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China-Central Asia Natural Gas Pipeline to Fulfill Beijing’s Energy Goals

China’s Hu Jintao was in Turkmenistan on Monday December 14, attending the opening ceremonial of the launch of a natural gas pipeline that runs 1,140 miles across three Central Asia nations to the Chinese border, and into the Chinese region of Xinjiang. Kazakhstan’s president Nursultan Nazarbayev, Turkmen President Gurbanguli Berdymukhamedov, and Uzbekistan President Islom Karimov turned the valve of the pipeline with Hu. 

"China gives the highest priority to cooperation between our neighbors and this pipeline is witness to the uninterrupted cooperation that continues to flourish between our nations," Hu said Monday. 
The pipeline is the first major export corridor for natural gas out of the region that does not pass through Russia. 
Source: China News Service, December 14, 2009

China Acquires a U.S. Theater

On Monday December 14, China Heaven Creation officially took over the White House Theater in Branson, Missouri, the United States. “It is the very first time that a Chinese cultural enterprise successfully bought a U.S. theater, and is a major achievement of Chinese culture ‘stepping outside,’” said Xinhua

China Heaven Creation (CHC), according to its website, was “founded in 1999 with the backing of China Travel Service HK Ltd and the approval of the Ministry of Culture. In 2005, CHC was selected by the Ministry of Culture as the National Model Base for the Culture Industry.” 
Source: Xinhua, December 15, 2009

Outlook: Obama’s Afghanistan War û A High Risk Gamble

An article in Outlook comments, “Obama’s biggest hope is that Afghanistan will not become America’s second Vietnam and his political grave.” The article states that Obama’s strategy in Afghanistan may be effective short-term. “However, from the long-term perspective, it remains uncertain whether the new strategy can lead the U.S. out of the quagmire of Afghanistan.”

Source: Outlook, Issue 50, reprinted Soho December 14, 2009

H1N1 and Dissemination of Information During Crisis

The widely usage of Internet and Web2.0 media enables the public to use blog postings and text messages among themselves to disseminate H1N1 information, says Globe, a biweekly magazine published by Xinhua. People don’t rely on the traditional media, which is more rigid in reporting the epidemic situation, any more. Thus the crisis of H1N1 also becomes a crisis for the media.

Globe also argued that China should improve its influence over international public opinion, as currently the Western media have led China by the nose on major news. “Therefore, how to explain China to the world and seek international support during a crisis should be an important link as the government improves the dissemination of information during a crisis.”

Source: Xinhua, December 14, 2009

Media Directed to Create Positive Publicity about China’s Economy

The media should create a favorable public opinion about stable and rapid economic development, said Liu Yunshan, Politburo member and head of the Publicity Department of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party. He stated that the publicity and ideological fronts should study and implement the guidance of the Central Economic Work Conference, be in alignment with the Party’s assessment of the international and domestic economic situation, and with the Party’s economic policy and implementation thereof. 

Source: Xinhua, December 14, 2009

Jon Huntsman Met with Five Chinese Human Rights Activists

U.S. Ambassador Jon Huntsman met with five Chinese human rights lawyers and activists on December 9, 2009, according to the Voice of America. The two-hour meeting took place in the U.S. Embassy. with Jiang Tianyong, Li Fangping, Zhang Kai, Dai Jinbo, and Wang Guangze present at the meeting.

These advocates implied that this meeting was not just a formality. Ambassador Huntsman listened carefully to their portrayal of religion and human rights issues in China. He said that such meetings are not a single occurrence and that he would discuss with the Chinese government religious freedom issues and lawful rights for family churches.

Jiang Tianyong suggested that the meeting with Ambassador Huntsman would have a deep and significant impact on China.

President Obama also wanted to meet with China’s rights activists during his visit to China in November, but other issues took priority.

Source: VOA, December 13, 2009

Editor-In-Chief of Nanfang Weekend Demoted for Interviewing President Obama

Xiang Xi, the former editor-in-chief of Nanfang Weekend was demoted to executive editor for his handling of Nanfang Weekend’s interview with U.S. President Obama.

President Obama granted Xiang Xi, representing Nanfang Weekend, a relatively liberal state-owned newspaper, an exclusive interview during his visit to China.

Nanfang Weekend later published a censored interview report and blanked part of the front and second pages to protest the censorship by the Communist Party’s Propaganda Department.

1. Radio Free Asia, December 13, 2009
2. Chinascope

China Marxism Forum 2009 Held in Beijing

The “China Marxism Forum 2009” was held in the Central Committee’s Party School in Beijing from December 8 to 9. Xi Jinping, Hu Jintao’s successor, member of the Politburo Standing Committee and President of the Central Committee’s Party School sent a congratulatory letter to the forum.

This forum was sponsored by the China Marxism Study Foundation, the only foundation in China that awards and organizes theoretical study of Marxism and the Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, and the National Development Bank.

Going forward, the China Marxism Study Foundation will sponsor the Marxism Forum annually, with the first meeting held this year.

Source: Study Times, December 14, 2009