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Chinese Military Expert Calls for Immediately Establishing a National Coast Guard

Luo Yuan, Rear Admiral from the Chinese Academy of Military Science and Secretary-General of the China Strategic Culture Promotion Association, published an article in Xinhua in which he called for the establishment of a National Coast Guard that would counter the actions of countries that are in conflict with China in the East and South China Seas. 

Luo dismissed the idea that peaceful enforcement of Maritime law in the exclusive economic zone could occur simply by following the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. He asked, “Will the United States and other autocratic countries be able to comply with this principle? The United States hasn’t even signed the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, so how can it be a ‘nice girl’ [follow this principle]?" 
“Currently, our Maritime law enforcement forces are too scattered and thin. … Why not establish a National Coast Guard that would form a quasi-military force? This would not only provide greater leeway and actionable space for our diplomatic and military struggle, but it would also allow us to gradually take the controlling position in protecting our Maritime rights and in our law enforcement actions.” 
“Using our peaceful law enforcement to deal with the opponent’s armed law enforcement would not bring peace. The ‘asymmetric’ confrontation of our fishery boats and ocean surveillance ships against our opponents’ paramilitary forces would inevitably harbor a potential crisis. Therefore, the formation of a National Coast Guard is an urgent matter that requires immediate attention.” 
Source: Xinhua, December 14, 2012

People’s Daily Signals Tightening of Internet Blogging

On December 18, 2012, People’s Daily published an article titled “The Internet Is Not above the Law.” The article raised the issue that the Internet has been used for commercial fraud, malicious attacks, and rumor mongering. “[We] must be aware that the Internet is not above the law and that those who express themselves on the Internet may violate the law, knowingly or unknowingly. … An open China needs an Internet world that is civil, law-abiding, and healthy. Whether it is the government monitoring authorities or netizens themselves, we should all value this platform. It is unrealistic to require that every person’s remarks be correct and expressed in a right way; yet it is mandatory that people should be aware of the rule of law and be accountable for their own actions and remarks.”

Source: People’s Daily, December 18, 2012

Military Professor: China Must Be on Guard against ‘Peace Disease’

On December 12, 2012, the International Herald Leader, a newspaper under Xinhua News Agency, published an article titled, “Liu Minggfu: China Must Be on Guard against ‘Peace Disease.’” According to Liu Mingfu, a professor at the PLA National Defense University, we must firmly grasp the “Missile” (People’s Safety) and the “Egg” (People’s Livelihood) with both hands.

Liu stated, “The development of China’s military forces is behind China’s economic development; it lags behind what is needed for the Sino-US strategic competition. Therefore, China must increase military spending and speed up the pace of the army’s build-up.”

Source: International Herald Leader, December 12, 2012

The Chinese Government Actively Supports the Development of Confucius Institutes

On Dec. 16, 2012, China’s State Councilor, Liu Yandong, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of the seventh conference of Confucius Institutes. According to Liu, who is also the president the Confucius Institute Headquarters Council, the Chinese government will actively support the steady development of Confucius Institutes, following the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party.

In 2012, 400 Confucius Institutes and over 500 Confucius Classrooms were in operation globally. They received about 655,000 registered students from 108 countries and regions. Liu encouraged Confucius Institutes to expand the coverage of their operations from major cities to other regions and from colleges to communities.

Source: Xinhua, December 16, 2012

China’s Wealth and Brain Drain: China Leads in International Emigration

According to China’s Academy of Social Science’s Blue Book, China is experiencing its third large-scale overseas emigration. The affluent and the intellectual elite are the main groups leading the emigration process. China is suffering a wealth and brain drain. The findings were published on Monday, December 17, 2012, in China’s Annual Report on Chinese International Migration 2012. The number of overseas Chinese was reported to have reached 45 million in 2010, topping the world’s list of overseas emigres in absolute numbers. In 2011, over 150,000 Chinese became permanent citizens in major immigrant countries including the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Of that number, 87,017 Chinese have been granted permanent residency in the United States.

Worldwide, international migration increased from 195 million in 2005 to 214 million in 2010, constituting 3.1 percent of the world’s population.

Source: China Review News, December 17, 2012

Xinhua: Quick Risk Management Required after U.S. QE4

Xinhua recently published an article about the new QE4 policy that the U.S. Federal Reserve announced on December 13. The article called for early risk management reactions to remedy the damage. The U.S. Fed’s QE3 and QE4 operations will inject a combined $85 billion in monthly currency. The article expressed the belief that the U.S. move was much faster than the international community expected. The Fed announced its QE3 plan only three months ago. Since China has the world’s largest foreign exchange reserve, mostly in U.S. Dollars, the QE4 execution will have the heaviest impact on China. It can also cause rapid appreciation of the Chinese currency. The immediate result will be a slowdown in Chinese exports. The article suggested that China should take similar actions to increase the supply of the Chinese currency so that the appreciation expectation can be stopped. The author called the U.S. “selfish” and concluded that the Fed is introducing an unnecessary “depreciation war.”
Source: Xinhua, December 14, 2012

Xinhua: Nanjing Discontinued the Government’s Paid Health Care Benefits

Xinhua recently reported that, starting January 1, 2013, the City of Nanjing will no longer provide Government Paid Health Care Benefits for all people, including government officials and those working in government sponsored organizations. For decades, health care has been one of the primary benefits given to government workers. Nanjing is the capital city of Jiangsu Province, which is one of the wealthiest provinces in China. It is estimated that the move will impact over 200,000 people, who will all have to join publicly available insurance plans. Before this new move was announced, Jiangsu’s other twelve cities that the provincial government directly manages had already implemented the new policy. Many Nanjing residents could not believe that government officials would be losing this privilege. However, the new policy has two “catches” that are raising doubts. One is that government officials whose rank is above “Deputy Bureau Director” are exempt. Second, for a period of “transition” time, the government will cover the increased cost that government officials must pay because they must switch to a regular insurance plan. 
Source: Xinhua, December 15, 2012

Xinhua: China’s Global Strategy

Xinhua recently published an article discussing the strategic adjustments that are required based on the current global political environment. The article suggested that many countries in the world (such as the U.S. and Japan) are adjusting their global strategies and China needs to do the same in order to keep pace with them. The article discussed four areas for the new strategic adjustments. On the east side, China should stabilize the Asia-Pacific region as an answer to the U.S. shift of its strategic focus to the East. This stabilization effort should especially emphasize the relationship with Japan and the ASEAN (the Association of Southeast Asian Nations). On the north side, China should enhance its relationship with Russia, focusing on nuclear technology, space technology, and trade. On the west side, China should strengthen its ties with the Mid-Asian and West Asian countries, especially with nations that are rich in energy resources and who may be suffering from the U.S. strategy of “reducing its energy dependency.” On the south side, China should pay extra attention to the traditional “Southern” developing countries that include the African countries and the Latin American countries. Direct investments from China to these countries are growing very rapidly. 
Source: Xinhua, December 16, 2012