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The Growth of China’s Personal Saving Rate Dropped to 7 Percent

The Central Bank has published recent statistics which show that the rate of personal savings of Chinese residents has dropped. Xinhua reported that in August of 2018, the deposit balance in financial institutions in China increased by 8.3 percent compared to the same period last year. In the past 39 years, the growth rate of the deposit balance of financial institutions has never fallen below 9 percent. Meanwhile the growth of the personal saving rate dropped from 18 percent in 2008 to 7 percent in 2018. According to the article, the reason for the drop in the saving rate was attributable to increases in consumption, to a diversion from savings to wealth investment products and to home purchases.

According to the latest statistics from the National Bureau of Statistics, in the first half of the year, the per capita disposable income was 14,063 yuan (US$2,047), a year over year increase of 6.6 percent, continuing its steady growth since the first quarter, but it is still less than 9.4 percent of the year over year growth in the consumption rate.

Since the beginning of this year, even though the interest rate of wealth investment products has fallen below 5 percent, people still chose to invest because it is nonetheless higher than the rate the bank offers. According to WIND, which provides the statistics for financial data analysis services, at the end of 2017, the size of the money fund assets was 7.1 trillion yuan (US1.03 trillion). Since the beginning of this year, the size of the money fund has been rising, reaching 8.4 trillion yuan in August (US$1.22 trillion).

Buying a home has become another important channel for the placement of resident’s saving. According to the semi-annual reports that a number of banks released this year, the scale of real estate loans from banks is still high. Among 26 listed banks, 19 banks have real estate industry loan balances higher than the same period last year; only 7 bank loan balances have declined. It is dominated by small and medium-sized banks, especially in the third and fourth-tier cities. Down payments and monthly payments quickly consume household savings.

The August financial statistics that the Central Bank released showed that, in August, RMB loans increased by 1.28 trillion yuan (US$186 billion). In terms of sectors, the household sector loans increased by 701.2 billion yuan (US$102 billion), of which short-term loans increased by 259.8 billion yuan (US$37.8 billion) and medium- and long-term loans increased by 4415 million yuan (US$642 million).

The financial expert warned that the risk of decline in the personal savings rate could increase the pressure on the whole society for debt repayment and make it more difficult for the financial system to bear the risk.

Source: Xinhua, October 1, 2018

Beijing Tightens Control over Teachers Traveling Overseas

The Chinese government issued a notice before the October 1 National Day holiday requiring local schools to strengthen their control over elementary and middle school teachers’ travel abroad. The regulation also applied to kindergarten and retired teachers. Some provinces and municipalities have already collected the passports from the teachers and some places require teachers to go through a review and approval process by education authorities before leaving the country.

At present, at least the teachers from Fujian, Shandong, and Inner Mongolia have received notices that they require the approval from the authorities when leaving the country. Places such as Xiamen in Fujian and Tai’an in Shandong have requested teachers to submit their passports and travel permits to Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan. Whoever violates the regulations will be severely punished.

Teachers in Xinjiang and Tibet were already placed under intensive control years ago.

Radio Free Asia interviewed some teachers in Xiamen City, who are very unhappy about the new measure, as many Fujian residents have a number of overseas relatives.

One local education bureau official said, “We don’t understand it. I also handed in my passport. We were told to turn in our passports and we have to hand them in. We don’t dare to do anything. Sometimes we just go out to visit some relatives, and we feel very confused. This is the way the current situation is and we do not dare to disobey the leaders and the policy.”

Ever since 2012, China has gradually tightened its control over the people’s travel abroad. The scope of the civil servants and workers in public institutions who are required to submit passports has increased from the division level and above to everyone. Approval is required before leaving the country. However, the new regulation to control elementary and middle school teachers, including retired teachers, is the very first time over the past 40 years.

Source: Radio Free Asia, October 1, 2018

Aboluowang Commentary: China’s Private Sector Feels the Squeeze from All Sides

Aboluowang published an opinion article titled, “China’s Private Businesses Feel the Squeeze from All Sides.” The translation follows:

As the trade situation between the U.S. and China deteriorates, China’s debate on the role of private and state owned enterprises in the economy has become more intense. Analysts suggest that the debate has even raised concerns about the possibility that the communist government may decide to nationalize private companies.

Under Xi Jinping’s leadership, especially after he abolished restrictions on the term limit of the president, thus allowing him to be in power for life, the party has begun to re-emphasize its leadership at all levels of society, including business.

In June this year, the party announced that it would require all publicly listed companies to set up party organizations. In the past two weeks, with the intensification of tension between Beijing and Washington, articles on the Internet have suggested that private companies should retreat to second line status, and China should move toward a large-scale centralized public-private partnership economy.

In one article, Wu Xiaoping, a senior financial specialist, wrote that the private economy has fulfilled its mission of helping the public economy and should withdraw from the historical arena.

Frank Xie, an associate professor at the University of South Carolina, said that although Wu’s article was strongly opposed, and that even the official media criticized it, the article was not immediately deleted because the government wanted to test public opinion.

Recent remarks that Qiu Xiaoping, the deputy director of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Resources Protection made, were also slammed. Qiu Xiaoping said that private enterprises should be more democratic and called on the Party to lead workers to manage private enterprises jointly and to share profits with each other.

Last week, however, in Northeast Liaoning, Xi Jinping encouraged private companies to be confident. Xi also promised that the Party will resolutely develop, support, guide and protect the private sector. It is unclear whether his remarks meant that the government would be more involved in private companies.

Lu Suiqi, an associate professor at the School of Economics at Peking University, said, “In the context of the US-China trade war, there are concerns that China’s economy will shrink and that the leaders of the Party may sacrifice private enterprises to support state owned enterprises. Although the government has stated that the development of private enterprises is guaranteed, the guiding position that state owned enterprises enjoy should not change.”

Chinese state owned enterprises have long enjoyed a monopoly in important and lucrative areas. They are also hotbeds of corruption, but even though they have 70 percent of China’s financial resources, they only account for about 30 percent of the economic contribution. Private companies receive less money but create 80 percent of jobs and contribute to 60 percent of economic growth.

Many people in China and abroad believe that the state owned enterprises are dragging China’s economy and are an obstruction to free trade. The U.S. in particular is dissatisfied with Chinese state owned enterprises in terms of trade, but the Party may still expand the scale of state owned enterprises.

“The purpose of either nationalizing private companies or expanding the size of state owned enterprises is to increase (the party’s) control,” said Darson Chiu, a scholar at the Taiwan Economic Research Institute. From China’s perspective, “expanding the size of state owned enterprises will enhance the planned economy and make it easier to avoid risks.”

Frank Xie, however, said that if China takes this path, China and the U.S. will have conflicts because this is contrary to what Trump wants China to do. Xie said, “This will only encourage Trump to continue to the next step and then tax the balance of US$ 267 billion worth of goods.”

The major risks China faces, of course, are not just the trade wars. China’s stock market has fallen to its lowest point in four years, and industrial growth has slowed for four consecutive months.

Its economy is facing many problems, including large scale government and corporate debt, as well as tight liquidity.

Last week, Yu Liang, head of China’s real estate giant Vanke, said at a regular meeting that the main goal of the company now is “to live.”

In the auditorium of Vanke, a red banner with two characters “to live” was hanging on the wall. Yu Liang said that China has reached a turning point and no industry can be immune from a negative a economic impact.

Source: Aboluowang, October 3, 2018

Zambia’s Official Newspaper Publishes Article in Chinese

Times of Zambia, a state-owned newspaper in Zambia, published an article in Chinese on Tuesday October 2, sparking widespread controversy.

Civil society groups condemned the newspaper for publishing in Chinese which is not the main local language. They suspect that the Zambian government was using the tactic to win over Chinese sponsors, who have loaned hundreds of millions of dollars to the country in the past few years.

Laura Miti, leader of the Alliance for Community Action and a human rights activist, told Voice of America, “This is very sudden. If it were April 1, it might be considered an April Fool’s Day joke.”

She said, “I think this is a very real feeling. If we are not careful, one day we will wake up and find that we have become a province of China.”

Earlier, the Zambia Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services and Chief Government Spokesperson Dora Siliya said on Twitter, “Times of Zambia is aiming to increase revenue by targeting the Chinese market. Today’s edition has a Chinese version of the top story. They want to tap into Chinese advertising.”

But many people expressed disappointment on social media, saying that the newspaper undermined Zambia’s sovereignty.

Source: Voice of America, October 2, 2018

Pakistan Cuts Chinese Rail Project because of Debt Concerns

According to the Pakistan’s Railways Ministry, Islamabad has cut the budget of the biggest Chinese “Silk Road” project by US$2 billion, citing government concerns about the country’s debt levels.

The project planned to revamp the existing and outdated railway stretching 1,872 km (1,163 miles) from Karachi to the city of Peshawar. The initial price was US$8.2 billion, but concerns over the tremendous costs have led to delays.

The new Prime Minister Imran Khan appears to be more cautious about the Chinese “Belt and Road” investment. His government pressured the Chinese government to revise the project so that it will rely less on debt or allow third countries to join in the investment and operations.

On Monday, in the city of Lahore, Railway Minister Sheikh Rasheed told a news conference, “Pakistan is a poor country that cannot afford the huge burden of these loans.”

Other Asian countries including Thailand, Laos, Sri Lanka, and Maldives also complained about the debt terms of Chinese investment projects, which many people have also called a “debt trap.” In August this year, Malaysia’s new Prime Minister Mahathir bin Mohamad cancelled a US$20 billion Chinese railway project.

Source: Voice of America Chinese, October 1, 2018

China Refused to Allow U.S. Naval Vessel to Visit Hong Kong

Well-known Chinese news site Sina recently reported that the Chinese government refused a request from the U.S. Navy to visit Hong Kong. In the meantime, China also called back the Chinese Naval commander, who was visiting the U.S. and cancelled a high-level military meeting. This was in response to the earlier U.S. sanctions against a high-ranking Chinese military officer. In the past, China does have a history of refusing to allow U.S. Naval vessels to visit Hong Kong – as a way of expressing unhappiness. The spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs commented that China typically evaluates this kind of request on a case by case basis.

Source: Sina, September 25, 2018

RFI Chinese: HK Publicly Traded Mainland Companies Are Setting Up Party Branches

Radio France Internationale (RFI) Chinese Edition recently reported that Mainland companies that trade publicly in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange are establishing branches of the Chinese Communist Party. Chinese President Xi Jinping has required that state-owned companies must “strengthen the party leadership.” In the past one and a half years, 123 Mainland companies have formalized the party structure in their company charters and have given operational rights and financial interests to the CCP branches. These are about 5.43 percent of all companies publicly traded in Hong Kong. Some of these companies even put it in writing that, in case there is a conflict of interest between the party and the shareholders, the party’s interest has a higher priority. Market analysts pointed out that it is highly questionable whether or not the old “hidden rules” could just be legalized like that. It is even more ridiculous for the Hong Kong Stock Exchange to have allowed this to happen. Eight of the 123 companies are Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index constituent stocks. Further research showed that the amended company charters typically require one percent of the company’s total compensation cost to be used for Party branch activities. For critical decisions, the party branch must discuss and agree first, and then the decisions will be passed on to the board for voting.

Source: RFI Chinese, September 26, 2018

Professor in Exile: Chinese Universities Are under Strict Surveillance

A professor from China now living in the United States paints a very disturbing picture of the information control in Chinese universities.

Tan Song, an associate professor at Chongqing Normal University investigated the truth about the “land reform movement,” the Anti-Rightist Campaign, the Second Sino-Japanese War, and the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. Because he did so, the school expelled him and the police arrested him. Another charge was that he taught about the 1989 Student Movement and the June 4th Tiananmen Massacre. In 2017, he was forced to leave China and is currently living in exile in Los Angeles.

Tan said that in Chinese colleges and universities, the “Tiananmen Square protest of 1989” is an absolutely untouchable topic. He once tried to understand how much his students knew about what happened in 1989. Not a single student knew about it. He said, “I later found out that these students, from kindergarten to elementary school, junior high school, high school, and through the university, not a single teacher ever told them about the 1989 protests. One cannot blame the teachers. Nowadays the university is very sensitive to this topic. If any teacher dares to speak the truth about the incident in the classroom, the lightest punishment is that the teacher will leave his teaching position. He will either be expelled or be sent to the police station. I know a teacher at the Sichuan Foreign Languages College. Because he taught about the June 4th incident, the police immediately took him away.”

Tan said that, in today’s Internet age, some students do not know it from the classroom but learned about the June 4th 1989 incident and the persecution that followed from the Internet. “A student received a short video from his friend about the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989. He uploaded the video to the campus network and was quickly discovered. At the time of discovery, thirty-six students had already downloaded the video. Each of the thirty-six students was taken away and the police came to talk to them one by one, with a warning as the punishment. The original student who uploaded the video was taken away and no one knows his whereabouts.”

Tan added that in today’s Chinese universities, surveillance cameras are widely installed in the classrooms, and the authorities hire informants among the students. “The teacher’s every move in the classroom is monitored. Nowadays one does not need to come to the classroom to monitor the teachers. It’s just like the police monitoring traffic. When you want classroom 305, the computer will get it for you. How could the university teacher give a lecture in class? The informant’s job is to report on the teachers and students. What the teacher said in the class, the informant will report. The informant officers contact each other on a one-to-one basis and the students will not know they do so. Of course, those who work as informants will benefit in the future such as in placement and becoming a Party member. Under current circumstances, in Chinese colleges and universities, no one dares to say anything.”

Source: Radio Free Asia, September 28, 2018