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China UniCom to Promote Firewall Service for Cellular Messaging

China UniCom announced today that it would introduce a “Firewall” service for its Cellular Messaging users throughout China to combat the problem of “junk” messages. Through technological innovation, this automatic service allows incoming messages to be filtered based on pre-selected key words, according to one senior engineer of the state-owned company. The company also announced a platform for users to report “unhealthy” messages that can be analyzed and reported to the authorities automatically. According to China’s Internet Association for Anti-Junk Mails Working Committee, cellular phone users in China have received a total of 353.9 billions junk messages in 2007, a 92.7% increase from 2006.

Source: Xinhua, April 29, 2008

Chinese Students Facing Charges and Deportation û Scuffles in the Olympics Torch Relay

Five Chinese students in Australia are facing charges and potential deportation due to scuffles at the April 24 Olympic Torch Relay event, according to Australian Chinese Website, Snowpear on April 29, 2008. Chinese students are hoping the matter would be resolved via diplomatic channels. Apparently the Chinese embassy and consulates in Australia have been unwilling to get involved stating they had nothing to do with the incident.

Source:, April 29, 2008
Renminbao, April 28, 2008

Chinese Foreign Minister Publicly Associates Taiwanese Independence groups with Tibetan protests

In a meeting with journalists on April 17 during a visit to Japan, Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi stated, “I emphasize that the Tibetan issue is China’s internal affair. The Chinese government has already made great efforts (in resolving the Tibet issue), communicated with the world about the situation of Tibet, and organized foreign diplomatic officials and journalist to visit Tibet. It has already confirmed through investigation that the serious criminal riot in Tibetan area is produced at the Dalai faction’s organized instigation and by the collusion of Taiwanese independence group with Tibetan Secessionists.”

Source: Boxun, April 29, 2008

What Tibetan Issue Is and Is Not? Headlines from Xinhua news

April 29: The “Tibetan Issue” Is Not a Religious Issue [1]
April 28: The So-Called “Tibetan Issue” Is the Product of Imperialists’ Invasion of China [2]
April 26: The “Tibetan Issue” Is Not a Ethnic Issue [3]

Source: Xinhua, April, 2008

Li Congjun Appointed as Director of Xinhua News Agency

Xinhua April 25 news: Li Congjun was appointed as director of Xinhua News Agency. Li was born in September, 1949; graduated from Shandong University with doctor degree of literature in 1985. He has served as Party secretary and deputy director of Xinhua News Agency since August 2007. He was appointed as deputy minister of China Propaganda Ministry in February 2001.

Source: Xinhua, April 25, 2008

Public Opinion survey on Reviving College Morale

China Youth Online conducted a survey on measures to take in reviving morale at colleges. The survey results suggested the following:

71.3 percent – emphasize education on a human plane; encourage students to “challenge and question” and form individual personalities;
64.9 percent – need the whole society to respect education and creativity rather than merely promoting wealth and power;
55.3 percent – improve teachers’ skills and ability; standardize teachers’ skill training;
53.5 percent – apart from academics, college teachers need to pursue moral values and self-restraint;
51.3 percent – improve transparency to allow colleges to have more flexibility to grow;
37.6 percent – encourage more college professors to get involved in school management.

Source: China Youth Online, April 28, 2008

Hong Kong Denies Entry to Danish Artist and Rights Activist

Jens Galschiot, a Danish artist and rights activist was denied entry into Hong Kong when he arrived on April 26 to participate in peaceful protests against the Olympic torch relay and make repairs to the Pillar of Shame, a sculpture created by Jens to commemorate the June 4th, 1998 massacre in Beijing. Jens and two other members of The Color Orange, a movement using the color orange as a symbolic protest against right violations by the Chinese regime, were detained at the airport for six hours and forced to board a return flight by armed police at 11 o’clock at night.

Apple Daily, April 27, 2008
Ming Pao News, April 27, 2008

Chinese Suppliers Hit by Anti-French Sentiment

Boycotting Carrefour, the French supermarket chain in China, has started to affect the Chinese suppliers who provide 95 percent of products to Carrefour. One supplier in Shanghai disclosed that their order volume has dropped 20 percent in the past few days. The potential increase in sale returns, food products in particular, is also a concern. Carrefour recently announced the cancellation of the sales promotion scheduled for the upcoming May 1, Chinese Labor Day.

Demonstrations against French supermarket chain Carrefour erupted in cities across China on Saturday April 19, caused by anger over the disruption of the Olympic torch relay when it went through Paris on April 7.

Source: China Business, April 28, 2008