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Strategic Cooperation between Ex-Im Bank and Ministry of Culture

On November 27, China Arts & Entertainment Group (CAEG) signed a strategic cooperation pact with the Export-Import Bank of China. This is the first instance of a state policy bank providing preferential financing to a large cultural enterprise, said Xinhua

Earlier in March of this year, the Ex-Im Bank and the Ministry of Culture signed the Cooperation Agreement on Nurturing Key Export Oriented Culture Enterprises and Projects. According to the agreement, the Ex-Im Bank is to provide preferential financing to China’s culture industry with at least 20 billion yuan or equivalent foreign exchanges within five years.
Parties present at the signing ceremony, according to Xinhua, believe the cooperation will boost CAEG’s international competitiveness, expand its market share, and promote China’s soft power around the globe. 
Source: Xinhua, November 27, 2009

Outlook Weekly Publishes Hu Jintao’s Epochal Views

The latest issue of Outlook Weekly magazine, owned by Xinhua, published an article titled “Hu Jintao’s Epochal Views.” Although the full text of the article, already in the print version of the magazine, is not seen on the web, major state media have widely reported this article. 

According to Xinhua, “Hu Jintao’s Epochal Views” is a “complete set of basic views that reflect the trend of the current epoch, promote the development of the epoch, and lead the advance of the epoch.” “It embodies major theoretical innovations of the Chinese Communist Party of the new century and new stage on the issues of the current epoch.” “It is mainly composed of fives aspects: the view of profound transformation, the view of a harmonious world, the view of joint development, the view of shared responsibilities, and the view of active participation.”
Source: Xinhua, November 24, 2009

2009’s Major National Science and Technology Projects Underway

On November 23 and 24, Liu Yandong, a member of the Politburo and the State Council, presided over a meeting to implement the 2009 Major National Science and Technology Projects. Liu emphasized carrying out the “latest requirements” of the Party and State Council in the fields of science and technology, with a focus on assuring national security, leading the world with a roadmap of R&D, expediting innovations in key areas, and fostering new strategic industries. 

Liu said the Major Projects are based on forward-looking strategic decision made by the Party and the State Council. Comprehensive implementation is underway. 

Source: Xinhua, November 25, 2009

Xinhua: USCC Interferes in China’s Internal Affairs

Qin Gang, Foreign Ministry spokesman of P.R. China, said on November 23, 2009, that China would like to advise the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission (USCC) not to interfere in China’s internal affairs and damage Sino-US relations again. Qin made the speech when answering a reporter’s question on the Commission’s 2009 annual report, [1] according to Xinhua on November 23, 2009.

Qin Gang said, “This report ignores the facts, contains a lot of prejudice, and displays ulterior motives. We advise this so-called Commission not always to view China with tinted glasses, and not to interfere in China’s internal affairs and undermine China-US relations.”

Source: Xinhua, November 23, 2009

[1] The 2009 Annual Report to Congress of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission

Xinhua: Naked Officials” Forbidden to Hold Chief Positions within the Party and Government

In order to monitor “top leaders,” on November 25, 2009, the Shenzhen City CCP Committee and Municipal Government promulgated “The Provisional Regulations on Supervision of the CCP and Government Chiefs,” which forbids “Naked Officials,” those whose spouses and children have moved out of China, from holding chief positions within the Party and the government or acting as members of important departments’ leadership teams.

[Ed: The problem of “naked officials” is known to have existed in China for many years. “Naked officials” abuse their power to get money illegally and then transfer it to their family members overseas. If they are investigated, they can easily manage to escape from China, since they are just by themselves.]

Source: Xinhua, November 25, 2009

Xinhua: Guangdong Will Employ Journalists as Information Collectors for Any Unexpected Crises

Xinhua reported on November 25, 2009, that Guangdong Province submitted the “Guangdong Province Implementation Plan (Draft) on ‘The P.R. China’s Strategies in Response to Unexpected Crises’” on November 24, 2009, proposing that any governments at the county level or above should employ news journalists as grass-roots information collectors for unexpected crises. The Draft also proposes that all the cities in the Pearl River Delta area must report any unexpected crises to their relevant municipal governments within one hour.

Source: Xinhua, November 25, 2009

Huanqiu: To Improve Chinese Military Development

Chinese military power would be trapped in a shallow basin if its development could not adjust to the quantum leap of new weapons and equipment as in other countries, says state media Huanqiu Magazine. For example, increasing pressure comes from neighbors such as Russia (about 1,500 billion rubles in arms purchases in 2009) and India (150 billion US dollars to modernize military forces over the next 5 years). “The U.S.’ frequent moves in the Western Pacific region have posed a serious threat to China’s military security. This threat comes from its force in the air as well as from the sea, and even from its power from sea to land.”

Source: Xinhua, November 4, 2009

Party to Expand Its Presence in CPA Firms in 2010

The State’s China Institute of Certified Public Accountants announced its goal for 2010 at a Party training workshop: to establish Party branches in every accounting firm in China. There are over 7,500 accounting firms in China with close to 90,000 practicing certified public accountants and close to 300,000 employees. However, only 14% of the accounting firms have Party branches and 11% of the employees are Party members. On October 18, 2009, a Party Commission was established for China’s CPA industry. Deputy Ministers of Finance have urged diligence and online courses in establishing a Party presence in the CPA firms.

Source: Huanqiu, November 23, 2009
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