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China Fears Jobless Rate Hike

Minister of Human Resources and Social Security alerts local authorities to “closely monitor the impact of changing economy that may have on employment.” His directive was made during his visit to Guangdong, one of the fastest growing regions in China. According to Shenzhen job market statistics, the number of employers hiring started to decrease in the 2nd quarter 2008. It was down 30% in 3rd quarter comparing to the 2nd quarter. On the other hand, job seeker increased close to 40 percent in the past 4 months.

Earlier release from National Development and Reform Commission shows that over 67,000 enterprises of small and medium sizes closed down in the first 6 months of 2008.

Source: China Federation of Trade Unions, November 6, 2008
Xinhua, September 8, 2008

Falun Gong Practitioner Sentenced in Shanghai for Distributing Internet Materials

Ms. Liu Jing, a Falun Gong practitioner, was sentenced to three and half year imprisonment on November 3, 2008. Ms. Liu was arrested November 2007 for downloading from the Internet and distributing Falun Gong materials. In March 2008 she was charged of undermining the implementation of the laws and administrative rules and regulations of the State under Article 300 of the Criminal Law. During the November 3 trial at the People’s Court, Fangxian District, Shanghai, her attorney Mo Shaoping presented oral argument stating Ms. Liu was not guilty as charged and that her actions were protected by freedom of speech and freedom of religion under the Chinese Constitution.

Source: The Epoch Times, November 3, 2008

Minister of Public Security: Use Weapon with Caution, Handling Social Unrests

In a recent issue of Qiushi magazine, an article, authored by Meng Jianzhu, the Minister of Public Security, defined the tasks of the public security as maintaining the order, dissolving the conflicts, deterring the violent behaviors, and keeping the situation in control. It called for a stop to intensifying the conflicts caused by improper measures taken by police.

In particular, Meng cautioned against using weaponry and forceful measures so as to prevent blood shedding. He also stressed on guiding the public opinion and announcing the government message in the first time at emergent events. It’s believed that Meng’s article is a response to the recent escalation of police violence and inflated public discontents.

Source: Nanfang Daily, November 4, 2008

Hainan University Sealed, Fearing Spread of Cholera

As of November 1, 7 students were diagnosed as cholera out of the 30 with the symptom of diarrhea at Hainan University, located in the southern island of Hainan province. It’s the second batch of cholera outbreak in the island after the 17 cases found in Zhanzhou city on October 20.

The campus is now closed up. All students, faculty, and staff members are required to take preventive medicine for three days in a row so as to deter the spread of the infectious disease.

According to the local health authority, 51 cholera cases were identified between October 3 and November 2 across the province. No death was reported.

Source: China Youth Daily, November 4, 2008

China’s State-Media Touts (Karl) Marx amid the Western Financial Crisis

In reporting the current financial crisis spread in Western countries, China’s state media utilized the opportunity to tout the greatness of Marxism and the advantage of socialist (communist system). Following are a few examples:

Jie Fang Daily: Financial Crisis Made Marx’s “The Capital”a Hot-Sale Book in Germany

Wen Hui: “The Capital” Comes Back to the Class of German Universities

Xinhua: The Lasting Attraction of “The Capital”

Xinhua (originally from People’s Daily): The Forever Marx

CN West News: “The Capital” Becomes the “Straw” and “Prescription” for the Self-Realization and Rescue of the Dying Capitalism

[Translator’s note: in phone conversations with family members and friends from mainland China, many asked that U.S. is also following the path of socialism.]

China and India’s High Level Military officials Exchange Visit

On Nov. 1, Chinese Navy Commander-in Chief Wu Shenli Arrived New Deli for five-day visit. On the same day, India Air Force Chief of Staff Fali H Major also left for China for a week long visit. This is the first time in history that high level military officials from both countries visit to each other. The visit was initiated by India and China actively responded. The main task that Major is trying to accomplish is to explore the possibility of having joint military drill of air force.

Source: Xinhua, November 4, 2008

NDRC Will Allow Corporate Bond to Grow in 2009

“National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) is to allow the increases in the corporate bond, exercise measures to mitigate the risk and improve the bond-issuing system” a representative of the NDRC spoke at the “Seminar on the Industry Development of China in 2009” on November 2. The increases will be in quantity and variety, he said.  By the end of October, total approved corporate bond has exceeded 180 trillion compared with 171 trillion in 2007. The ratio of direct equity financing versus the indirect was 1:4.

Source: Xinhua, November 3,2008

100,000 cases of Tainted Milk Improperly Disposed

A waste disposal center in Baiyun district of city of Guangzhou dumped over 100,000 cases of melamine-tainted milk into the nearby Shijing River without proper treatment which has caused a white layer of milk floating on the river and emitting odor in the warm weather. The local residents filed complaints with the local authority but the waste center claimed that they have received the approval from the local Sanitation Bureau on the way that the tainted milk was disposed.

Source: Xinhua, November 2, 2008