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Xinhua: U.S. Drought May Trigger Global Food Crisis

Xinhua recently reported the news that G20 is planning a conference on August 27, 2012, to discuss a potential global food crisis. The report mentioned that the U.S. drought this year covers twice the area of the 2008 drought. According to the U.S. Department of Agricultural, this year’s drought is the largest since 1956. Around 2000 counties in more than 30 states have suffered serious drought. This will have a major impact on U.S. corn exports, which represent 39% of the global trade volume in corn. In addition, the official U.S. food reserve level recorded a sharp decline. Since the United States is a large food exporter, this year’s drought may trigger a global food crisis. This has already been reflected in the Chicago futures market.
Source: Xinhua, August 19, 2012

IHL: Chinese Global Firms Try Unusual PR Techniques

The International Herald Leader (IHL), a branch of Xinhua News, published an article discussing some recent public relations moves by a few of China’s global firms. These companies have been hiring former U.S. government officials to play key roles in their firms. One example is Huawei, a large communications equipment vendor. It is widely known for its Chinese military background. Huawei recently hired Donald Andy Purdy, a former Homeland Security Department official, as its chief security officer. Another example is a large Chinese online B2B vendor, Alibaba. It hired James Mendenhall, the former General Counsel to the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR). Mr. Mendenhall will be representing Chinese companies in their intellectual property negotiations against the United States. The report also gave other “unusual” PR examples that happened in Australia and Chile. Although this type of approach is not popular among Chinese companies, more and more global Chinese firms are exploring the technique.
Source: International Herald Leader, August 2, 2012

CRN: While State-Owned Companies Suffer Big Losses, Management Pay Remains the Same

China Review News (CRN) recently reported on the labor cost control issue in companies that the central government owns. Since the beginning of this year, these large companies have suffered major financial losses in the market. Meanwhile, between January and June, state-owned companies faced cost increases of 12.8%. The issue of the cost of labor has become a big headache. From central government officials to average workers, all are complaining about the fact that the management staff of these large companies still receives the same high pay, regardless of the performance of the business. Across the board labor cost control policies are being implemented in state-owned companies as an answer to the decline in sales that taking place everywhere. 
Source: China Review News, August 17, 2012

Caijing Magazine: Looking into Von Hagens’ Body Plastination Factories

Caijing, the finance magazine based in Beijing, published an article titled. “Looking Into Von Hagens’ Body Plastination Factories.” The article queried, "As more and more micro-blogs condemn the ‘corpse factory’ built in Dalian, China, many people wonder why Von Hagens, the individual who is condemned around the world, can legally and comfortably build a body plastination factory in China." The article gave a brief background of the body plastination research center built in 1997 through collaboration between Hagens and the Dalian Medical University. It has been estimated that Hagens made US$9 billion in net profit from the body exhibit tours around the world.

The article questioned the source of the bodies. "Where did the body specimens come from and who would have authorized the donation? China has an extremely low body donation rate which has resulted in a severe shortage among medical schools. China is also a nation that believes that the dead will not receive peace until they are buried. How can such contributions be made when they are against tradition? How did this factory receive an achievement award from the Dalian municipal government? Is it possible that a horrifying economic chain is behind the body exhibit?"

According to the article, specimen plastination factories have been established in a number of cities, including Guangzhou, Shanghai, Nanjing, Qingdao, Shenzhen, Taian, and Dalian.

Source: Caijing, August 16, 2012

RFA: China has 260 Million Chronically Ill Patients û 20 Percent of the Population

According to the Ministry of Health, there are 260 million chronically ill patients in China. In other words, 20 percent of the population suffers from chronic illness. Of those, 85 percent die from their illness, which is higher than the average around the world. Many experts believe that an increase in the rate of chronic illness is related to diet (problems with tainted food) and living habits as well as environmental pollution. The most common chronic illnesses are: cardio-cerebrovascular, diabetes, cancer, and chronic respiratory disease.

The World Health Organization estimated that the medical treatment of chronic diseases accounts for 80 percent of the total medical expenses in China. The early deaths due to these illnesses will result in US$55.8 trillion in economic losses over the next ten years. By 2015, China’s annual medical expenses will reach US$50 billion. According to The National Center for Chronic and Noncommunicable Disease Control and Prevention, 83.8 percent of the Chinese population that is 18 or older never exercise, while only 11.9 percent exercise three times a week or more and at least 10 minutes each time. Most of the people who do not exercise spend their time online or watching TV.

According to Beijing Daily, China has 22 percent of the world’s population while its medical spending accounts for only 2 percent of the world’s total. From 1993 to 2008, the number of patients in China grew from 4.36 to 5.25 billion, a 20 percent increase in 15 years. The economic burden resulting from the illnesses increased 6.5 times from 1999 to 2005, while GDP only grew 4.2 times.

Source: Radio Free Asia, August 18, 2012

Public Opinion Blue Book: News Events Published on Micro Blogs Increased Significantly

On August 18, 2012, the Chinese Social Sciences Academic Press and the Shanghai Jiaotong University Center for Public Opinion Research jointly published the 2012 Blue Book, “Chinese Public Opinion and Crisis Management.”

According to the Blue Book, digital and online media continue to grow and, for the first time, have become the major channels in delivering breaking news. There has been a significant increase in news appearing on micro-blogs. Of all traditional media, newspapers have published the most breaking news, but they are falling behind the digital and online media. Statistics suggest that, in 2011, the breaking news carried by digital and online media increased 15 percent over 2007, and now accounts for 65 percent of all news reports, while traditional media only account for 30.8 percent.

The Blue Book reported that newspapers, the Internet, and micro-blogs are the three major channels for covering and presenting the news. In 2011, a total of 20.3 percent of the news was first published on micro-blogs compared to 9.3 percent in 2010. It has been predicted that more and more people will choose micro-blogs to expose the news, express their feelings, and share their knowledge.

Source: China News Service, August 18, 2012

Huanqiu: The United States Will Exhaust Itself Trying to Contain China

Huanqiu published a commentary on the U.S. policy to contain China. It stated that this policy has motivated China’s neighboring countries, because of their own conflicts with China, to participate in the campaign to contain China. This is the geopolitical security challenge that China faces now. According to the commentary, the containment policy is a strategy of intimidation against China. It will harm both the United States and China and may lead to internal rifts within the camp that the United States leads. The containment strategy will exhaust the U.S. allies. China should use economic means to break the weak links among them and tire them out more quickly so that the allies will eventually abandon the United States. The containment strategy also increases the burden China faces when it has border disputes, trade disputes, and litigation. This, in turn, encourages political dissidents to create chaos and incites extremist forces, especially the ethnic separatists who make trouble by attacking China for its human rights abuses. All of this is done for the goal of derailing China’s development. “We should clearly recognize the essence of the problem so that, strategically, we remain stable; tactically, we are always able to handle the problem from the perspective of national security; and we finally hit the nail on the head.”

Source: Huanqiu, August 16, 2012

International Herald Leader: Patriotism is a Duty, not a Burden

The International Herald Leader, a state media, published a commentary rebutting criticism of the state run sports program. “In addition there were many complaints that athletes participating in the state run sports program bear a "patriotic duty" that is too heavy. When winning, one must thank the State and when losing, one must apologize to the State. People cannot see a human being; they only see a cog in the machine. Such accusations ignore the fact that the state has always funded most of the Chinese athletes and that there is nothing wrong with doing a good job for your employer. The arbitrary interpretation of the post-race reflections of the athletes shows a total disrespect for the freedom of speech of the individual athletes. Do athletes only have the right to thank their parents and coaches, and no right to express their respect for the flag they fight for? Patriotism is never a burden for anyone. It is not wrong to express your love for the motherland openly.”

Source: International Herald Leader, August 14, 2012