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Briefings - 1034. page

PLA Lt General Liu Yazhou Calls for Political Reform

On August 7, 2010, China Review News republished a news report from Hong Kong’s Singtao Daily regarding PLA Lt. General Liu Yazhou’s calls for political reform in his article published by Phoenix magazine in Hong Kong.
“Within 10 years, a transformation from authoritarian politics to democracy will inevitably take place,” Liu Yazhou said, “A great change will happen in China. Political reform is the mission that the history has entrusted to us. It is impossible for us to retreat.”

Lt General Liu Yazhou is political commissar of the PLA National Defense University and son-in-law of China’s former President Li Xiannian.

Source: China Review News, August 7, 2010

Beijing Protests Pentagon Report

Beijing reacted angrily Wednesday to a Pentagon report expressing worries about China’s burgeoning military capabilities, calling such concerns baseless.

“The report ignores the objective truth and accuses China for establishing its normal national defense and army,” said Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman Geng Yansheng. “The development of the Chinese army is reasonable and proper.”

This year’s annual Pentagon report on China’s military capabilities, delivered to Congress on Monday, outlined China’s moves to boost its military strength and warned that “the limited transparency in China’s military and security affairs enhances uncertainty and increases the potential for misunderstanding and miscalculation.”

Source: Xinhua, August 18, 2010

SARA Chief Speaks on Strengthening the Training and Education of Religious Personnel

On August 18, Wang Zuoan, the chief of the State Administration for Religious Affairs (SARA) gave a speech to representatives of patriotic religious leaders in Beijing, “Strengthen the Training and Education of Religious Personnel.” Wang pointed out that most of the religious personnel cannot keep up with the demands of the ever growing population of religious followers in China. The authorities ought to strengthen training and education, implement filing and recording systems, and emphasize supervision and management. In particular, Wang mentioned Hu Jintao’s “hope” for religious personnel – “politically reliable, intellectually knowledgeable, and morally convincing.”

Source: Web site of United Front Work of Central Committee of Chinese Communist Party.

Ministry of Public Security Meets on Tibet Security

On August 18 and 19, senior officials of the Ministry of Public Security met in Lhasa, Tibet. The meeting believes that “there are still a lot of factors affecting stability of the Tibetan area, and the struggle against separatism and safeguarding stability remains an arduous challenge.” Managing Deputy Minister Yang Huanning gave a speech and Deputy Minister Chen Zhimin delivered a report.

Source: Xinhua, August 19, 2010

Huanqiu: U.S. versus China in an Asian NATO

Huanqiu published an analysis of China’s advantages and disadvantages in a pro-U.S. Asian NATO environment. The U.S. does not have direct disputes over territorial and offshore interests with Asian countries. China’s rapid rise has caused distrust and uneasiness among its Asian neighbors. The U.S. has maintained several military bases and, coupled with its close economic ties and ability to deliver resources to critical regions, every corner in Asia feels the presence of the United States. Notwithstanding the above, China has its advantages. First, due to its close proximity, no one in Asia can afford the consequences of antagonizing China. Second, China’s rapid economic growth will bring more benefits to Asian countries than the U.S. Third, the issues and solutions in China are similar to its Asian neighbors, which leads to better political communication.

Source: Huanqiu, August 11, 2010

Anticipates More Trade Wars Ahead

China will face increasingly more trade protectionism over the coming two to five years, according to an official at the Economic Forecast Division/State Information Center.  Mr. Zhang stated that, as the global economy enters the post-crisis era, then trade wars will escalate.  

“In the next two to five years, China will face increasingly more trade frictions. China’s export will inevitably be the hardest hit by trade protectionism. Furthermore, trade barriers will be the norm and there will be pressure on China’s RMB, expecting it to further appreciate. Filing complaints or turning to the WTO (World Trade Organization) may be of no use. The key to breaking encroaching trade barriers lies in China’s transformation, strategic realignments and the State’s earnings model.

Source: Shanghai Securities News, August 11, 2010

Party Official: Media to Continue Positive Propaganda

Zhou Yongkang, Communist Party Politburo Standing Member, presided over a Legal Daily forum on propaganda. Zhou stated that the media must continue to adhere to “positive propaganda.” ”It is a proven fact that a large number of journalists are strong supporters and promoters of our political and legal work. They are close allies of political and police officers.” Zhou called for journalists to “persevere in unity and stability, continue mainly positive propaganda, promote the main directive and take the initiative.” According to Huanqiu, the Legal Daily was launched in August 1980 as the Communist Party’s main mouthpiece, influencing public opinion on political and legal matters.

Source: Huanqiu, August 13, 2010

Qiushi Journal on ‘Four Major Boundaries’

Qiushi Journal, the publication of the CCP Central Committee organs, published an article discussing drawing boundaries on four major issues:

1. Staying with Marxism. “If Marxism’s leading position is shaken, there will be no theoretical foundation for Communism with Chinese Characteristics…”
2. Insisting on socialist public ownership as the main economic form with the supplement of multiple other economic forms (e.g. private ownership). [Ed: This would mean state-owned enterprises will control the majority of China’s economy.]3. Staying with Chinese style democracy, which is under the CCP’s leadership. The “CCP’s strong leadership is the largest political advantage for China.” “Western style democracy is not ‘universal.’”
4. Insisting on socialist ideology and culture. The capitalist ideology and culture is gradually becoming China’s main challenge. “The struggle in ideology is, in essence, the struggle between the socialist value system and the capitalist value system.”

Source: Qiushi Journal, August 16, 2010