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Olympics: Websites on Lip Syncing and National Interest Withdrawn from Internet

At the Olympics opening ceremony on August 8, the 9-year-old Lin Miaoke took center-stage and sang an ode to the motherland, but the voice heard around the world belonged to 7-year-old Yang Peiyi, said Chen Qigang, the ceremony’s music director, in an interview with the State media on August 11. According to Chen, Yang was yanked at the last minute because her looks were deemed not suitable by a senior Communist Potliburo member. "It was for the national interest," said Chen.  

A google search shows websites inside China that had previously reported on the lip-syncing now return errors stating the web page is no longer available.

Olympics: Government Role Suspected in Fatal Stabbing of Bachman

According to sources close to the case in China, the true assailant of Todd Bachman, father-in-law of US men’s volleyball head coach Hugh McCutcheon, has yet to be identified. Bachman was fatally stabbed on August 9 while visiting the Drum Tower in Beijing by a knife-wielding Chinese man who, the official Xinhua alleged, leapt to his death. Xinhua identified him as Tang on August 10. However, witnesses closeby indicated that the assailent was a male in a suit who quickly disappeared after the attack, and the person who leapt to their death was a female. Sources suspect the involvement of a faction of the Communist Politburo.

Source: Epoch Times, August 13, 2008

No Rain at the Olympic Opening Ceremony; the First Rain Dispersal Operation in Olympic History

On the day of the Beijing Olympics’ opening ceremony, with the help of a meteorology expert from Russia, the Chinese Meteorology department launched 1104 rain dispersal rockets at 21 operation sites in Beijing between 4:23pm to 11:39pm to stop a storm cloud that was coming from the southwest. The Chinese Meteorology experts claimed that it was the largest organized and best executed weather modification operation used in Olympic history and the first ever used in China.

The weather forecast called for a rainy weather forecast for the Olympic opening night with 90 percent humidity. Rain had been cited as the biggest threat to the Olympic opening by the chief director of the ceremony Zhang Yimou days ahead of the opening night. The weather services said that Baoding City of Hebei Province, to the southwest of Beijing received the biggest rainfall of 100 millimeters Friday night, and Beijing’s Fangshan District recorded a rainfall of 25 millimeters.

Source: Xinhua, August 9. 2008

Chinese Audience Complains About Not Receiving Broadcasting Signals from VOA and RFA

Ever since the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) switched VOA and RFA from Eutelsat W5 to Asiasat 3S on July 30, more and more audience members from mainland China have been complaining that they are unable to receive the signals from VOA and RFA.  They say that the signals were weak and frequently interfered with in July but that this has worsened and there has been no signal since early August.  Asiasat 3S is reportedly controlled by the Chinese Communist regime.

In addition to VOA and RFA programs, Eutelsat also carried signals for New Tang Dynasty Television (NTDTV), an independent and nonprofit television broadcaster based in New York City. The BBG’s decision to switch the satellite companies BBG has subsequently shutdown the broadcasting signals of NTDTV into China.  NTDTV is known for broadcasting uncensored information into China and can be potentially viewed by millions of audience members inside China.

Source: New Tang Dynasty Television, August 12, 2008

Over Ten Thousand Petitioners Detained in Beijing Suburb

Over ten thousand petitioners are currently being detained in Jiujing Zhuang, a suburb of Beijing, during the Olympics, according to a text message from a rights activist with her real name withheld. Another message sent by this person was a government order targeting hotels, public showering locations, apartment landlords. They were warned not to take in any petitioners during the Beijing Olympics or they could be subjected to a 15 day detention and 1500 yuan penalty.

Source: The Epoch Times, August 12, 2008

Bush Becomes Xinhua’s Favorite Target during Olympics

Using the key words “Bush” and “Olympics” to search within the website of China’s state media Xinhua returned well over 100 items from August 8-12. Bush, representing the important figures of Western “guests,” has been used as a symbol to boost the “grandiosity” of the Beijing Olympics. In Xinhua’s report on the opening ceremony, Bush’s picture entering the stadium with Hu Jintao was shown in the prime position. Below are a few samples of such report:
Bush Watches Olympics: “Very Exciting, Better than Expected”

Bush Praises Olympics Surpassing Expectation: “Feel Really Great”

Bush Is Absorbed in Watching Olympic Games; Wife Says Opening Ceremony “Wonderful’

Bush: Passionate Cheerleader

Narrating to His Wife in Advance, Bush Overjoyed by China-U.S. Men’s Basketball Game

Olympics: Approved Protesters Missing

Following the government’s regulations that demonstrations would be allowed in designated parks during the Beijing Olympics, Mr. Li Jincheng and Mr. Liu Xueli applied for and obtained permission to protest in World Park. They were told to come to the authorities to get their written permission on August 9.

But on August 8, Mr. Li mysteriously disappeared near the “Bird’s Nest” Olympic Stadium. The other organizer, Mr. Liu, was also missing. Their protest permit has been invalidated.

Source:, August 10, 2008