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Briefings - 1151. page

On the One Year Anniversary of Wenchuan Earthquake

On the one year anniversary of Sichuan Wenchuan Earthquake, Xinhua’s front page carried a number of articles praising the Party’s earthquake recovery effort. While the state media continues to attribute the earthquake to natural disaster, building structure defects have remained a major outcry among the grieving parents, whose voices were completely suppressed by state media. According to VOA, of those who tried to conduct independent investigations of the earthquake, 80 percent have been summoned by the police. Some had their photos erased while in police custody.

Voice of America, May 9, 2009
Xinhua, May 10, 2009

Xinhua’s Blog on Bombing of Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia: We Can Not Forget their Blood

On the tenth anniversary of the bombing of the Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia, Xinhua started a blog in memory of the incident and to ask the Chinese people not to forget about the past.

The blog had the following in the introduction: “Today is the ten year anniversary of the attack on our embassy in Yugoslavia. Ten years ago on May 8, US air force dropped 5 bombs to attack China’s embassy in Yugoslavia resulting in the death of three Chinese reporters… (The attack) enraged of tens and millions of Chinese college students and patriotic civilians. Looking back on the attack and how the US government handled themselves, it is not inappropriate at all to describe them as ‘arrogant’ and ‘barbarian.’ The attack was arrogant and the after attack was even worse. It was the tremendous amount of sincere effort from the Chinese people that has reconciled the cooperation between the two countries. But the US is still on guard against us and the underlying hostility still remains… We shall not forget the past as many incidents are worth remembering…”

Source: Xinhua, May 8, 2009

New Law Further Hinders Freedom of Expression

The recent implementation of an Internet regulation in Hangzhou city Zhejiang province raised some serious concerns over the ordinance itself being too fuzzy and with much gray area.

There are specific technical problems in identifying and determining vaguely defined unlawful conducts. At the same time, the deficiencies in protection of civil rights will result in rights abuses and will inevitably lead to distortion in the implementation of the new regulation. In addition, since the existing legal system in general is inadequate in providing enough open channels of public expression; lawful citizens have been repeatedly reported and retaliated as consequences of legitimate expression, introducing such a specific legislation will inevitable harm freedom of speech, suppress the already restricted cyber space that many rely on for anonymous public expression of opinions.

Source: Nanfang News, May 4, 2009

Hu Jingtao Demands Party Loyalty from National Defense Students

The Ministry of Education and the People’s Liberation Army General Political Department jointly issued a few days ago the requirements for the national defense students.  Students are demanded to cultivate the “core values” which Hu Jingtao put forward as "loyalty to the party, love for the people, service to the country and devotion to the mission and upholding honor."

[Editor’s notes: National Defense students are college students who are selected by the military as reserve officers. They receive national defense scholarship during their study and will serve the military as an officer after graduating from college.]

Source: Xinhua News, May 7, 2009

PLA’s Largest Millitary Exercise Taking Place Later This Year

The People’s Liberation Army will conduct a series of cross-region military exercises in the second half of the year that involves four military regions and will take two months to complete.  This is the largest exercise in the history of PLA.

The four military regions taking part in this exercise will dispatch a total of nearly 50,000 personnel; various types of vehicles and large weaponries and equipment count to more than 60,000 in units; the military operation affects more than 50,000 km, the longest motorized travel distance is over 2,400 km. maneuverability will be facilitated with civil aviation, railway transport, and motorized road units.

Source: China News, May 5, 2009

Coal Will Remain the Main Source of Energy through 2050

According to Study Times, coal will continue to be the main source of energy through the year 2050, although the percentage of coal in China’s energy supplies may drop from 75% to 60%. “The basic reality of China’s energy is a ‘lack of oil, not enough gas, and a lot of coal,’ with uneven distribution of resources and economic development in the eastern and western regions.” Renewable energy such as wind power, solar power and biomass will hardly account for any meaningful percentage in the overall energy balance. The State should exercise caution with nuclear energy development, warns Study Times.

Source: Study Times, May 4, 2009

Research in Psychology Used to Suppress Religious Groups

"Since 1999, Chinese authorties have maintained over 2, 000 research projects in religious psychology in order to suppress religious groups," said Dr. Sun Yanjun, a visiting professor of the Psychology of Religion at the University of Hawaii. Dr. Sun made the remarks at a press event held on May 4, 2009, at the National Press Club in Washington DC. According to Dr. Sun, in addition to the National Social Science Foundation and other State foundations, the Public Security Ministry, the State Security Ministry, the Communist Party Propaganda Department, and the State Administration for Religious Affairs have all funded these research projects. Almost all of the cognizant research institutions have participated in these projects. “Under a dictatorship, science becomes the accomplice of tyrannical rule. This is the scientific professionals’ deepest shame,” says Sun.

Source: Epoch Times, May 5, 2009

Hangzhou Regulation: No Anonymous User on the Internet

The highly visible “Hangzhou City Computer Information Network Safety Protection Management Regulation” went into effect in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province on May 1, 2009. The regulation states that no company or person may use computer networks to spread rumors, disturb social order, or destroy social stability; encourage the public to criticize others, expose others’ privacy, or make even subtle personal attacks; or publicly insult or fabricate lies to slander others. On-line service providers must record the valid identification information of the user when he/she is applying for service. [1]

Yangcheng Evening News published several articles to point out that the internet users’ dismay about the tighter government’s restriction over freedom of speech on the Internet. [2] [3] [4]

[1] Zhejiang News, May 1, 2009
[2] Yangcheng Evening News, May 2, 2009
[3] Yangcheng Evening News, May 3, 2009
[4] Yangcheng Evening News, May 4, 2009