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China Disciplined the 13 Newspapers That Promoted Household Register System Reform

On March 1, thirteen newspapers including the Economic Observer and Southern Metropolitan News published a joint commentary promoting reforming the household registration system (which separates farmers from city residents and creates unequal rights between them). The commentary was a reminder to the upcoming National People’s Congress (NPC) and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (PPCC) in Beijing. It was a rare media joint action that was undertaken without government authorization.

The Chinese government has disciplined these newspapers. Zhang Hong, the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Economic Observer was fired. Other top managers at the Economic Observer received a serious warning from the Communist Party’s Propaganda Department. Representatives to the NPC and PPCC were warned not to bring up the topic of household registration system reform.

Source: Voice of America, March 10, 2010

Global Times: US High-Ranking Officials Travel to China to be Chastised

China published several articles about the forthcoming visit by the U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Steinberg and Senior Director for Asian affairs at the U.S. National Security Council Bader. These articles claimed that U.S. President Obama caused the tension in the Sino-US relationship. Steinberg and Bader’s visit, in the mind of the Chinese, was President Obama’s administration’s way of easing the tension and apologizing to China. Chinese scholars also claimed that they came to China to be chastised, creating friction between the two nations.

Chinese media stated that both of them were considered to be U.S. officials who “know China,” but that “knowing China” does not mean they are “pro-China.”

China is watching closely whether in April the U.S. is going to classify China as a government that manipulates the foreign exchange rate.

1. Outlook, March 6, 2010
2. Global Times, March 3, 2010

Ministry of Railways: China Will Have the World Largest High-Speed Railway Network

According to the latest Ministry of Railways’ plan, by 2012, China will beat Japan and Germany when it comes to the longest high-speed railway system. The Ministry of Railways’ new blueprint outlines “four vertical” and “four horizontal” passenger lines that connect the northeast, north, central, west, east, and southern parts of China.

The Ministry of Railways is aggressively raising funds. It will push provincial governments and bring in private capital to support and be involved in the construction and management of the railroad systems.

Source: China Securities Journal, March 4, 2010

Wen Jiabao: China Needs to Enhance Military Power

In his Annual Report on the Government, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao observed that the Chinese military needs overall improvements, centered on the primary goals of the Party and the government. He mentioned some major achievements over the past year, such as the National Day parade and the “stability maintenance” missions in key areas. For the new year, Wen emphasized the core capability of winning a regional war under high-tech conditions, as well as the military’s ideological and political development. He also discussed the need to enhance the capability of the military police to handle emergency events and “maintain social stability.”

Source: Xinhua, March 5, 2010

China News: China to Build Super Computer Domestically

China News, a state owned and internationally oriented Chinese news agency, recently reported on the plan to build a “Thousand Trillion Level” super computer based on the domestically made FT-1500 CPU. The computer, named “Tian He II,” is scheduled to be built in 2011. The “Tian He I” super computer, built in 2009, was No. 5 in the world and No. 1 in Asia. It made China the second country after the U.S. that could build “Thousand Trillion Level” computers. The new project will focus more on high performance multi-core CPUs, secure and versatile CPUs, as well as embedded CPUs.

Source: China News, March 3, 2010

Xinhua: China to Launch Space Aircraft

Xinhua recently reported on China’s plan to launch a new space craft named “Tian Gong I” in 2011. Called the “Object Space Aircraft,” it will eventually be reconstructed into a manned space lab where astronauts can spend short periods of time. The grand plan of Chinese Manned Space Missions is divided into three steps. The first is manned space shuttles, which has already been accomplished. Step two is a space lab, which requires four key technologies. It is on going. Step three is building a space station. The four key technologies required by step two are: (1) a space walk; (2) docking; (3) replenishment of supplies; (4) creation of a life sustaining system.

Source: Xinhua, March 3, 2010

Global Times: A Chinese Military Officer Calls for Displacing US as the World’s Military Might

Global Times, one of China’s Official websites, cited an article from Reuters on March 1, 2010 regarding a new Chinese-language book “The China Dream” written by Liu Mingfu, a professor at China’s National Defense University and a PLA senior colonel. Liu suggests that “China should build the world’s strongest military power and displace the United States as the global ‘champion.’”

“Liu Mingfu believes that China should abandon modesty about its global goals and ‘sprint to become the number one World Power.’

"Liu warns that China’s ascent “will alarm the U.S., risking war despite Beijing’s hopes for a ‘peaceful rise.’”

Liu wrote that "If China in the 21st century cannot become the world’s number one power, it will become a straggler that is cast aside." 

Source: Global Times, March 01, 2010 

Xinhua Commentary: Senior U.S. officials visit China to “mend” Sino-US ties?

On March 1, 2010, Xinhua commented that two high U.S. officials’ visited Beijing in the hope of mending ties with China, because of the U.S. arms sales to Taiwan, the “Google Incident” and Obama’s meeting with the Dalai Lama. U.S. Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg and National Security Council Senior Director for Asian Affairs Jeffrey Bader were in Beijing from March 2 to 4. “In terms of Sino-U.S. relations, China’s position has been consistent and clear. China will never barter away China’s core interests … The U.S. must understand that China can’t remain silent when China’s interests are harmed.”

Source: Xinhua, March 1, 2010