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More Arrests in Toxic Milk Powder Case

Two more arrests were made according to Hebei authorities’ press conference on September 16, 2008 in connection with the melamine-tainted milk powder recall. As of September 16, 4 people were arrested and another 22 were in police custody. As of September 15, 2008, about 10,000 infants who had been fed contaminated Sanlu powdered milk were examined. 1,253 have been diagnosed with kidney illness. 2 of them have died. 913 are being treated as outpatients. 340 remain in the hospital. "…The number could rise sharply in coming days as more parents take their children for medical check-ups," Xinhua reported, citing Health Minister Chen Zhu.

Source: Xinhua, September 15 and 16, 2008

China and India Media Exchange Words over Nuclear Issues

Recently, Xinhua published several articles about India media’s attack on China. The issue seems to be originated from the conflict of both countries on the Nuclear Suppliers Group’s decision to lift the ban on India’s nuclear application for civil use. India believes that China is supporting India’s nuclear opponent Pakistan. On September 12, a Xinhua article says “India media again talk nonsense, saying giant China dragon is making people sick.” The article quoted words from Times of India “We can only know who is our true friend at difficult times” and India’s Economic Times “This disgusting giant dragon wants to get exchange for the mother of nuclear dissemination (Pakistan).”

Xinhua also published a few related articles: “India media vilifies that our army trespassed the border, talking about “China invasion;” ( “India says China is worried about India strengthening military force and forming ally with U.S.” (

Source: Xinhua, September 12, 2008

Pakistan Imports over 100 Fighter Planes from China

Xinhua reports that Pakistan air force will soon sign an agreement with China to import fighter airplanes. The agreement includes a plan to imports 42 JF-17 fighter planes in the near term. Eight of them has already arrived Pakistan for test and evaluation. It is said that Pakistan air force ordered 150 JF-17 with a possibility of increasing the order to 250-300. The agreement also includes a plan to import 36 FC-20 multipurpose fighter planes from China and 18 F-16 from the United States. When the whole plan is realized, Pakistan’s air force will have an absolute advantage in South Asia. China’s fighter planes will be the main part of Pakistan’s air force.

Source: Xinhua, September 13, 2008

The Luxury Performing Arts Center is criticized for Lack of Practical Uses

Pu Chunxi, a renowned Chinese actor recently openly criticized the National Centre for the Performing Arts or the “The Egg” for too much extravagance and lack of practical uses.  Pu listed a number of flaws in the design and questioned “Who is the China National Opera Built for?” Pu’s criticism was widely posted by Chinese media and website and drew warm responses from the visitors.  Some called him “Artist with Conscience”.

Designed by French architect Paul Andreu with construction started in December 2001, National Centre for the Performing Arts held the inaugural concert in December 2007. The project is said to be pushed forward by former President Jiang Zemin.

Source: Nan Fang Weekend, September 3, 2008

Official Media Praises Obama’s China Think Tank as Pragmatic and Moderate

Xinhua carried an article sourced from Shanghai Morning Post which praised Obama’s “China Think Tank” to be “programmatic and moderate”. It said: “Among those 15 Obama’s China Think Tank members, majority of them came from Clinton’s foreign policy cabinet. They are very familiar with China affairs. Most of them are programmatic and moderate with good relationship with China.”

The article then introduced a few key members led by Senator Biden. The article cited: “Mr. Biden disagrees with ‘engagement and containment’, the two words that Bush administration uses in its China Policy. But rather, Congressman Biden favors ‘compete and cooperate’, which can be used to summarize what Obama’s China policy would look like. "

Source: Xinhua, September 12, 2008

Preliminary Winners of 2008 Best Self-Disciplinary Chinese Websites

Twenty-one websites were winners in the preliminary contest for Best Self-Disciplinary Websites, according to the Internet Society of China. The winners include,,,,, and The twenty-one winners were selected due to exemplar compliance with the State law and regulations on Internet censorship. Internet Society of China (ISC) was established in 2001 and considered State’s arm in enforcing Internet censorship. In June 2004 its members were “invited” to sign self-discipline pact in order to prevent the spread of anti-government information, porn and anything else that might threaten "national security (and) social stability."

Source: Internet Society of China, September 5, 2008

High Administrative Cost and China’s Political System

The root cause of high administration expenditure lies in the Chinese system and a deep-down system reform is the only way to resolve the problem, said the People’s Daily website. Major administrative and functional coordination is implemented by government or quasi-government entities that extend their control throughout the country via various layers of government entities. Centralized system brings weak local governments that are derivative of the central government. Too many layers of government also contribute to the high administrative cost of the government.

Source: People’s Daily website, September 10, 2008

Xinhua: New Round of Conflicts between U.S. and Russia

The recent conflict between Russia and Georgia was in fact a forceful rebuttal launched by Russia against the United States’ expansion in Russia’s neighborhood, but not likely leading to major confrontation, said Xinhua.  The article listed Russia’s embargo on Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova, support of the Palestine’s Hamas, arms sales to Venezuela, Syria and Iran; and cooperation with Iran on civil application of nuclear technology, all as proactive responses to the United States. “From the long-term perspective, if Russia exercises adequate self-control, the situation would not deteriorate and the relationship between Russia and the West would not suffer major setbacks.”

Source: Xinhua, September 10, 2008