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Mongolia’s Arkhangai Expects Chinese Language Courses

J. Khurelsukh, governor of Mongolia’s Arkhangai Province, told Chinese Ambassador Yu Hongyao on February 19 that there is a need for Chinese language courses in middle and elementary schools in the province. Khurelsukh regarded it necessary for Mongolians to study Chinese language to facilitate the exchanges and cooperation with China. Recently Chinese language has gained popularity in Mongolia with courses launched in more than 40 schools.

Source: Xinhua, February 19, 2008

China Central TV Station Lands in Cuba

A celebrating ceremony was held on February 18, 2008, in Cuba’s capital Havana for the landing of China Central TV (CCTV)’s three international channels in Cuba. Up to 2007, CCTV’s Chinese international channel CCTV-4 had landed 66 programs covering 68 countries and regions; English international channel CCTV-9 landed 98 programs covering 90 countries and regions; French international channel CCTV-F landed 9 programs covering 30 and Spanish international channel CCTV-E landed 7 programs covering 7 countries and regions, respectively.

Source: VOA, February 18, 2008

Beijing Expresses Deep Concern over Kosovo Independence

China’s foreign ministry issued a statement on February 18 that expressed "deep concern" over Kosovo’s unilateral declaration of independence from Serbia. "The unilateral approach by Kosovo may cause a series of consequences and lead to severe negative influences on the peace and stability of the Balkan region," and “China always believes that reaching an agreement acceptable to both sides through negotiation is the best avenue to solve the problem,” said the statement.

Source: Xinhuanet, February 18, 2008

ChinaNews on Spy Accusation

The accusation that China has been actively spying in US is "a pure fabrication with an ultimate motive", claimed by the front page article who cited the rebuttal statement from the spokesperson of the Department of Foreign Affairs in response to the arrest of four "Chinese Spies" by US. The media fanfare on the arrest is consistent with the continued touting of the so-called "Chinese Espionage" and "China Threat" that has become an inharmonic note accompanying the China’s fast rising economy and the continued improvement of Sino-US relationship. The article states that US has the world’s most sophisticated and complete espionage agencies and 1/3 of internet hacking actives occurred in US. It calls for the US to let go the Cold War mentality and stop groundless accusation toward China.

Source: China News, February 17, 2008

XinhuaNet: Bush’s Olympic Announcement Stamps Approval of China’s Foreign Policy

A commentary article on the front page of XinhuaNet on February 17 appraised the US President Bush’s announcement to attend the opening ceremony of Beijing Olympic. The author, Tan Haojun, who routinely writes for XinhuaNet, claimed that Bush’s announcement was not only a proactive gesture from Washington but also a positive signal for the upcoming Sino-US relationship. The article appraised the announcement as an indication that the China’s foreign policy is on the right direction. It touted it as a proof of China’s rising status in the world ranking. It also showed that "politicizing" of Olympic is extremely unpopular.

Source: Xinhua, February 17, 2008

Massive Construction of Submarine Cable in Hainan

China’s first submarine power cable will be laid through the Qiongzhou Straits this year, connecting the provincial grids of Guangdong and the southernmost Hainan Island. A 34.7-kilometer benthal cable and a 144-kilometer trolley wire will be constructed to link the Gangcheng transformer substation in Guangdong’s Zhanjiang City and the Fushan transformer substation in Hainan’s Chengmai County with a 500-kilovolt alternating current grid. The project will cost 2.1 billion yuan ($280 million).

When completed in the first half of 2009, the submarine power cable is expected to be the longest of its kind in the world.

Source:, February 13, 2008

China Reported 3.2 Billion Charitable Donations in 2007

China Charitable Donation Report indicated that China’s public and corporate charitable donations reached $3 billion (22.3 billion Yuan) in 2007, an increase of 123% from 2006. The amount of the charitable donation from outside of China is about $1 billion (8.6 billion Yuan). This is the first official report on the annual charitable funds China received.

Sixty percent of the charitable donation went to education, poverty reduction and disaster relief. In 2008, China’s charity sector identified three areas for improvements. First, improving the organizational structure, especially for grass-roots communities and villages organizations; secondly, establishing evaluation criteria for monthly and annual evaluations; and finally improving the management of charitable projects.

Source: website of Ministry of Civil Affairs, January 31, 2008

Expert Calls For Reviving Cultural Contents Of the Holidays

“Holidays in China have turned into food festivals. The cultural aspect of it is missing,” Huo Shangde, Chairman of the Society for the Study of Folk Literature and Art wrote in an article published by the People’s Daily on February 14.  Huo is calling the nation to be relieved from the “food festival” and revive the vibrant cultural contents.

Huo describes China as the nation that emphasizes loyalty, respect, kindness, and love. "The traditions of the holidays imply the deep rooted cultural of harmony of heaven and mankind," he said, "without it, Chinese civilization will lose its glory."

It was reported that during the week of the Chinese New Year celebration this year, the restaurant industry in Shanghai produced 96.8 million yuan (US$ 13.4 million) in revenue, 16.7 percent increase from last year. The average banquet in Shanghai costs 1,699 yuan (US$236) per table.

China News, February 14, 2008
Xinhua, February 14, 2008