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The Party Permeates Society and Red SMS

On June 23, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) committee of China’s southern province Hainan vowed to have its subsidiaries installed in every segment of society by the end of the year. “Social organizations with three or more full-time staff of formal CCP members should launch a party branch; those with two or fewer must join a branch with fellow organizations. … It called for a hierarchical CCP structure in all social groups, foundations, and other private entities.”
In Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang Province, the party chief sent a cell phone text message to greet 10,136 grass-root cadres. The mobile text messaging system, jointly developed by the city’s CCP Organization Department and the nation’s largest mobile phone company China Mobile, allows instant dissemination of the party’s messages.
The above are but two examples of ongoing nationwide campaigns to strengthen the CCP’s grip on the people. 
Source: Hainan Daily, June 24, 2010
Zhejiang Online, June 24, 2010

400 City Party Officials in Beijing for Intensive Training

Since June 18, 400 CCP Secretaries of the Commission for Discipline Inspection at the city level, the party officials in charge of the personal conduct and corruption of CCP members, were summoned to Beijing to start a nine-day intensive training. At the top of the agenda were “anti-corruption,” and “how to handle the Internet well.” This is the newest round of massive training of local CCP officials since last year, when 2,000 county level Secretaries for Discipline Inspection attended training sessions in Beijing and Hangzhou. 
Source: The Beijing News, June 24, 2010

Floods Hit Southern China, Military Mobilized

Serious floods have hit hard in the southern provinces of Guizhou, Hunan, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Fujian, and Guangxi. The situation is reported to have worsened, with more torrential rains expected in the next two days. In Jiangxi, where the widespread flooding has killed more than 200 and caused $6.4 billion in damages, the armed forces have been dispatched, including 26,524 troops, 1,418 vehicles, and 585 assault boats.
On June 23, the CCP Central Military Commission’s (CMC) General Staff Department (GSD) and General Political Department (GPD) issued a joint directive to mobilize the People’s Liberation Army and Armed Police forces.
Source: China News Service, June 23, 2010
PLA Daily, June 24, 2010

Xinhua: The Compliment of China Outshining Has a Hidden Evil Intention

Xinhua published a commentary article on June 20 to “warn” Chinese that the western media report naming China as the sole country prospering in the middle of world financial crisis is a “compliment” with an evil intention. The article says, “In recent years, various bizarre comments on China have appeared now and then in western media, for example, “China Threat,” “China Being Responsible,” and so on. Most recently, a new name of “China Outshining” (in the global financial crisis) came up in the western media.” “The so-called ‘China Outshining’ is to say that, in the middle of the world financial crisis, western countries are burdened with economic difficulties, while China (has moved) all the way up, is gaining the most (from the crisis), and has come out as the biggest winner.” The purpose of the compliment is to “…harm China. Their intention is to pressure China to take on disproportionate international responsibilities beyond (China’s) ability, and damage China’s relationship with other countries, particularly the developing countries.”

Source: Xinhua, June 20, 2010

Liu Yunshan: Continue to Fortify and Expand the Field of Mainstream Opinion on the Internet

On June 20, 2010, the Minister of China’s Propaganda Department, Liu Yunsan, sent a congratulatory letter to the opening ceremony for the creation of People’s Net Company Limited and the online opening of “People’s Search (” test version. Liu said, “…People’s Daily Group…has become the major platform for transmitting the Party’s voice and expanding the field of mainstream opinion. The creation of People’s Net Company Limited signals significant progress for People’s Net’s transformation into an enterprise entity. The online opening of “People’s Search” test version demonstrates the technical advance of People’s Net. This will play an important role in leading the innovation of major central government news networks and the development of the whole Internet’s propaganda work.” “Wish People’s Net … will become a world famous website publishing in multiple languages. It will be a grand and globalizing media, having full coverage; it will firmly control the direction of public opinion; and continuously fortify and expand the field of mainstream opinion on the Internet.”

Source: Xinhua, June 20, 2010

Hu Jintao Emphasizes the Importance of the CCP’s Grass Roots Development

On June 12, 2010, the politburo of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee held its 21st group study on the issue of strengthening the CCP’s grass roots development. Hu Jintao hosted the meeting and emphasized the importance of Party organization at the grass roots level. He said that the more complicated and labile the international climate becomes, and the deeper the changes happening in domestic society, the more important the grass roots Party organization will be. Wu Jieming, professor from China National Defense University, and Gao Yongzhong, researcher from the Institute of Party Construction of the Central Organization Department, also gave lectures at the meeting.

Source: Huanqiu, June 22, 2010

PLA Daily: China Building up Military Deployment Capability

China’s military transportation capability has been significantly improved over the past decades, People’s Liberation Army Daily reported. Its transportation system includes trucks over highways, high-speed trains, large transport aircraft, and more. Besides, China has more than ten highways that can be used as runways for war aircraft. The article listed the following areas as new directions: developing sea and air based strategic deployment capability; constructing an effective military transport system and mechanism; and improving battlefield transportation protection capability.

Source: People’s Liberation Army Daily, June 21, 2010

China Expanding RMB Settlement to All Countries

China has expanded the trial regions that may use the RMB to settle cross-border trade from Hong Kong, Macao, and ASEAN countries to all countries. The Bank of China, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Commerce, the General Administration of Customs, the State Taxation Administration, and the Banking Regulatory Commission jointly issued an order on June 22, 2010. The number of trial provinces increased to 20. For 8 bordering provinces, all enterprises with import or export permission are allowed to use the RMB for trade. For other provinces, only approved trial enterprises can use the RMB for settlement and the number of those trial enterprises are increasing.

Source: China News Service, June 22, 2010