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Chinese Succumbing to Big Spending

In addition to having high mortgage payments for living quarters, the post-80s generation now also faces large expenditures for holidays, China News Service reported.

A website survey of white collar workers showed that, for the Chinese New Year in February, 55% spent more than 5,000 yuan [Ed: the average white collar worker’s monthly income is between 2,000 and 3,000 yuan]; more than 80% spent one or two months of their income; and 20% spent more than a quarter of their annual income.

Analysts claim that this has become a problem for all Chinese. Heavy spending is a reflection of the “face culture,” where each wants to outdo the other, including ones family members. The result is excessive financial burdens.

Nowadays, a common joke is, “I am short of nothing but money.”

Source: China News Service, February 25, 2010

China’s Top Advisors Propose Advanced Economic Development

Some Chinese government top advisors outlined the strategies for China’s economic development and transformation according to China New Service, which quoted Hong Kong Wen Wei Po’s report. The suggestions included two spaces (internal demand space and innovation space), four strategies, and four economic transforming paths.

Four strategies:
1. Expand internal demand: developing and advancing consumer demand.
2. Industry transformation and upgrade: increasing mid- to high-end industries’ competitiveness.
3. Human resource quality improvement: expanding the job market, improving social benefits, education and training.
4. Saving energy.

Four economic transformation paths:
1. Retrain jobless farmland laborers as city laborers.
2. Develop the manufacturing industry in the area of R&D, design, brand development, supply chain, and post-sales service.
3. Increase the service industry’s percentage of GDP.
4. Put more information technology into operation in the industrial sector.

Source: China News Service, February 26, 2010

Xinhua: China has enough tools in its toolbox to deal with the United States

Xinhua recently republished an article by a commentator of Phoenix Satellite Television, a pro-government TV station based in Hong Kong. The article suggested that the latest visit to Hong Kong of a U.S. aircraft carrier demonstrated China’s weakness, since the United States hardened its position in the relationship between the two countries. It considered this “proof” of China being a “paper tiger” in the “cyclical game” played by the U.S. The author believes China has enough “tools” in its toolbox to punish the United States when President Obama is taking a tougher position with the recent arms sale to Taiwan and meeting with the Dalai Lama in the White House. The Chinese leadership did not deliver on what it talked about. That seems to be a sign of a lack of “political will.”

Source: Xinhua, February 26, 2010

China Took Up the Matter of the Dalai Lama with CNN

China News, a state owned and internationally oriented Chinese news agency, recently reported the fact that the Chinese Embassy complained to CNN about Larry King’s interview of the Dalai Lama. The Chinese Embassy reiterated its position against the Dalai Lama’s visit to the U.S., as well as against CNN’s interview. The Embassy asked the news network to abide by the U.S. government’s acknowledgement of Tibet being part of China. CNN was also asked not to provide a stage for the Dalai Lama. CNN did not cancel the show as the Chinese Embassy had requested, but a Chinese announcement was presented during the show.

Source: China News, February 28, 2010

Largest Chinese Manmade Modern Canal to Be Constructed

The State Council recently approved the Yangtze to Hanjiang Project, with an investment of RMB 6.2 billion. It is estimated that the construction work will start in March at the earliest. The project is to build a canal between the Yangtze River and the Hanjiang River in Hubei Province. It will be the largest modern canal in China and the largest water resource adjustment facility in the province. The canal will be around 67 kilometers in length and 3.7 billion cubic meters in annual water volume. The central governement will fund the entire project.

Source: Xinhua, February 26, 2010

China News Agency: Obama’s Meeting with Dalai Lama Will Not Affect Overall Sina-US Relations

A reporter from China News agency in Washington DC interviewed 3 American Chinese experts regarding U.S. President Barack Obama and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s meetings with the Dalai Lama. According to China News Net on February 19, 2010, all of the 3 China experts thought that the meetings would not affect Sina-US relations in general.

Shen Jiyao, a retired professor from the University of Washington DC, pointed out that the fact that Obama kept the meeting closed from the media showed the United States’ intention to reduce the impact of this meeting on the bilateral relations. Xue Haipei, President Obama’s former campaign consultant, said that the meetings will not shake the fundamentals of Sino-US relations. Zhu Zhiqun, a professor of Bucknell University, does not think the meetings will mortally damage Sino-US relations.

Source: China News Net, February 19, 2010

Ming Pao Daily: China & U.S. Need to Cooperate More While the Importance of Tibetan Issue Declines

Ming Pao Daily reported on February 20, 2010, that the high-profile protest made by China against the U.S. President Barack Obama’s meeting with Dalai Lama will not affect Sino-US cooperation.

Radical messages such as resisting U.S. goods and reducing China’s holdings of U.S. Treasuries have appeared on Mainland China’s websites. Some scholars claimed that China would not rule out “bigger moves” in retaliation. However, according to AP, one expert, professor Jin Cairong of Renmin University in Beijing, believes that the Sino-US bilateral ties are more important than the Tibetan issue. With the approaching date of Hu Jintao’s visit to the U.S. this year and the new round of Sino-US Strategic and Economic Dialogue, China and the U.S. need to cooperate more.

Source: Ming Pao Daily, January 20, 2010

PRC Ministry of Culture: Improve the Cultural Product Content Inspection and the Monitoring Systems

According to Beijing Youth Daily on February 17, 2010, the Department of Cultural Marketing, which is under the PRC Ministry of Culture, recently issued the “Department of Cultural Marketing’s Key Jobs in 2010” to each cultural marketing administrative and law enforcement division. The document lists 9 key jobs for the Department of Cultural Marketing in 2010. The development of “Online Games Regulations” and the drafting of “Mobile Phone Entertainment Regulations” are among these 9 key jobs. In addition, improviing cultural product content inspection and monitoring systems are also included as key jobs.

Source: Beijing Youth Daily, February 17, 2010