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CRI: France’s Attitude Towards China Made 180 Degrees Change

“France’s attitude towards China has made 180 degrees change”, cited China Radio International (CRI) referring to a special program aired by French Television Station France 2 on October 9. The program was about Dalai Lama on his “autocracy ruling of Tibet” and the “little known secrets” including his connection with the CIA. There was another negative program aired earlier about Dalai by France television 24.

The article by CRI said that the move by France 2 is a continuation of series actions taken by Sarkozy in order to repair the damage done during the Olympic torch in Paris which include the “distinguished guest” treatment to the Chinese paralympian Jin Jing and the resignation of Robert Ménard as the founder of “reporter without border”.

The anti-China force has significantly damaged the France- China relationship, cited the article. While France was leading the effort, it found itself being the minority on the world stage.  The sensible gesture taken by the US and UK in foreign affairs has taught Sarkozy a good lesson… Facing the current financial crisis, it is once again put China in a very important position. As the gravity of the crisis remains unknown, the reliance on China could be long term”, the article said.

Source: China Radio International, October 17, 2008

State Administration of Taxation: September Tax Income Took Deep Dive

The State Administration of Taxation disclosed that the state tax income growth rate was 2.5 percent in September, a significant drop compared with 33.5 percent reported in the first half of this year and over 20 percent for the past ten years. The drop was mainly driven by the slow economy which has caused decrease in business profits and taxes including value added taxes, sales tax and stamp duty, according to the Administration of Taxation. It is predicted that the fourth quarter will continue to see the decreasing trend or even the negative growth.

Source: Sina, October 18, 2008

Users of Beijing Internet Cafes Face Tighter Control

Whoever uses Beijing Internet cafes for the first time will be photographed and their Identification Cards scanned. The data is transmitted to the database of the monitoring platform maintained by the “culture policing forces.”  By mid December, the installation and implementation of the system will be completed in all Internet cafes in Beijing.   At the monitoring platform, the authorities can monitor remotely any computer in any Internet café, real time.  Owners of the Internet cafes have no access to the data.

Source:, October 16, 2008

Soft Power at Work û Confucius Institutes in Africa

Confucius Institutes are instrumental in bringing China and Africa closer, reported Xinhua. There are 21 Confucius Institute in 13 African countries. 10 of them have started operation with 2,000 students, the remaining in preparation stage. The State headquarters of Confucius Institutes in Beijing have provided significant support to these Confucius Institutes in terms of Chinese teachers, financial support of over $3 million, donations of over 30,000 textbooks and multimedia items.

There are 271 Confucius Institutes throughout the world in 77 countries and regions.

Source; Xinhua, October 7, 2008

China Becomes the Largest Investor in Zambia

Chinese companies have invested in over 140 projects and created 11,000 jobs, quoted Xinhua from Zambia Times. Investment tends to concentrate on agriculture, machinery processing, mining and tourism, totaling over $80 million.

Source: Xinhua, October 6, 2008

80% Plus Young Chinese Use Internet, Survey Reports

According to a recent 2007 Survey on Internet Usage by Juveniles issued by China Youth Social Service Center (CYSSC), 85.6% of population between 9 and 16 has experiences of Internet. The proportion among urban young Chinese is close to 90%, while the figure in rural area is as high as 69.4%. 71.9% of those surveyed accessed Internet from home. 58.50% of the questioned claimed that they use Internet mainly for entertainment.

The survey, targeting 7,700 juveniles falling in the age group and their parents and teachers in 10 provinces including Beijing, Shanghai, and Chongqing, was conducted jointly by CYSSC, Youth Center under Chinese Academy of Social Science (CASS), and China Youth Political Academy between August and November of 2007.

Source: Xinhua, October 15, 2008

New Urgent Recall of Milk Products

Urgent notice was sent overnight on October 13 by six state agencies to immediately take milk powder and liquid milk of all brands off the shelves. Supermarkets, department stores, groceries stores, and urban and rural retails booths are ordered to stop selling those made by September 14 and send for inspection. Only those satisfying the new regulation are allowed to return for sale after relabeling. The state agencies include Ministry of Commerce, Administration for Industry and Commerce, and General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine. This new order is a contrast against last week, when major brands of liquid milk were still under extensive sales promotion.

Source: Xinhua, October 14, 2008