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Xinhua Article Questions Pelosi: What Does Pelosi Want to Do?

On Xinhua’s website on April 14, an article, by Shen Dingli, Deputy Director of the International Affairs Institute of [Shanghai’s] Fudan University, described U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as “opposing China no matter what” and questioned what she wanted to do [about China]. The article said that Pelosi started a Congressional Resolution to prohibit U.S. officials from attending the Beijing Olympics using government funds, though she has no control over the U.S. executive branch.

The article complimented President Bush, saying that Bush’s views and actions [regarding Sino-U.S. cooperation for the Olympics] are responsible. The article continued, “Pelosi even publicly called on people to make trouble at her hometown San Francisco during the Olympic Torch relay. Being ranked third to succeed President’s position and as the Speaker [of the House], Pelosi is naturally a top level leader. At such a high level position of public power, she even despises the law, supporting “Tibetan Independence” forces to challenge the Olympic Torch and interfer with the U.S. government’s protection of the Torch relay…”

Source: Xinhua, April 14, 2008

Xinhua Calls US House Speaker Holding Double Standards and Not Welcomed in China

Xinhua carried an article to discredit House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on her support to the protesters in Tibet. The article named the Speaker holding double standards, interfering with China’s internal affairs, constantly hurting Chinese people feelings and damaging Sino-US relationship. The article calls the Speaker an unwelcomed person in China.

Source: Xinhua, April 12, 2008

China Deepens in Foreign Reserves Losses As US Dollar Weakens

On April 10, the exchange rate between US dollars and Chinese yuan fell below 7 yuan mark to 6.99920. Compared with the exchange rate prior to the currency reform in 2005, Chinese yuan has made cumulative appreciation of 15.5 percent against the dollars. One analysis suggested that the weakened dollars has caused China losing US$35.7 billion or 4 aircraft carriers in the past one month assuming 90 percent of China’s reserve is in US dollars.

Source: Global Times, April 11, 2008

People’s Daily: What is the Intention of the Washington Post?

People’s Daily calls a series of commentaries on Tibet published by Washington Post in the past two months are full of one-sided opinions, distorted comments and a shameful act by a few mainstream medias in the US. It claims that the “Lhasa riots as well as the chaos on the streets of London and Paris” have helped the people around the world to unfold the fake mask worn by the Dalai’s group and has allowed the world to see the truth of the so called “righteous, objective, independent” model portrayed by a few US medias.”

Source: People’s Daily, April 12, 2008

State Council: Make Sure Price Control is Implemented

A Recent directive from the General Office of State Council re-emphasized exerting price control with “effective measures.” On April 2, 2008, The Correcting Industrial Illegitimate Practice Office (CIIPO) of the State Council issued a Notice On Implementing The Correction Of Industrial Illegitimate Practice in 2008. The notice asked “relevant authorities” to strengthen regulation on market price, strictly control the government-stipulated price, and take temporary measures to intervene the prices of necessities. It also demanded “strike hard” on illegalities on pricing practices.

Source:, April 10, 2008

Xinhua: U.S.-Russian Summit “Whitewashes” the Relationship Between the Two

On April 7, 2008, Xinhua issued a commentary on recent Bush’s visit to Russia. The “warm” meeting between Putin and Bush appeared to be inconsistent with the low tempreture of the bilateral relationship in 2007, Xinhua commented. It stated that the two were closer this time out of their own political agenda – none wanted to leave a negative diplomatic legacy. Xinhua is skeptical and predicts that the future of the Declaration on the Framework of the U.S. – Russia Strategic Relations" will most likely remain unknown.

Xinhua, April 7, 2008

Xinhua: Western Media Influences Public Opinion against China

“Since the beginning of last year, western media on China has primarily been negative. Starting from huge trade deficit of the United States, western media frequently ran reports that the United States government official request China to accelerate RMB appreciation, followed by exaggerated news reports on quality of China-made products that led to China-made products being taken off the shelves in the U.S. stores. Subsequently, western media engaged in massive attacks on the quality of environment as the Beijing Olympics approaches, alleging that Beijing does not meet the prerequisites to host the Olympics. Recently, Tibetan issue has become the focus of western media. Due to the intensive negative reports by the Western media, the Americans will naturally regard China as one of their primary hostile countries.”

Xinhua, April 7, 2008.

SARFT Establishes System To Monitor Real Time Nationwide TV Programming

China Administration of Radio, Film and TV (SARFT) now has a nationwide TV program monitoring network that allows government to monitor real time TV broadcasting of 1,372 programs. The capability is deemed one of the latest achievements of research and development of the SARFT. "This has totally changed the ineffective way of the past when we had to manually monitor – we could not listen or watch or follow up or track down or discipline.”

Xinhua, April 9, 2008