down over allegations he was untruthful about illegal renovations at his mansion and to press for full democracy."]           

Sources:, January 2, 2013
Epoch Times, January 2, 2013

China Politburo Member Accused of Nepotism in Violation of China’s Civil Service Law

Li Jianguo, a newly elected Chinese Communist Politburo Member and the National People’s Congress Vice Chairman, has been accused of violating China’s Civil Service Law. He promoted his nephew-in-law, Zhang Hui, from a deputy division chief to the Party Secretary of Shizhong District in Jining City in Shangdong Province, making Zhang the youngest department-level cadre, thus violating the law.

On December 16, 2012, Han Chongguang from Handan, Hebei Province posted a miniblog stating that he had just made a report, using his real name, of the alleged violation to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection for investigation. "Around 5 pm on the afternoon of December 16, 2012, I published a posting on the [sina] miniblog in which I used my real name to report on Zhang Hui, who was promoted in violation of regulations. Twenty minutes later, the posting was re-posted over 1,500 times. At 5:25, the sina miniblog administrator deleted my posting. I re-posted it nine times and each time the posting was deleted.”

Li served as the Party Secretary for Shangdong Province from 2007 to 2008 before being promoted to Vice Chairman of the National People’s Congress. He became a Politburo member in November 2012.

Source: China Yulun Wang, December 16 and 17, 2012

People’s Daily: Placing a Straitjacket on the Internet

Recently, in response to waves of online reports netizens have posted about the corruption of government officials, People’s Daily published a series of commentaries on tightening the control of speech on the Internet.

On December 23, 2012, People’s Daily published a commentary titled, “With a Bottom Line, [the Internet] Can be Healthy.” The commentary stated, “Openness does not mean a person can do whatever he likes; freedom of expression does not equate to cursing all over the place; information sharing does not mean a person can freely publish others’ private affairs and spread rumors everywhere.”

On December 24, People’s Daily published another commentary on the same subject, titled “Place the Straitjacket of the Rule of Law on the Internet World.” The author advocated, “Only by placing the straitjacket of the rule of law on the Internet, … and making the offenders bear the burden of their offense, can we possibly rein in those irresponsible rumors.”

Source: People’s Daily, December 23 and 24, 2012