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Senior Party Official Investigated for Corruption

On December 6, Xinhua announced that the Communist Party Central Commission for Discipline Inspection confirmed that Li Chuncheng, the Deputy Communist Secretary of Sichuan Province, is being investigated for “suspicion of serious discipline violations." The one sentence announcement did not offer details. Later Xinhua published a follow-up commentary which stated that the anti-corruption campaign is unfolding from the central government to local governments. Huanqiu, which is under People’s Daily also published a commentary. It stated that official media tend to categorize reports on corruption as being “sensitive” and that in every case in which official media delay or maintain a low profile when handling the publication of such reports, it creates the appearance of a cover-up. Li is the first senior party official to be investigated for corruption since the new Party General Secretary, Xi Jinping, took over from Hu Jintao in November.

Xinhua, December 6, 2012
Xinhua reprinted by Guangming Daily, December 6, 2012 Huanqiu, December 6, 2012
Huanqiu, December 6, 2012

Shortage of Donated Organs Continues in China

Nanfang Daily reported that an organ donation and transplant cooperation project under China’s Ministry of Health recently held its 10th forum in Kunming. According to the report, in 2010, the Ministry of Health established a pilot project for organ donations. In 2011, it expanded to 19 locations. Since then, 480 operations were conducted on the donors, with 1,294 organs donated, thus saving the lives of over 1,200 people. Experts attending the meeting agreed that the shortage of organs for transplant continues to remain a major issue at present.

[Editor’s Note: On December 2, 2012, three American doctors created a petition at to petition the Obama Administration to “investigate and publicly condemn organ harvesting" as people in China are "killed on demand to fuel China’s lucrative organ transplant industry."]

Nanfang Daily, December 4, 2012

Beijing Court Sentenced Local Government Detention Guards for Illegal Detention

For the first time, a Beijing Chaoyang District court issued a decision on guards who detained petitioners illegally. It sentenced 10 local government detention guards to prison terms on charges of illegal detention.

Last May, the Beijing police arrested 10 persons at a location where the Liaison Office of Henan Province had detained 12 petitioners from Henan because they had came to Beijing to appeal their grievances to the central government. On September 24, 3012, a court in the Beijing Chaoyang District held its first hearing. The second hearing was held on November 27, 2012, where the three juvenile suspects were tried. The court met for the third time on November 28, 2012, for the trial of the seven adults. The court issued its decision that same day. It sentenced the lead suspect to prison for a term of one and a half years and the remaining nine to prison for terms of different lengths, all on charges of illegal detention.  

Source:, November 28, 2012

Man from Shanghai Sues Ministry of Finance for Job Discrimination

Beijing Times reported that Tian Hua from Shanghai, who had the top score in the 2012 National Civil Service Exam, was denied a job with the Ministry of Finance. In April 2012, Tian filed an administrative legal action claiming discrimination. In November 2012, the Beijing No. 1 Intermediate People’s Court dismissed the legal action citing lack of jurisdiction. On November 27, Tian filed an appeal with the Beijing Higher People’s Court.

The Shanghai resident, who used the pseudonym Tian Hua, has a masters degree and is a certified accountant. He ranked No. 1 in both the written and the oral exams. Nevertheless, the Ministry of Finance rejected him on the grounds that he failed the physical exam. Tian had disclosed to the examining physician that he had hand muscle atrophy 11 years ago and has since been cured. “After a ‘communication’ between the Ministry of Finance and the hospital, the hospital produced a document stating that Tian is not physically fit for the job due to ‘other diseases that affect his ability to adequately perform official duties.’”

Source: Beijing Times, November 28, 2012

Five Street Children Died in a Dumpster

On November 20, 2012, The Beijing News reported that five boys were found dead in a dumpster in Bijie, Guizhou Province. An elderly woman, a rubbish collector, discovered the bodies. Beijing News said that the boys had apparently taken refuge from the cold by staying in the dumpster; they burned charcoal in order to keep warm. The preliminary cause of the deaths was determined to be carbon monoxide poisoning. Several dozen policemen sealed off the funeral home to which the bodies were transported. Three or four days earlier, the boys had been seen in rags looking for food and rotten wood they could burn to keep warm.

[Editor’s Note: It was later confirmed that the boys were between 9 and 13; all belonged to the same extended Tao family. They were the sons of three brothers who are poor. Ironically, two are garbage collectors in another city. Li Yuanlong, the reporter who broke the story about the boys’ deaths, disappeared after the police forced him into a vehicle.]

The Beijing News, November 20, 2012
Radio Free Asia, November 22, 2012

Ministry of Health: China to Reduce Reliance on Organs from Executed Prisoners

China’s Vice Minister of Health, Huang Jiefu, announced that China will set up a voluntary organ donation program and, within two years, will be able to reduce its reliance on organs from executed prisoners. “China has become a major country in organ transplants, second to the United States. However, China has a ‘soft rib’ – long term reliance on organs donated by executed prisoners,” Huang said.

Huang acknowledged that “there are some deep issues relating to organ transplants that are yet to be resolved, including confusion about organ sources, a lack of donated organs, an illegal organ trade, and transplant tourism.”

Huang stated, “The Party’s Central Committee is determined that China, as a major political and civilized power, will change this situation.”

[Editor’s Note: Several sources have reported that a large number of organs have been harvested secretly, with security forces and military-medical personnel conducting the operations. While the Ministry of Health announced it will reduce its reliance on organs from executed prisoners, it has no authority over operations that take place in military hospitals.]

Source: Southern Metropolis Daily (Nanfang Dushi), November 22, 2012

Xi Jinping: The Party Faces Severe Challenges

In Beijing, on November 15, 2012, as the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party concluded, Xi Jinping, the new head of the Chinese Communist Party and China’s military gave a speech to those present. In his speech he stated, “We are a political Party that serves the people wholeheartedly. … Our Party faces many severe challenges and there are also many pressing problems within the Party that need to be resolved, particularly problems such as corruption and bribe taking by some Party members and cadres, being out of touch with the people, and placing undue emphasis on formality and bureaucratic red tape. We must make a strenuous effort to resolve them. The whole Party must stay on full alert.”

Source: People’s Daily reprinted by the Chinese Communist Party website, November 15, 2012

People’s Daily Editorial: Hailing the New Communist Leadership

On November 16, 2012, China’s state media, the People’s Daily, ran an editorial to hail the Party’s new central leadership which was "elected" on November 15, 2012. The article stated, “The 18th National Congress of the Party unequivocally has demonstrated to the world what banner the Party will uphold, which path the Party will take, what kind of mental state we will have, and towards what goal we will progress, … it has established the scientific concept of development, Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, and the important thinking of "Three Represents" as the guiding ideology of the Party which the Party shall uphold for a long time to come …”

Source: People’s Daily, November 16, 2012