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Senior Party Discipline Officials Receive Intensive Training

More than 2,000 Party secretaries of the Party’s discipline organs at the county level throughout China are gathering in Beijing to attend a focused training course, the first of its kind in the history of the Communist Party’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Xinhua reported that the training, held in the Party School of the CPC Central Committee, the National School of Administration, and the Training Center of the Supervision Ministry of the CPC Central Committee, has been aimed at improving their abilities to fight against corruption as well as maintain social stability.  The training began on May 8, 2009.

Source: Xinhua, May 12, 2009

Details of the “Cross-2009” Military Exercise

Xinhua reported on May 5 that the military will perform the “Cross-2009” Military Exercise, which will involve  four military area commands. [1] Global Times, a newspaper under Chinese state-owned People’s Daily, published an article to further elaborate on the significance of this exercise: One, it is a joint tactical training practice with participation of four complete army divisions from four military commands, with near fifty thousand soldiers, sixty thousand vehicles and large equipment. Two, the exercise will take place at several training bases at the participating military commands. Recently, each command has established its own regional training base, but a single base is unlikely to accommodate four divisions, so the exercise is likely to be spread among several bases. Three, the announcement mentioned a “large scale of mobility,” implying that the division from each command may travel to another command’s base. Four, it is a study and application of the new military training manual that was adopted last year. Five, the air force and the army’s airmen will also participate in the practice. [2]

People’s Daily also reported that excluding the Nanjing military area command (responsible for military actions against Taiwan) is a goodwill signal sent to Taiwan. [3]

[1] Xinhua, May 5, 2009
[2] Global Times, May 8, 2009
[3] People’s Daily, May 13, 2009

Xi Jinping on “Scientific Outlook on Development”

Xinhua has recently reported on several of Xi Jinping’s activities related to the “Scientific Outlook on Development” theory that was Hu Jintao’s main “theoretical contribution” to Communism. Xi is a member of the Politburo Standing Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and Vice President of China.

On May 6 and 7, Xi went to several universities in Beijing to conduct a study of the “Study and Practice of the Theory of Scientific Outlook on Development” movement at universities. On May 7, Xi also gave a speech at the Conference of the University “Study and Practice” Movement at the People’s University, in Beijing. On May 8, Xi Jinping met the participants of the National Conference on the Party’s Construction at the Government Offices. During all these events, Xi Jinping emphasized the need to further implement the “Scientific Outlook on Development” theory.

Source: Xinhua, May 7 & 8, 2009

Solution for Unemployment: Sending College Graduates to Rural Areas

To resolve the pressure of unemployment for college graduates, the Communist Leaders are following the pattern established by Mao Zedong during the cultural revolutionary period, of sending youth to rural areas.

On May 3, Premier Wen Jiabao went to Tsinghua University, Beijing, to meet the 2009 class graduates who will work at the rural areas of China. Although it is the best university in China, Tsinghua graduates are also facing an unemployment challenge and have been encouraged to take entry-level positions or go to rural areas. This year, more than 10% of Tsinghua graduates will work in the West or Northeast areas of China (which are considered to be poor areas with bad living conditions in China). [1]

On May 4, member of the Politburo Standing Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Li Changchun delivered a speech at the 90th anniversary Commemoration of the “May 4” Movement (a youth patriotism event celebrated by the CPC) at the Great Hall of the People, Beijing. He implicitly indicated that the youth should go to poor and rural areas by saying, “(Youth) should learn from books, from practice, and from people; combine ‘book reading’ and ‘traveling around’ together; voluntarily go to the place where the country and the people need you the most, to places which perform the forefront work for “Reform and Open” and “Modernization construction,” and to the places with complex situations and a lot of growth opportunity; understand the reality of the country, and the opinions of the grass-roots level people, …” [2]

[1] Xinhua, May 3, 2009
[2] Xinhua, May 4, 2009

Hubei Province’s Large Investment in A Tomb of Lian Zhan’s Ancestor

Based on Chinese media sources, BBC Chinese reported on May 6, that the government of Hubei Province is investing 13 million RMB to rebuild the tomb of a famous person named Lian Shunbin. It is believed that Lian Shunbin is the ancestor of Lian Zhan, who is the former Chairman of the Taiwan Nationalist Party (Kuomintang, KMT) and former Vice President of the Republic of China.

Source: BBC Chinese, May 6, 2009. Last Update (Monday, 11 May 2009 )


Global Times: Get Out of “US Dollar Trap”

The Global Times, under Chinese state-owned People’s Daily, published a report on various views about the strategy to get out of the “US Dollar trap”. All the scholars quoted in the report agreed that in the long run, China should reduce the amount of its assets valued in US Dollars. However, most of them agreed that it’s not wise to do so in the short term. Exit strategies discussed in the report included: increasing the use of RMB as a settlement currency, increasing stockpiling physical strategic resources and taking advantage of existing large US Dollar assets to gain more share in the current world financial system.

Source: Global Times, May 8, 2009.

Chinese Exporting Companies Facing a Wave of Refused Shipments

The International Herald Leader, under Xinhua News, reported that a large number of Chinese exporting companies are dealing with more and more refused shipments. With the international financial crisis, various excuses are being used by foreign importers to reject shipped goods. Credit risks are significantly increasing. For example, in the first 2 months of 2009, Chinese private exporters alone lost $100 million due to refused shipments – an increase of 87.5% compared to last year.

 Source: International Herald Leader, May 8, 2009.

City of Beijing Raise Water Prices

Beijing plans to raise water prices to resolve the water shortage crisis due to the six year delay of “South-North Water Diversion” project. Water prices increased four times since 2001, from 3.01 to 5.04. The city is also considering monetary award to encourage reduced water consumption.

Source: Xinhua, May 11, 2009