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Zhou Yongkang: Enforcing Comprehensive Management at the Grass-Roots Level

On May 18, Zhou Yongkang, a member of the Politburo Standing Committee, Party Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Central Committee and Director of the Central Committee for Comprehensive Management of Public Security, spoke at the National Commending Conference on Comprehensive Management Achievements from 2005 to 2008. Zhou stated that the comprehensive management work [Editor’s Note: meaning preventing any public event or social turmoil] should be strengthened at the grass-roots level.

The comprehensive management of public security should be implemented at all work units. Each organization and work unit must “manage their own area” and “whoever is in charge is responsible (for social stability).” Each work unit must “watch its own gates, manage its own people, and take care of its own things.” The grass-root level implementation of the comprehensive management work includes enforcing the construction of the party organizations, comprehensive management offices and people self-management organizations.

Source: Qiushi Magazine, June 16, 2009 issue

Xinhua: US Stepping Forward from “Behind the Scene” in South China Sea

2009 sees a bigger role for the United States in the South China Sea, said Xinhua. “Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia and other countries now view foreign military procurement as a shortcut to quickly upgrading their sea and air combat capability. In 2009 the neighboring countries in the South China Sea have changed their strategy to procure high-performance conventional submarines, long-range fighters, advanced surface ships and other heavy equipment.” As Southeast Asian countries have spoken about opposing China with the help of the United States, "the United States is stepping from ‘behind the scene’ to the ‘front stage’ in the South China Sea."

Source: Xinhua, July 3, 2009

Outlook: China to Go to the North Pole

China has major strategic interests in the Arctic region and should secure the Arctic’s resources, said Outlook Weekly. “The Arctic has an important impact on temperature and precipitation in China.” “Use of the Arctic waterways for Chinese fleets would shorten the voyage by 40% compared to the current routes through the Suez Canal and the Panama Canal that are plagued with security risks, high cost and schedule delays.” “China should invest in the development of or otherwise secure the Arctic’s resources.”

Source: Outlook Weekly, Issue 27, 2009

China Petroleum Makes a Foothold in Iraq

Global Times reported that China National Petroleum Corp and BP jointly won the bidding for the al-Rumeila oil field contract in Iraq. “Despite earning only two U.S. dollars a barrel and facing various risks, China’s oil companies need to get a firm foothold in Iraq as soon as possible and increase their market share of oil and gas exploitation. Income and profit margin are secondary factors.”

Source: Global Times, July 2, 2009

CCP Expands Party Membership to Private Businesses

Zhong Pingyao, Deputy Director of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce issued requirements to the CCP party organizations at various levels of commercial businesses administration and private businesses association that they need to promote the CCP party work and expand party membership to private companies. The Party organization should be established in large private enterprises. For small companies, they should be pooled and served by the party organization established at the business owner’s association level or village/town level.

The statistics from the China Individual Laborers’ Association suggested that by the end of last year, there were 92,308 party branches established among private business owners’ associations, a 10.56 percent increase from the year before. Total party members at these party branches reached 1.96 million, out of which 329,500 are enterprise owners, 542,200 are small business owners and 1.088 millions are workers.

Source: Xinhua, July 2, 2009

China Battles Extreme Weather Conditions

Xinhua published a series of front page articles calling on all levels of regions and government bodies to be on guard against the extreme weather condition. In recent months, China has been hit by stormy and rainy weather in the south and extreme heat in the north. China Daily reported that as of July 5, 75 people had died, 13 were missing, and 39 million people were affected by the flooding in the south.

On Monday July 6, the China Ministry of Finance announced a 170 million yuan emergency fund for the southern regions, including 13 provinces that had suffered from the flood. The article calls on the regions to take the responsibility and cooperate with each other to ensure “winning the battle against the flood.”

[1] China Daily, July 6, 2009
[2] Xinhua, July 8, 2009

Central Propaganda Department Censors Key Words in Internet Searches on Urumqi City Riot

On July 6, the Central Propaganda Department issued an emergency order to all major Internet sites to list "Urumqi City Riot" and its related words as sensitive information which must be filtered when conducting keyword searches online.

Fearing the further development of the Urumqi City Riot, the Central Propaganda Department specifically required all media agencies to follow and be consistent with the reporting done by Xinhua and People’s Daily. "The content should focus on the "crimes committed by East Turkistan so the Chinese people can know its true nature." the order stated.

Source: Radio Free Asia, July 7, 2009

Xinhua: ADB Loan Intensified the Dispute between China and India

The International Herald Leader, under Xinhua News Agency, reported from Beijing and Manila that the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has protested the loan that the Asian Development Bank (ADB) decided to provide to India. The Ministry criticized ADB’s involvement in a border dispute among member countries. The disputed area is between India and China, which India calls the Arunachal Pradesh and China calls the South Tibet area.

The report also criticized Indian media for declaring China was its enemy. However the report mentioned the leadership and military of India remained univolved, as the two countries are trying to improve cooperation. The ADB Board approved document is not yet final.

Source: International Herald Leader, June 22, 2009.