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State Council Issued the Official Guideline for Publicly Traded Companies

The Paper reported that the State Council recently issued the official guideline for the Publicly Traded Companies in China. Among the guideline that consists of ten sections and 98 clauses, it specifically called for the requirement of “enhanced party development work” within the companies.”

The content of the guideline covers the basic concepts and principles of corporate governance; the composition and operation of the shareholders’ meetings, the board of directors, the board of supervisors, the rights and obligations of directors, supervisors, and senior management personnel; the incentive mechanism; the behavioral norms of controlling shareholders and their related parties; institutional investment parties and the related institutions that participate in corporate governance; the basic requirements of listed companies in terms of stakeholders, environmental protection and social responsibility; as well as information disclosure and transparency. The official guideline is set to be effective immediately.

Source: The Paper, September 30, 2018

China to Build a World Class Anti-Terrorist Force That Is Ready to Be Deployed Overseas to Protect National Interest

Voice of America reported that, on Saturday, September 29, a senior Chinese intelligence Officer told Xinhua that, if China’s national interest is under threat, China will build a world class anti-terrorist Special Forces unit that will be deployed overseas. According to a quote from Xinhua, “The Special Forces must follow the development of national security interests and must be prepared to fight against terrorism.” According to VOA, there are extensive terrorist groups in countries along the Belt and Road project. In Pakistan alone, thousands of Chinese workers could be the new target for terrorist groups. In the Anti-Terrorist law China passed in 2015, it stated that, after a serious terrorist attack on Chinese institutions or personnel abroad, China’s counter-terrorism department can, after consultation with the relevant countries, “send staff to go abroad to carry out response work.” China currently sends police to other countries to help maintain the safety of Chinese tourists, but, in the past decade, it has not sent warfare personnel to other countries.

1. Voice of America, September 29, 2018
2. Xinhua, September 29, 2018

VOA: Swedish Television Host Says He Will Apologize, but not to the Chinese Government

Voice of America reported that a well-known Swedish television host said in a program that had been broadcast on Friday, September 28, that, although he was sorry for his lack of cultural sensitivity, he would not apologize to the Chinese government, which does not respect freedom of speech. On the show, the host, Ronndahl, showed a revised version of a map of the world. The revised map was covered with the Chinese flags everywhere and the world was red. He satirized China and said, “The whole world is yours.” The Chinese Embassy in Sweden issued a statement on Saturday expressing a strong protest, saying that the TV station “had vicious intentions and was trying to set the Chinese people against the Chinese government.” The statement also criticized the “so-called” apology from the Swedish television host and claimed that the apology “dodged the issue about what racism is.” The statement also said that the Chinese government is a government that has the “heartfelt support” of nearly 1.4 billion Chinese people.

The incident started with an initial report about a Chinese family involved in a hotel dispute in Sweden. The family claimed that, in dealing with the case, the Swedish police were rude and that they had a racial bias against the Chinese people. Later it was exposed on the Internet that the Chinese tourists wanted to stay in the hotel for one free night {saying they arrived the day before their booking}. After their tactic was exposed, the hotel rejected their request. The family members started to argue with the hotel staff and the police ended up removing them from the hotel. Since the event took place, the dispute between the two countries has become more and more fierce.

A Swedish comedic TV host used the hotel incident to remind Chinese tourists to be mindful of the local culture {Editor’s note: The host advised Chinese tourists not to mistake dogs for food or to defecate in public.} The Chinese government strongly protested. China slammed the show for maliciously insulting the Chinese people, accused the program of not including Taiwan and Tibet as part of China on the map they showed on the program, and demanded an apology.

The host said about Friday’s show that Chinese netizens had been bullying him. He also said that he would apologize for a joke that made one billion people uncomfortable and apologize to those who felt hurt. However, he said he would not apologize to the Chinese government because he believed that the Chinese government does not respect freedom of speech.

Source: Voice of America, September 29, 2018

Global Times: Three “Unexpected Facts” on Each Side of the Trade War

Global Times published a commentary on the day the United States increased the tariff on US$200 billion of Chinese products. The commentary summarized the situation of the trade war thus far, explaining three “unexpected facts” on each side. From the U.S. angle, according to the commentator, the U.S. government did not expect China to be so determined in resisting, did not expect the Chinese economy to be so strong and tough, and did not expect China to be so calm when fighting back. On the Chinese side, the government did not expect the U.S. to destroy its credibility at such a level, did not expect the U.S. to be so unreasonable, and did not expect that the government of a country as large and powerful as the U.S. could put on such a circus. However, China is taking this as a strategic opportunity to move even closer to the center of the world stage. It is not unexpected that there will be challenges and there will be hurdles for China, with strong courage, to overcome, .

Source: Global Times, September 24, 2018

Minister Highlights Party’s Role in Private Enterprises

On September 11, a national conference on management of private enterprises was held in Hangzhou. Qiu Xiaoping, the Vice Minister of Human Resources and Social Security attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

Qiu pointed out that, “The party and the state attach high importance to democratic corporate management. The party’s 19th National Congress and the central government have made clear arrangements for strengthening the democratic management of enterprises.” “The human resources and social security authorities at all levels should fully understand the importance and urgency of deepening the democratic management of private enterprises, building harmonious labor relations in the new epoch, . . . and conscientiously implementing the decisions and the arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council.”

Qiu emphasized that, “In order to promote the democratic management of private enterprises, one must persist in strengthening the party’s leadership.” “Only by insisting on the strong leadership of the party organization inside the enterprise can we ensure the correct political direction of the democratic management of enterprises.”

Source: Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. September 13, 2018

Chinese Communist Party Revises Its Disciplinary Code; Harsh Penalties for Online Violations

On August 26, a newly revised version of the Chinese Communist Party’s Disciplinary Regulations was published.

The Regulations not only draw red-lines for political discipline of party members and cadres, but also impose stricter requirements for party members’ online activities. Serious violators will even be expelled from the party.

Article 44 of the Regulations stipulates that those whose speech or behavior are out of line with the party’s Central Committee on major principles or who cause adverse consequences are subject to a warning or a severe warning. Those with more serious circumstances will have their official positions in the party revoked or be placed on probation. Those with grave circumstances will be expelled from the Party.

Article 45 stipulates that those who, via the Internet, openly publish articles, speeches, or statements that advocate bourgeois liberalization, oppose the four basic principles, and oppose the party’s reform and opening up policy will be expelled from the party.

Article 46 stipulates that those who, via the Internet and other means, publicly publish articles, speeches or statements in violation of the four basic principles, or in a violation or a distortion of the party’s reform and opening up policy, are subject to a warning or a severe warning if the circumstances are minor, or revocation of their official positions in the party or being placed on probation if their circumstances are more serious, and being expelled from the party if the circumstances are grave.

Article 46 also stipulates that those who, via the Internet and other means, improperly discuss the Party Central Committee’s major policies and sabotage the party’s unity should be undermined. If the circumstances are light, warnings or serious warnings should be given. If the circumstances are serious, official positions in the Party will be revoked or the individual will be placed on probation. If the circumstances are grave, the individual will be expelled from the Party.

Punishment is also in order for those who slander heroes, role models, or the party’s or the government’s leaders, distort the party’s history, spread political rumors, or leak information about things that should be kept secret.

Source: Global Times, September 24, 2018

College Student Expelled from School for “Not Loving My Country”

A freshman college student recently posted on the Internet that, “I can’t love my country in my lifetime,” and asked, “Who the f**k loves his country after attending college?” After netizens reported his words to the authorities, the Hunan City University, where the student attended, subsequently expelled him from school.

On September 22, Hunan City University issued a “Notice on Cancellation of the Admission of Freshman Wang Dong from the School of Civil Engineering,” saying that netizens reported the student for spreading comments “insulting the country.”

The Notice stated that the student posted on his Weibo account, a twitter like Chinese microblogging service, that “Patriotism is impossible. I can’t love my country in my lifetime. Who the f**k loves his country after attending college? I think you are an idiot.”

The Notice also said that in view of Wang Dong’s dissemination of “extremely wrong speeches such as insulting the country, the impact is extremely bad.” The university’s office of the president decided to cancel Wang’s qualification for admission.

In the end, the Notice declared that the university will thoroughly implement the spirit of the National Education Conference, resolutely oppose the words and deeds of “damaging the reputation of the party and the country,” fully implement the party’s education policy, earnestly strengthen ideological and political work, and adhere to the principle of cultivating people’s moral standards. Faculty members and students should deepen the education of socialist core values, “guide the faculty members and students to . . . love the party, love the country, and love the people, and work hard to foster the new generation that will shoulder the mission of national rejuvenation.”

Source: Central News Agency, September 23, 2018

Chinese Government Asked Brokerage Companies Not to Exaggerate Market Conditions

Shanghai Securities News recently reported that the Chinese government issued an administrative memo to all security brokerage companies requiring tighter internal control on offering public comments about the financial market. The memo was to “maintain normal capital market order.” The memo required all brokerage companies to “carefully and legally” study the market information and stop “blindly” exaggerating “market hot spots.” It also asked the companies to establish an internal personnel control process to review public comments. In the meantime, the memo demanded higher quality data analysis as well as quality assurance. Finally, it required the brokerage firms to build formal contractual relationships with media companies authorized to publish the public comments, advising that they should establish and monitor accountability on both sides. The memo provided two examples of firms that did not follow appropriate protocols and received punishment.

Source: Shanghai Securities News, September 19, 2018,qy-201809-4274705.htm