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Cai Wu, Minister of Culture: The Development Process of the New China’s Foreign Culture Work

The Development Process of the New China’s Foreign Culture Work during the Past 60 Years

By Cai Wu

The new China’s foreign culture work has passed through 60 years of difficult development. Under all party and state leaders’ care and guidance, the comrades at the cultural front have worked very hard. To diligently meet the needs of socialist and national development, they founded and developed the foreign cultural exchange enterprise. After going through many difficulties, it is a magnificent achievement.

Comrade Mao Zedong said in 1945, “Regarding foreign culture, the anti-foreignism policy is wrong. (We) should absorb the developed foreign cultures as much as possible, so we can use them as references while developing China’s new culture.” In June 1949, when the new China grew from the flames of war,  our party selected a group of young artists from the liberated area and sent them to Hungary to participate in the World Youth and Student Peace Friendship Festival. In 1951, our country and Poland signed an intergovernmental culture partnership agreement. This was the first culture partnership agreement that the new China signed with a foreign government. It symbolized the official beginning of the new China’s foreign cultural exchange.

During the beginning period after the new China’s establishment, our country’s wide-range cultural exchange and cooperation was mainly with the Soviet Union and other socialist countries, as well as countries in Asian, African and Latin America. At the same time, we also vigorously developed ties with the Western countries. In January 1964, China and France established diplomatic relations; in October 1965, both countries signed a cultural exchange plan for the years 1965 and 1966. This was first intergovernmental cultural exchange plan that our country signed with a Western European country.

Foreign cultural exchange and cooperation greatly helped the development of new China’s cultural enterprise. With the help of socialist countries like the Soviet Union, our country brought in ballet, the symphony, the opera and many other kinds of Western classical arts, trained large numbers of outstanding artists, and greatly enriched and proliferated our country’s culture art industry. By studying the overseas advanced culture managerial experience, we successively established a large number of new art organizations, which were completely different from the folk play groups from old China. Theaters, libraries, art galleries, museums and other public cultural facilities were established. All of these basically changed the poor and weak aspects of the old China culture.

During the Great Cultural Revolution period, the foreign cultural work encountered heavy damage, but the foreign cultural exchange did not completely halt. As a part of the government diplomacy, cultural exchange played a unique role in the state diplomatic situation. At that time, besides the continuation of the art group visits and exchanges with some friendly countries, we also organized the People’s Republic of China Archaeological Relic Exhibition in Western Europe, the US, Japan, Yugoslavia, Romania, Mexico and so on, more than 10 nations. The exhibition received high praise from those countries and was called Relic Diplomacy.

The 3rd Session of the 11th Central Committee of The Communist Party of China (CCCPC) opened the new era of the reform and open policy and the foreign cultural work welcomed its spring with big developments. In September 1978, the State Council issued the document “Regarding the Ministry of Culture Taking Over Management of the Foreign Cultural Exchange Work.” In 1982, the 5th conference of the 5th Session of National People’s Congress (NPC) adopted contents about the development of various cultural exchanges with other countries into the constitution, providing a legal guarantee to constantly expand foreign cultural exchanges for our country.

In 1983, Comrade Deng Xiaoping pointed out, “Implementation of the economy’s open door policy is correct. In the long run, it must be kept. In the long run, the foreign cultural exchanges also should keep growing.” Under the direction of a series of reform and open policies, the scope of our country’s foreign culture relations and exchanges has gradually grown. The foreign cultural exchanges rapidly expanded, from 194 times and 3,035 people in 1979 to 1075 times and 9,499 people in1986, respectively 16 and 40 times the annual average before the Great Cultural Revolution. The number of agreements signed by the intergovernmental culture partnership was approximately twice as much as the number before the Great Cultural Revolution. The scope of exchanges also expanded from the nations traditional friendly (to China) to the western nations, including the U.S., and the surrounding countries.

As the reform and open policy was further implemented, our country’s comprehensive strength and international influence obviously improved and the situation and the responsibility that the foreign cultural work faced has also changed tremendously. In 1997, Comrade Jiang Zemin pointed out in the 15th CCCPC, “(We) must be persistent on the self-centered and self-adopted principle, develop many kinds of foreign cultural exchanges, learn the advantage from various countries’ culture and demonstrate the achievements of China’s cultural achievements to the world. (We must) firmly prevent corrosion from the various kinds of decayed cultures.” Since the beginning of the new era, the Central Party Committee led by General Secretary, Comrade Hu Jintao, has set a series of new higher requests for the foreign cultural work according to recent developments and the new changes in domestic and foreign situations. The report from the 15th CCCPC recommended to “continue widely developing grass roots diplomacy, expand foreign cultural exchanges, improve friendship between the people and promote the development of relationships between countries.” In the report on the 17 CCCPC, General Secretary Hu Jintao discussed the new idea of the enhancement of the “soft” power of national culture for the first time. Enhancing the soft power of national culture and strengthening the influence and competitiveness of Chinese culture became the fundamental goal of our country’s cultural reconstruction. Culture, politics, and the economy became three important areas in our diplomatic work.

At present, the foreign cultural work basically forms four big work domains: cultural diplomacy, cultural exchanges, cultural foreign propaganda and cultural trade, which constitute multi-dimensional, multi-level, wide-domain and multi-channel work patterns.

Regarding the Cultural Diplomacy Aspect, Party and state leaders, like Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao and others, personally initiated and participated in a series of significant culture diplomatic activities. Since the new era started, Chinese cultural diplomacy has become more and more active every day and has developed into a vivid display on the international stage. The Sino-French Culture Years, the Sino-Russian Country Year, the Sino-Japanese Culture and Sports Exchange Year and so on, a series of large-scale cultural diplomacy activities, obtained high recognition and broad participation from domestic and foreign governments and international communities.
The quantities of projects, the large scale, the high-scale specifications and the profound influences were unprecedented and have improved China’s international cultural influence enormously. Among them, the Sino-French Culture Years lasted two years and President Hu Jintao and President Chirac both attended the cultural year’s key activities. Over a dozen cities in China and France and over a million people were able to personally get to know cultures in other countries. Not only did it greatly advance China and France’s cultural exchanges, but it also set a good example for the resulting effects on other European countries. After 2005, Italy, Spain, Germany, Greece, Britain and so on all conducted a “cultural year” or a “cultural festival” jointly with China, and have awakened a Chinese culture fever.

Cultural Exchange and Cooperation

As of now, our country has entered into agreements with 145 foreign countries for cultural cooperation and made plans for nearly 800 annual cultural exchange activities, as well as maintaining intimate cooperation with over 1000 cultural organizations. From the central administration to the local district, from government to civilians, the scale and the scope of cultural exchanges has broadened like never before, with increasingly colorful contents and formats, through more diverse channels and at various levels.

At the same time that we make efforts to export Chinese culture, we have also actively imported advanced culture from the world into China. Since the 1990s, we have hosted a series of programs such as “The International Music Year for Symphonies,” “The International Singing and Dance Year,” and “The International Fine Arts Year,” in which we imported first-class art productions from all over the world.

As we entered the new century, we established the international cultural exchange platform including the “Beijing International Music Festival,” the “Asian Art Festival,” and the “China International Folk Arts Festival,” so as to build a bridge between the Chinese people, and foreign people and artists around the world. At the same time, these programs serve to lay a foundation for China to become the key country in Asia for international cultural activities. Through bilateral, multi-lateral, cross regional and cross-country cultural exchanges, we have strengthened our rights of speech in multilateral cultural affairs in the international society.

In 1989, we became a member of the UN’s “Convention on the means of prohibiting and preventing the illicit import, export and transfer of ownership of cultural property,” and in 1997, we joined the UNIDROIT “Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects.” We were able to obtain the return of numerous cultural relics from the U.K., U.S., Japan and Denmark. In 2006, China won a good number of votes and became a member of the Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, and thus became involved in the “Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage” as well as the “Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage.”

We have also successfully entered the core leadership level of the International Council of Museums, the International Council on Monuments and Sites, and the International Center for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property. We therefore have the right of speech in stipulating the rules regarding the safeguarding of international cultural heritage.

Up until 2009, China has successfully applied for 38 World Heritages, including 27 World Cultural Heritages and four Intangible Cultural Heritages, and thus greatly promoted the protection of domestic cultural heritage.

Cultural Propaganda

We have firmly followed the policy of making a priority of entertaining and influencing foreign mainstream society. Through a serious of diverse and colorful cultural activities, each with specific goals, we have introduced and promoted China to the world. After 30 years’ of this endeavor, we have established a series of influential brand names for foreign propaganda in forms of cultural activities; for example, overseas activities such as celebrations of the “Spring Festival,” National Day, and “Getting to Know China” have become important vehicles to spread Chinese culture. Among them, celebrating the Spring Festival in overseas countries has covered 18 countries. In Bangkok, London and Sydney, hundreds of thousands of people are attracted to Spring Festival celebrations every year. Foreign politicians and VIPs attach importance to this activity and actively participate in the celebration. It has become an important arena to promote Chinese culture. Our overseas cultural propaganda front is thus constantly strengthened.

China has now established 96 Divisions of Culture at the Chinese Embassy/Consulates in 82 countries. Since 1988, we have set up Chinese Culture Centers in the Republic of Mauritius, Benin, Egypt, France, the Republic of Malta, Korea and Germany. We have made rapid progress in our grass-roots project of spreading Chinese culture overseas. In the recent 10 years, we have made great efforts to have our radio and TV programs reach overseas audiences. China International Radio’s multilingual programs are broadcasting over 700 hours cumulatively every day. China Central TV’s international channel has more than 100 million overseas users. More than 100 thousand paid users are watching “Great Wall satellite TV.” On the other hand, we are also actively involved in the “Movies Reaching Overseas” project. In recent years, we have held a China Movie Festival (or China Movie Week) in overseas countries over 50 times annually, broadcasting over 400 domestically produced movies. Each year, we select over 200 domestically produced movies to participate in nearly 100 international movie festivals. A number of movies have won top prizes in major international movie festivals.
Cultural Trade

We have established a series of international cultural trade platforms that have had a wide range of influence. We came up with a group of cultural enterprises aimed at overseas business and trade; these were capable of competing in the international market. On one hand, these entities made a good profit; on the other hand, they effectively promoted Chinese culture. The first international commercial art show originated in 1979. We have made great progress in the past 30 years. We produced the original acrobatic ballet Swan Lake, which grossed 43 million Yuan in foreign countries. In 2007, the China Arts and Entertainment Group alone earned 8.89 million dollars through overseas commercial performances. The structure of the copyright trade is improving every year. The import and export ratio of copyrights fell from 15:1 in 1997 to 5:1 in 2007. The annual export of books has reached over 7.3 million, twice as many as imported books. The number of exported newspapers and magazines has reached over 4 million, reaching over 80 countries and regions, with an annual growth rate of 62.4%. Our publishing industry has therefore completed the transformation from “importing” to “reaching out.” Movie and video products take more and more of the overseas market share and have had an increasingly significant impact. Every year, we have had several domestic movie productions getting into the overseas theatres for mainstream audiences. According to statistics, the total export of movie and video products was approaching $3 billion in 2008. A portion of this figure, revenue generated from ticket sales for domestic movies, reached 2.528 billion dollars. The trading network of China’s movie and video products covers nearly 100 countries and regions in Asia, Europe, Oceania, America and Africa.


As we review the glorious path of our foreign cultural work over the past 60 years, we conclude with the following major experiences and inspirations:

1. We must continue to keep the entire country moving in the same direction. We must earnestly implement the guiding policies made by the central CCP committee regarding foreign affairs and foreign cultural affairs, focusing on the two big projects – domestic and international, and firmly protect our nation’s interests.

2. The overall goal and task of foreign cultural affairs are to promote the mutual understanding and friendship between Chinese people and people all over the world. Through vivid cultural exchanges, Chinese culture will reach out to overseas countries, and thus expand the impact of Chinese culture on international society, so as to improve the soft power of our nation.

3. We must combine the quintessence from elite cultures from all over the world. We must learn to identify through comparison and borrow through exchange, in order to make the socialist cultural undertakings prosper, and to meet the increasing spiritual and cultural demands from the people.

4. We must persevere in cultural sovereignty, and at the same time respect the diversity of world culture. While spreading and emphasizing the independence and sovereignty of the values in our culture, we must strive to maintain the diversity of world culture, and respect the differences between diverse cultures. We must promote dialogues between different cultures on an equal basis, and promote harmony and cultural prosperity all over the world.

5. We must persevere in bridging the common feelings and emotions of humankind, and take this as our basis. We must use culture to nurture people, use culture to promote mutual friendship, and to help Chinese people establish friendship with people all over the world.

6. We must persevere in integrating our resources, with the government taking the leading role and have all circles in society get actively involved; we must enhance cooperation between the central government and local governments, and between government and civil organizations, forming a multi-faceted, multi-level communication structure.

7. We must keep up with the trend, and continue to reform and renovate the style and content in our cultural exchanges, encouraging originality, and creativity, while combining traditional culture and modern publicity methods, and combining modern culture and modern technology. We must pay attention to research and understand the characteristics of foreign audiences, so as to follow the correct rules in cultural exchange and improve the influence and appeal of culture.

8. We must learn from the commercial operation mode and channels most commonly adopted in international society, and use them to promote our cultural enterprises and products, expanding their market share on the international market, and improving their competitiveness.

9. We must always protect the cultural sovereignty and cultural security, defending against the invasion of harmful culture, and taking controls in accordance with the legal system, so as to supervise the cultural exchange in a scientific manner.

10. We must pay attention to the development of manpower and the battlefront. We must train a professional foreign cultural team that maintains high quality and efficiency, and make efforts to construct a variety of battlefronts in overseas countries to spread Chinese culture.

By the Minister of Culture

Qiushi Theory Online, August 1, 2009


Observation: Will China Ever Become a Spy Power?

Will China Ever Become a Spy Power?

More than two years ago, Chinese hackers broke into German government computers, infecting them with spyware, and, at one point, paralyzing their electronic systems. This attracted international attention, and the East was newly viewed as a threat. In fact, experts say, the telecommunication systems of the United States Congress have to withstand millions of attacks each day. Modern information warfare had long been fought around the world, silently, but intensely. However, as long as the public is unaware of it, no one will know just how cutthroat it really is. The practice of stealing industrial intelligence and business information has been going on for a long time among industrialized countries. In recent years, as China has started engaging in the international community and entering into global competition, rumors have begun to spread that Chinese spies are everywhere. In fact, many Chinese living in the United States now work in the government, in national defense, and in economic enterprises and trade, and do academic research. In recent years, news about these people stealing information for their home country of China has made headlines, causing much worry and anger in the U.S. At the same time, German media have recently reported a number of cases of Chinese espionage. The rise of this new power is understandably being viewed with consternation.

Two years ago, the theme of one issue of Germany’s Der Spiegel magazine was “Yellow Spies.” The story ridiculed Chinese spies with sarcasm and prejudice as well as racism. It caused a huge wave of irritation among China’s “angry young,” even though many of them couldn’t fully understand the content of the issue. They relayed distorted information, causing quite a phenomenon at the time. The free press in the West loves reporting bad news, and not only on issues related to China. They are also fascinated with exposing the dark side of their own societies, afraid that if they lag behind in digging out bad news, their readers will abandon them. China’s “angry young” are so used to listening only to the Chinese official media, which exaggerate the Chinese government as wonderful, brilliant, and precise, that if they ever run across any criticism from the outside, their nationalistic emotions irrationally take over.

The most common type of espionage carried out by Chinese in the West is to collect information on commercial and industrial high-tech technologies. Chinese hackers attacking their targets in Germany via the Internet is very popular in Germany. The areas they focused on were scientific and technological enterprises, such as automotive manufacturing, new energy research and development, chemistry, communications, optics, electrical engineering, materials research, and military equipment.

Chinese espionage activities in Germany are so widespread that they have become a threat to Germany’s infrastructure, especially in areas such as the country’s power grid. Mr. Walter Opfermann, an espionage protection expert in the office for counterintelligence in the German Federal Constitution Protection Bureau, pointed out in July that Chinese hackers are trying hard to hide their identities by installing Trojans in e-mail attachments or simply launching attacks via other large-scale network systems, and that their tactics are increasingly sophisticated. China’s "National Trojan program" has a dual function: theft and destruction. China’s National Security Bureau utilizes advanced technology provided by U.S. electronics companies such as Cisco Systems (CISCO). These high-tech systems enable the National Security Bureau to attack individuals or organizations that they have targeted by transmitting viruses. As soon as the PCU is turned on, the entire computer system is paralyzed. One of the reasons that the Chinese spies steal high-tech information could be that the Chinese want the results of Western research free of charge, eliminating the need for investing in research and development at home. But this approach has simply made the means of competition more malicious.

German experts know that, in recent years, China’s spies are not only stealing economic information, but also monitoring those people they consider “disturbances.”  Of course, they do not operate as openly in Germany as they do in China. Germans know that Chinese spies in Germany are monitoring Uyghurs, Falun Gong followers, Tibetan independence movement adherents, and Taiwan independence movement supporters, as well as pro-democracy activists. South Munich is the Uyghur’s home base outside of China. Since the 1970s, the US government-backed Radio Free Europe has broadcast in the Uyghur language. In the 1990s, the exiled Uyghur people set up organizations in South Munich and attracted a large number of Uyghur refugees. In 2004, the “World Uyghur Congress” established its headquarters in Munich. Rebiya Kadeer became the world leader of Uyghurs in exile, even though she was in Washington, D.C. at the time. Unlike the Chinese pro-democracy organizations, within which divisions and disunity always exist, Uyghurs and Tibetans are very respectful of their spiritual leaders, and it is rare to hear of internal struggles. Even though the Chinese regime discredits the World Uyghur Congress as being a terrorist organization, because Kadeer is popularly respected in the US Congress, the World Uyghur Congress was able to hold its Opening Assembly in front of the US Capitol Building in May. This was a further affront to Beijing.

Chinese diplomats in Germany often gather information under the shadow of diplomatic immunity. The German government recently prevented a consul named Ji Wumin from entering Germany, because, during the past few years when he worked as a Chinese diplomat in Germany, the German federal intelligence agency discovered that he had carried out espionage. Mr. Ji Wumin was specifically interested in collecting information on Uyghurs. He returned to his home country in 2007. Probably because Beijing was pleased with his accomplishments, he was again sent to Munich. But this time, the German government refused to allow him to enter.

Because hackers from China have often invaded Germany’s sensitive intelligence systems, its Federal Constitution Protection Bureau has now established a special team to deal with such attacks. Germany is now vigilant when it comes to China, just as it was with regard to Russia in the past. According to estimates by its Federal Constitution Protection Bureau, there are 20 to 50 Chinese intelligence personnel in Germany, and their job is to collect intelligence for China. It seems that, with the growth of the economy, as well as with the escalation of conflicts among different ethnic groups, China no doubt will develop into an “intelligence power.” Compared to the U.S., Russia, and other big powers, China is different in that its National Security agency always does business behind closed doors, seizing and fighting against its own citizens. Its evil ways have not yet reached foreign countries, but if one day China’s CIA and KGB do extend the country’s tentacles of influence overseas, it will mark a new era in extraterritorial abductions and intimidation.

[1] Observation, August 6, 2009, by Liao Tianqi

The Western World’s Five Major Failed Predictions about China : Article Series from the CASS

The Western World’s Five Major Failed Predictions about China (Abstract)

By reporters Li Bo and Xi Ping

In the past 60 years, since the new China was founded, especially during the recent 31 years after the implementation of the “reform and open-door policy,” China has created a miracle in the history of mankind. There has never been any other country that could rapidly lead a society with so large a population from poverty and being backward to prosperity in such a short time! As we walk on our path, in addition to acclamations and praise, we have also heard criticism and curses, as well as a variety of “terror predictions.” However, after all, history will not change because of curses and so-called “predictions.”
It is a general impression that the western world’s comments on China are always negative. Nonetheless, that was not the case at the very beginning. During the era of the Enlightenment Movement in France, Chinese were considered a group of gentle people with high morality, living in a country permeated with an artistic atmosphere.

In 1895, Wilhelm II of Germany gave a painting The Yellow Peril to Nicholas II of Russia as a gift. This was the origin of the “Yellow Peril” theory, and it quickly spread in the western world. Some historians believe the “Yellow Peril” theory can be traced back to the Han Dynasty, when the Han army defeated the Xiongnu (nomadic minorities in the north and northwest regions of China), who then retreated to the west. Along the path of retreat, the Xiongnu invaded western territories and conquered land, leaving the European countries in great fear. In addition, the Mongolians took an expedition to the west in the 13th century, further enhancing the fear westerners have towards the yellow race.

Since the industrial revolution, the western countries have been getting very powerful; what followed was colonization and aggrandizement. When the western great powers conquered China with their military ships and overwhelming artillery, they could not help developing a sense of superiority as conquerors. The image of the Chinese and of China as a nation suffered further vilification and denigration.

Who is Hiding behind the “Veil?”

If it had happened before globalization, it would be barely acceptable to attribute various misunderstandings to the lack of mutual communication between the western world and China. However, in a time when information is quickly accessible and freely shared, if there are still such remarks as the “China Threat Theory,” the “China Collapse Theory,” and “the Death of Hong Kong Remark,” one cannot help being suspicious as to what the motivation is behind all these theories.

For most westerners, China is a country that is relatively isolated from the rest of the world, and always hides itself behind a layer of “veil.” Since the implementation of the reform policy, China has enjoyed a much higher degree of freedom and openness; however, it seems some westerners have failed to catch up with this change as they lack the desire to understand China. Some of the western media specifically like to attract attention by attacking and defaming China, so as to cater to their readers.

Fu Ying, Chinese ambassador to the U.K., once pointed out that many of the problems of mutual communication between the western world and China lie in western society’s lack of understanding of China and lack of related information. In terms of their knowledge of China, many western media and the general public lag behind by at least 20 years. Some of the western people know very little about China. Even that little knowledge they have is most likely from movies. Some even think that in today’s China, men still wear braids, women bind their feet to make them small, and a person can stand on bamboo leaves.

We cannot deny the fact that many Westerners exist who try to understand the true situation of today’s China. Some scholars have been researching China with a scientific attitude. The American ambassador to China in the late Qing Dynasty, Chester Holcombe, made the following statement, “It is far easier to criticize the Chinese than to understand them.” Westerners cannot use the standard developed in western society to judge and establish requirements for other people.

Some people believe that the Chinese need to become more proactive in making their voices heard in the western world, and to present the true image of China. Many believe, when presenting the true picture, that China should change the style of presentation, and learn to use a style easily understandable and acceptable to westerners. Actually, these people have only seen the surface of this matter. The essence of the problem lies in the fact that western media have control over the right of speech. In the western language system, all voices not conforming to the key interests of the western world will naturally get filtered. In addition to factors relating to culture and ideology, what concerns them most is profit and interests.

Behind the Double Standard is the Pursuit of the Highest Profit

Behind all these negative comments about China is a fear of China’s development. Some westerners fear that once it becomes a strong nation, China will aggrandize like some of the western leading powers. As China becomes more and more powerful, the western world feels the pressure and becomes increasingly uneasy.

Why would western society feel uneasy with China’s peaceful development? Some people think the Chinese are competing for jobs with foreigners when they go abroad and that Chinese enterprises will take a large share of the foreign market. This is the kind of conclusion that cannot stand careful deliberation; it is also from a standpoint centered on western society. If we claim that westerners are competing with Chinese for jobs and western enterprises occupy the Chinese market, we will be regarded as nationalistic, protectionist, and conservative. Behind these contradictory attitudes lies a double standard for judgment.

When looking at communication issues between the west and the east, China has always been a great nation with a tolerant attitude. On the contrary, some westerners have used their double standard in order to maximize their own profits. Imagine two people playing chess. If one party is both the judge and a player, and uses his authority as the judge to take advantage of the other, the result is obvious. Take the treatment of terrorists as an example, Americans detest terrorists intensely as they suffered the 911 terrorist attack. However, the U.S. government announced that the suspects of the “East Turkistan” terrorists detained in Guantanamo Prison were not guilty. The reason is quite simple. It is because these suspects are not the enemy acting against Americans; even if they are on the terrorist list of the United Nations, they are not considered terrorists by Americans as long as they do not harm the national interest of the U.S.

Lionel Vairon, a French scholar once said that China is not a Christian country; nor is it a country with the same system as that of the western countries. This is precisely one of the reasons why the rise of China makes some western people feel uncomfortable. As China becomes increasingly influential on the international arena, it is very hard for some of the westerners to avoid using a double standard in an attempt to thwart China’s development.

China’s Development Will Not Be Swayed by Other People’s Intentions

After some westerners exhausted their means of undermining China either by excessive flattery or defamation, China is still advancing rapidly on the road we have hewed out ourselves. Different kinds of predictions have failed one after another. Contrary to the prediction that China’s economy would collapse before the Beijing Olympics, China’s economy is the only shining star in a worldwide economic crisis. It is some of the western countries that are facing economic collapse. Contrary to the prediction that Hong Kong will die after being returned to China, Hong Kong is now more prosperous and stable under the “One Country Two System” policy. …

Of course, we still need to look squarely at the problems currently existing in China.

Many new problems and conflicts arose in China in the midst of a rapid economic growth. The developments in the east regions and the west regions are not balanced; the gaps between the cities and the countryside and between the rich and the poor have widened. These problems have hindered the steps to further advancement in our country. This requires us to analyze and handle these problems with a progressive perspective and optimistic attitude.

As the saying goes, the spectator sees most clearly. With regard to criticism from the western world, we cannot simply turn a deaf ear to it. We should absorb and adopt reasonable opinions. “Other people as a mirror help you see your own hits and misses.” Therefore, we can use western people’s opinions as our mirror. However, we must also realize the western people’s limitations. Most of them have never been to China and do not know the true situation of China at all. In addition, some westerners focus too much on the negative side, and magnify the negativities with a pessimistic attitude. They have ignored the efforts that the Chinese government and the Chinese people have made.

In the current plight of global economic crisis, the Chinese people should view things rationally and should pay more attention to contributing our wisdom and effort to solving problems. Any negative or arrogant sentiments are harmful to China’s development, preventing us from getting over this economic depression. For westerners, they need to look at China’s development more objectively and rationally. We do not require that westerners look at China from the standpoint of our country, but at least they must learn to view China with an attitude that treats us equally and on the basis of understanding China. That is the very basic requirement for communication between different cultures, isn’t it?

In the midst of the current complicated relationship between China and the western world, the Chinese people should understand this even more clearly; that is, the so-called globalization does not mean the disappearance of any conflict of interest between different nations and between different countries. Even less so does it mean the vanishing of nations and countries. There are always some people in the world who are used to viewing China with tinted glasses. They hope to change China according to western society’s wishes. However, China is after all not a country that would dance to others’ rhythms. This is precisely the reason why a variety of “terror predictions” come up once in a while, and have sometimes even made a very great noise. Fortunately, history has proven the end result of these predictions is bound to be a failure. The reason is quite simple; it is that China has found a path to success that best fits our country. Ironic comments, curses, criticisms, and wishful “terror predictions” cannot stop the advancement of China, and cannot understate the greatness of this path. History will not change because of these predictions!

It is under this circumstances that some thoughtful people have started to reflect (on their previous attitudes toward China). The New York Times once used this headline, “As China Goes, So Goes…” A translator put it into Chinese as “Once China prospers, so does the whole world.”

Failed Prediction I: The “China Threat Theory”

The “China Threat Theory” Co-exists along with China’s Progress

The West started the “China threat theory” when the Soviet Union disintegrated, Eastern Europe went through drastic changes, Russian adjusted its foreign policy, and the international communist movement faced serious setbacks. China as a socialist country has not only failed to collapse, but has maintained an alarming economic growth rate ever since China opened its gates and carried out full-scale reform. China’s overall national strength has experienced unprecedented growth. The United States, Western Europe, Japan and other Western countries began to focus on China as their opponent after the Soviet Union no long existed, treating China as the largest and most dangerous “imaginary enemy.” The West thinks that an increasingly rising China will fundamentally change the world’s geopolitical and geo-economic pattern. Therefore, all Western political and economic interests are under a huge threat. Based on this assumption, the West deals with China in the same way it dealt with the Soviet Union during the Cold War: to restrain China politically, militarily and diplomatically.

Why Advocate the “China threat Theory”

In 1990, a scholar from Japan Defense University named Tomohide Murai published an article called “China: The potential enemy.” Thereafter, the “China threat theory” began to spread. In 1992, the director of the Asian projects of the Foreign Policy Research Institute in Philadelphia, Mr. Ross H. Munro published Awakening Dragon: The Real Danger in Asia Is from China. In 1993, Harvard University Professor Samuel P. Huntington also published an article “The Clash of Civilizations?”  These publications represented the tone of the “China threat theory” in the early 1990s. In 1995 and 1996, during the “Taiwan Strait crisis,” the incident triggered a major debate within the United States over policy towards China. The “China threat theory” rapidly spread overseas. In February of 1997, Time Magazine reporters Bernstein and Munro published a book, The Coming Conflict with China. The book became a very influential work. In 1998 and 1999, the United States former CIA expert on China, Mr. William C. Triplett II, and former Republican foreign policy adviser to Congress, Mr. Edward  Timperlake, co-authored the book, Year of the Rat (1998) and another book Red Dragon Rising (1999), explicitly claiming, “China poses a significant threat to the United States on national security.”

Whether it is to accuse the Chinese people of taking away Americans’ rice bowls, sensationally claiming that China is “buying up America,” or articulating that China is a  “strategic competitor,” of America, these sayings express the same message, that the fast growth of China is becoming a threat to the United States and other major Western countries.

The advocates of the “China Threat Theory” are mostly political figures or scholars. From a military, political, and economic point of view, they discuss how China poses a threat to the interest of their countries. In no way do they hide their self-serving motives. The rise and spread of the “China threat theory” is a demonstration of concern over the difference between Eastern and Western culture. It also represents a suspicion of different ideologies. What is more, it comes from the political realism perspective and is an expression of dissatisfaction with China’s growing influence.

The “China Threat Theory” is Constantly Changing

The “China threat theory” first started in the United States, Japan and other countries. However, China’s neighboring countries share it as well. Due to historic and geographic reasons, for example, China has issues with its neighboring countries in Southeast Asia on the South China Sea dispute. Therefore, because of speculation among Western media, the influence of the “China threat theory” has spread to this region. To some extent, it even directly affects some countries’ foreign policies in this region.

Although the “China threat theory” has a market, it has not become the dominant opinion on China. In recent years, research reports on China as well as research done on China in the international community have been more thorough and more comprehensive. There is a growing consensus that China will rise peacefully. China’s foreign policy of being a good-neighbor, a peace keeper, making others rich, and acting as a responsible big country, all of this has made the neighboring countries realize that China’s development is an opportunity for them rather than a threat to them.

At the same time, the “China Threat Theory” has been constantly undergoing changes. Since 2004, along with the “rise of China” issue, the “China threat” emerged in international media, and went through new developments. According to this theory’s prediction, China is no doubt quickly becoming a powerful nation. A powerful China may become a constructive and responsible contributor, and could maintain a “peaceful rise,” but it’s still too early to assert that a strong China will not abandon the path of peace and become a threat to other countries. Open discussions in China on the Internet have substantially increased.

Failed Prediction II: The “China Collapse Theory”

The “China Collapse Theory” Totally Collapsed

With rapid economic growth, China has, at the same time, encountered a series of problems and contradictions, problems in energy, environment, serious ecological conditions, the imbalanced distribution of wealth, and the "three rural" issues. These problems and contradictions in China’s economy have planted seeds that there is a risk that could restrain a sustained, steady, and healthy growth. Under such circumstances, some people from the West exaggerate these problems, and have predicted that China cannot get out of the woods, but can only collapse.

From “Cosmetic Prosperity” to “Collapse”

With the impact of the Asian financial crisis in 1997, and the global economy that went into "growth recession" in 2001. Some other Asian countries and most countries in the world encountered economic predicaments, a slowdown in economic growth, or even negative growth. Some Western economists believe that China’s economic growth model of high investment, low output, relying on large numbers of cheap labor and enormous energy consumption, has come to an end. In addition, China’s economic growth is also facing difficulties in state-owned enterprise reform, environmental pollution, financial systems, and many other rigid structural obstacles. Therefore, the Chinese economy will inevitably face difficulties.

In 2000, the economist and historian from the University of Pittsburgh, Thomas Rawski, published two academic articles. One is entitled “What’s Happening to China’s GDP Statistics?” The other is “China’s GDP Statistics – A Case of Caveat Lector?”  In the article, Rawski questioned every aspect of China’s economic growth model, from the economic growth slowdown, to energy consumption shrinking; from the decline in logistics, to slow growth in major industrial products lines; from the apparel industry to commodities consumption; and even to the factor of agriculture retardation. Rawski also asked why China has to produce these false statistics.

A year after Rawski’s articles were published, a Chinese American lawyer, Zhang Jiachun also published a book, China Will Soon Collapse. It was around that time that Western mainstream media started to publish articles questioning China’s statistical data. In January 2002, the editor of a quarterly magazine, China’s Economy, Mr. Joe Studwell, published the book called China Dream. He insinuated in his book that China’s economy is “a building built on sand.” On April 1, 2002, Time magazine also published an article, “Why China Cooks the Books?” In its context, the book indicates that China’s economic power is nothing but a fabrication, because China’s economic power is calculated based on false statistical data. Some people try to distort the picture, to exaggerate the existing problems that China faces during its economic development, claiming China’s economy is “cosmetic prosperity.” More importantly, they believe that there is no way China has the capability of solving these problems. China can only go step by step towards collapse. Thus, the “China collapse theory” was born.

“China is to Collapse only Exists in Your Book”

In August 2001, Gordon C. Chang published a monograph in English, “The Coming Collapse of China.” The book caused a storm in the United States. This book was on The New York Times bestseller list. The United States Congress also invited him to attend congressional hearings. Gordon Chang said in his book that, over the past 50 years, China has accumulated too many problems in its economic, social and political structures. The current economic prosperity is a sham. Under the strong impact that resulted from entering the WTO, China’s political and economic systems will quickly collapse. He asserted, “China’s current political and economic system can only be maintained for up to 5 years. … China’s economy is in recession, is about to collapse, and it will collapse before the 2008 Beijing Olympics, not after!”

Gordon Chang has lived in Hong Kong and Shanghai for nearly 20 years. He certainly has some knowledge about China’s economic and social development. He has published some articles in The New York Times, the Asian Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, and other newspapers on China’s economic topics. He also presented briefings to the U.S. Congress, and to various think tanks on China’s economic issues. Being a Chinese descendant, who worked in China for many years, his remarks were favored, and some Westerners found them convincing.

After the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008, even the global economic crisis had not yet occurred. China’s economy not only didn’t collapse; it sustained relatively fast, stable and ongoing development. Reality has shattered Gordon Chang’s “China collapse theory.”

In the same year, in 2008, the honorary chairman of Morgan Stanley, Mr. Howard Watts, had already drawn a conclusion about what Gordon Chang said. Mr. Watts said, “Your  ‘China collapse theory’ can only exist in your book. It will not be part of China’s reality.” Even so, under the current environment of global economic crisis, we still need to remain vigilant on speculation intended to heat up the ‘China collapse theory.’

Failed Prediction III: The China Food Crisis

Can’t the Chinese feed themselves?

After the 1980s, in the 20th century, China was still short of food. The eating problem could not be completely resolved and China needed help from the international community for certain types of food. In the early 1990s, China’s economy and urbanization stepped into a new stage. American expert Lester Brown predicted that, with the increase in the population and the shrinkage of land, China would face a serious food shortage, which would have an impact on the whole world.

“Did the Chinese food shortage impact the world?”

In September 1994, the American Journal World Watch published an academic article, “Who Will Feed China?” The author of the article was Lester Brown, director of the Earth Policy Institute. The article pointed out that the process of the continued industrialization of China, coupled with the increase in population, and the improvement of the consumption structure, would greatly increase the demand for food. However, due to the decrease in land, the shortage of water and the damage to the environment that happened during development, food production would decrease and China would face a serious food shortage. Therefore, in the future, China would rely more and more heavily on food imports, which would affect the food supply and prices around the world. Even though China had enough foreign currencies, it was impossible for the international market to provide such a huge amount of food to the 1.3 billion Chinese people. The author predicted that China’s food crisis would affect the whole world.

After its publication, the article generated enormous attention from all over the world. Almost all of the important international journals, newspapers and news media reported or published the article on prominent pages. The Chinese government and the academic world also responded quickly. Following that, Brown made speeches at several important international conferences to promote his argument and furthermore, added more new evidence. In late 1995, he published the book, Who Will Feed China?

Brown’s theory of the “Chinese food crisis” is deeply rooted in the western thinking style, but lacks scientific spirit. At most, it only has the value of stirring up the issue. The difference is that he was able use good tactics to hide his own motives so that he could address the “threat” of China to all the remaining countries and all the people in this world from the perspective of the ecological environment. He also considered that this kind of threat is more threatening than the military threat and requested the leaders of different countries to treat this threat as a primary consideration.

Actually, what Brown raised is not just an issue about who will feed China? It is an issue about “how China, a country that cannot feed itself, will harm the world.” It can be concluded that the perspective in Who Will Feed China represents a “new way of thinking” in the research field of the “China Threat.” That is, all of mankind should be united together to “suppress” the economic development of China. From this perspective, Who Will Feed China actually raised two new theories of the “China Threat,” which are the “China food threat” and the “China environment threat.” It worked as a driving force to enrich the implications of “the theory of the China threat.” That is why it caused strong reactions all over the world.

As a matter of fact, the “food crisis” predicted by Brown did not happen. No matter what kind of motif or purpose Brown had, China smashed his prediction with facts. The hard evidence is the sufficient food supply in China during the global food crisis.

On June 20, the ninth “World Refugee Day,” the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation reported that due to the influence of the global economic crisis, the high food prices, and natural and man-made disasters, the global “hunger” problem this year would be more serious. It affected a record-breaking 1.02 billion people, about 1/6 of the world’s population. That is to say, one out of 6 people on this earth is starving or faces problems of hunger.

Compared to the wide-spread anxiety about the safety of food around the world caused by the global food crisis, China is relatively more at ease. For the 5 years from 2004 to 2008, China’s food production increased continuously. Therefore, China currently has a sufficient food supply. The major agriculture products are sufficient, and the prices are stable. In addition, it has newly developed the concept of “Organic Food,” and “Healthy Eating.” “We will not be nervous as long as we have food in our hands.” China has successfully resolved the eating problem for 1.3 billion people, which itself is a prominent contribution to food safety across the world.

At present, China has accomplished the historic transition from a long-term shortage to a consistent quantity of sufficient food supply of the major agricultural products. China fed 22% of the world population using only 7% of the land. The self-sufficient food supply has reached 95% across the country. From a long-term perspective, China definitely has the ability to furnish the food supply for its people based on domestic food production.

As a responsible big country, when China feeds itself, it also tries its best within its ability to proactively donate food and provide food aid to international food and agricultural organizations and countries that have an urgent food shortage.

Failed Prediction IV: “The Theory of a Dead Hong Kong” Dies

“The Theory of a Dead Hong Kong”

The return of Hong Kong was a failure in the eyes of many western people. Under the impact created by the conflict between China and the Western forces, the world felt the power of a rising China. However, some westerners dare not to admit the success of China, which is manifested in their opinions over the fate of Hong Kong. It is not just the westerners who worried about the fate of Hong Kong after its return. Due to the return of Hong Kong, its political system, economy, culture and education, etc. all will face large-scale adjustment. At that time, some Hong Kong people were suspicious about the implementation of the “One Country, Two Systems,” “A Hong Kong Governed by Hong Kong People,” and a “High Degree of Autonomy.” Many immigrated to other countries. Based on this, some western media made the extreme prediction that after Hong Kong’s return, it would face the fate of death.

Illusion: the Death of Hong Kong

In June of 1995, the U.S. magazine Fortune published a cover story on the “Death of Hong Kong.” In the report, the female Asian reporter, Louise Clark, concluded that after Hong Kong’s return, it would lose its status as a vigorous international market center; Beijing would control all the departments of Hong Kong’s government; English would be replaced by Mandarin; foreign merchants would be treated unfairly; Renminbi would replace the American dollars to be associated with Hong Kong money; and the People’s Liberation Army soldiers would be all over the streets.

Louise Clark predicted that Hong Kong would lose its role as an international commercial and financial hub, businesses would leave Hong Kong, corruption would take root and spread, and “the naked truth about Hong Kong’s future can be summed up in two words: It’s over.” [1]

The publication of the report caused quite a stir in the world. As a mainstream media of the financial world, the negative impact caused by those kinds of reports was enormous. Some foreign businesses were misled by it and left Hong Kong’s market one after another. Some Hong Kong people were misled by it and left their homes to immigrate to other countries one after another. Many countries and regions were misled by it and looked at Hong Kong from a strange perspective, which made the situation for the initial stage of “a Hong Kong governed by Hong Kong people” very difficult.

In early 2002, Fortune published another cover story, “Who Wants Hong Kong?” It showed worries over the current situation of Hong Kong after 5 years’ transition. It claimed that after China opened up to the world economically, Hong Kong would lose its function as the gate for foreign investment to enter China. In addition, with a variety of economic problems inside Hong Kong, the status of Hong Kong would be replaced by Shanghai. That caused the Hong Kong government to express strong protests and rebuttals.

Apology: We were Wrong!

When history proved that it was impossible for Hong Kong to die, Fortune started to apologize. In July 2007, 10 years after the return of Hong Kong, its editor Sheridan Prasso published, “Oops! Hong Kong is hardly dead.” The article stated, “Back in 1995, Fortune predicted the downfall of Hong Kong once it was handed over to China. But in 2007, the city is thriving more than ever. — Ok, ok, we were wrong!” [2] Ten years after the handover on July 1, 1997, Hong Kong is far from over and hardly dead.

In the same year, Times published a cover story. It used 25 pages to discuss the changes in Hong Kong over the 10 years, commented on the theory of the “Death of Hong Kong” from a new perspective, admitted its sister magazine Fortune made a wrong report at that time, and considered Hong Kong more vigorous than ever.

As of this year, Hong Kong has been returned for 12 years. During this period of time, Hong Kong went through the Asian financial crisis and the SARS episode. With the devoted support and help of the central government, Hong Kong was able to endure various attacks one after another. When the whole world is facing a serious economic crisis, it is inevitable that Hong Kong’s economy also shows signs of withering. This is another test. At this time, we should guard against the resurrection of the theory of the “Death of Hong Kong.”

Failed Prediction V: The Theory of the End of Communism”

History is not Over Yet

After the publication of the Communist Manifesto, the communist movement thrived across the world. The socialist countries of the Soviet Union, and those in east Europe, and China, etc. were established one after another, which further indicated the bright future and the vigor of the life of the communist movement. However, at the end of the 1980s and the beginning of the 1990s, the happening of a series of astonishing incidents, including the drastic changes in east Europe and the disintegration of the Soviet Union, presented a heavy blow to the communist movement. During this period of time, the western world hastened their steps for “peaceful transformation,” using their propaganda to promote the claim that “Communism will be finished.” Because the exceptional representative of Communism, China, is also in the middle of the political storm that will come sooner or later, the direction of the development of socialism became a major topic under the current historic background. Therefore, the Theory of the end of Communism became more and more popular.

Communism: “the Last Crisis?”

In 1988, former president of the United States Richard Nixon published 1999: Winning by Default, which systematically discussed that the US should develop a “strategy for peaceful competition” with the socialist countries behind the iron curtain. Namely, based on military containment, the U.S. should take advantage of its strong economy to induce the “peaceful transformation” of the socialist countries using economic aid and technical transfers. In addition, it should open the door for “peaceful transformation” through psychological warfare in ideology competition and spreading the “values of freedom and democracy.”

After the publication of the book, the situation in Eastern Europe went through intense turbulence, the political situation drastically changed, and the whole world was startled. Within a year, the government of 6 countries, Poland, Hungary, East Germany, Czechoslovakia and Slovakia, Bulgaria, and Romania, changed. The communist party and the worker’s party, which had been in power for over 40 years, either lost its power or changed its nature. At this time, China was also in the middle of a political storm. Therefore, the “Theory of the termination of Communism” became even more popular.

In 1989, the former national security business assistant for the U.S. president, the renowned strategic thinker Brzezinsky, published his representative work based on the eastern European drastic change, Grand Failure: The Birth and Death of Communism in the Twentieth Century. This book stated that communism as a movement, after it controlled most of the 20th century, had already declined and entered “the final crisis.” The book asserted that communism “will wither away irreversibly in history in the 21st century because it violates the rules of history.

History Will not End

In 1991, two years after the publication of Grand Failure, the Soviet Union finally disintegrated due to the serious faults in its practices. The SU Communist party had to leave office and announced that the party was dissolved. This made the western countries firmly believe in the “Theory of the termination of Communism.”

Right after that, the Albanian Labor party was defeated in the election and left office in 1992. After experiencing almost one year of civil war, Yugoslavia was divided into five independent republic countries. After the drastic change, the countries in east Europe departed from the direction of socialism, and the communist party lost its ruling status.

Soon after the drastic change in Eastern Europe, American Japanese scholar Francis Fukuyama wrote The End of History and the Last Man. The book argues that the fundamental reason for the drastic change in Eastern Europe and the victory of capitalism during the cold war is that the western democratic system is superior to the socialist democratic system and any other non-western democratic systems. It concludes that the western democratic system will become a universal system and the form for a free democratic government in the western world will eventually be promoted across the world as the ultimate form of government.

However, the experience of China refutes the above prediction. The Chinese Communist Party has not only maintained its power, but also protected social and political stability. In addition, it is proactively exploring its path during the process of summarizing, adjusting and reforming. It insists on walking the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and its achievement has attracted worldwide attention. Up until now, socialism, as the initial stage of communism, still demonstrates exuberant vitality. The application of the “Theory of the termination of Communism” in China has been announced a failure.


Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, July 21, 2009


Typical Headlines Showing How and What Xinhua Reports about the U.S. (from June 30-July 29, 2009)

The U.S. Treats China with Respect: the World is Shocked; Experts Warn People to Remain Sober

Obama Quotes Meng Zi in Stressing the Importance of the U.S.-China Dialogue

Wang Qishan Urges the U.S. to Ensure the Security of Chinese Assets in the U.S.

Many Comments on the U.S.-China Dialogue: U.S. Treasury Bonds, Buy or Sell?

U.S. Reporter: the Greatest Change in China in the Past 30 Years is the Change in Every Chinese

U.S. Los Angeles Times: Killing is the Convention for the CIA  [Editor’s note: original Los Angeles Times title was  "The CIA, Licensed to Kill"]

How Come the Death Toll for U.S. Troops in Afghanistan is Reaching a New High?

Association of Southeast Asia Nations (ASEAN) Rejects the U.S.’ Suggestion: No Basis to Expel Burma

U.S. Anti-Corruption Movement Entraps Mayors and Members of Congress in its Net

U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue: Can 1+1 Be Greater Than 2?

U.S. Journal: The West Should Not Bad Mouth China

Chinese Netizens Regard U.S.-India Defense Cooperation as a Threat to China

The U.S. is Recovering "Lost Ground" to Keep China in Check

Is the U.S. Declaring its “Return” to Southeast Asia Paving the Road for Joining the East Asia Summit?

The U.S. Wants to Return to Southeast Asia

Bloomberg L.P.: China’s Two Trillion in Foreign Currency Reserves Revived the U.S. Economy

Japanese, The Economist: U.S. Treasury Bonds are at Risk of Sharp Depreciation

Kissinger Comments on the International Situation and U.S. Diplomacy

Wall Street Has "Forgotten the Pain after the Scar Healed", the White House Has a Headache

Obama’s Economic Advisor Claims U.S. Economy Already Out of the Abyss?

U.S. Congress to Investigate the CIA Cover Up

Obama Determined to Reform Military Equipment

Western Media Intentionally Distorts the Actual Events of the July 5 Incident [Editor’s note: Urumqi Protests]

The First Chinese U.S. Congresswoman Will Soon Appear

Why I No Longer Read the Wall Street Journal

Beijing Daily: Western Media’s Double-Standard Shows Up Again

Three-Hour Michael Jackson Memorial Ceremony Costs Millions

Thousands of Taliban Prisoners Massacred; the U.S. Refuses to Investigate

The Bush Administration’s Confidential Surveillance Plan Exposed for the First Time

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Claims the U.S. Army Destroyed the Babylonian Ruins

Blacks Not Allowed in the Swimming Pool? Racial Discrimination Reappears in the U.S.

Obama: Expected to Visit China in the Second Half of the Year

U.S.-Russia Relations are Out of the Gutter

Xinjiang Independence Activists (Uyghurs) Cause Trouble in Washington, D.C.

From the March 14 Incident to the July 5 Incident: Prejudice in Western Media Remains Unchanged
[Editor’s note: March 14, 2008, Lhasa Protests; July 5, 2009, Urumqi Protests]

Who is More Elegant: The First Lady of Russia or of the U.S.?

In Russia Obama Discusses "Peace is Precious”

Jiangyong: Efforts to Save the Market Can Only Sustain Capitalism for a Short While

Enough with this Western "Cold War Mentality"

Five Theories on the Resignation of Palin

U.S. Troops in Afghanistan Trapped in a “Hellish War”

Former Diplomat Verifies U.S.-Japanese “Confidential Nuclear Agreement”

League of Arab States Welcomes Withdrawal of U.S. Troops from Iraqi Cities

U.S. Newspaper: Chinese Traditional Philosophy Can Help Sustainable Development

Shootings in Los Angeles — Ten Dead

Lover of Frivolous U.S. Governor: Divorced and Fluent in Three Languages

Did Michael Jackson Die from an Overdose of Morphine?

Hundreds of Billions in Assets Confiscated from Madoff, the Swindler of the Century

Who Actually Benefits from the Manas Incident? [Editor’s note: On December 6, 2006, a Kyrgyz citizen was shot at the U.S.-led international anti-terrorism coalition’s Ganci air base at Manas, Kyrgyzstan.]

U.S. Official Said Armed Forces Will Not be Used to Inspect North Korean Ships

NATO Early-Warning Aircraft Will Be Stationed at the West Gate of China

The World Grieves Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson Passed Away Before His Last Performance

U.S. Governor Disappears for One Week to Be with Lover; Hot Love-Letters Exposed

How Many People Have Been Deceived by Google’s "Innocent" Attitude?

Obama Says Iran’s Suppression Will Not Succeed

The Wall Street Journal Flooded with Chinese Comments

Jack Buhsmer wrote:
Isn’t this part of One China policy, to usurp and suppress other ethnic groups? Similar issue happened in Tibet. You know it’s bad when even the monks lose patience. Instead of prostituting itself for loans, America should confront China on many overdue issues such as ethnic suppression and human rights. Of course, a multi-trillion dollar loan placed in US treasuries shuts America up pretty effectively.

benchi sun replied (to Jack Buhsmer’s comments):
I doubt that you have ever set your footsteps in Urumqi (maybe even Xinjiang or China). Probably you may not even know where Urumqi is on the map. Sure, this won’t stop someone like you who “stands on a high moral ground” to comment on something you have no clue of. But I hope that, at least, those 150+ innocent Han Chinese being killed by the terrorists mean something to you. If I were you, a person “with high moral standards”, I would cry first for the human right of those innocent people being killed in the riot.

Philip Feng replied (to Jack Buhsmer’s comments):
America confronts China? Oh please, they have their own overwhelming racism problem. So please settle your own problem before scolding others. Also, the problem is far more complicated, and different, if you will, than you could simply presumed. So I beg of you to fully comprehend the issues within before making such superficial comments. China is a large and grand country. It’s no easy job to govern the land. Never try to force any of your western thoughts on an oriental land that is far beyond your knowledge. Because that’s is just sad of you to the Chinese people.

Ming Ying replied (to Jack Buhsmer’s comments):
Come on, arrogant americans.

‘you know it’s bad when even the monks lose patience’, laugh to death. Do you know how mand kinds of monks in Tibet? Do you know Dala belong to which kind? Buddhist is peacful and when the rioters in tibet go to the street to burn house and kill the innocent, you call them monks?

Once again, i want say this to the westerners: Tibet was, is and always will be a part of China.

As to confront China, forget it now. If China stops exporting commondity to US, a hyper inflation will totally destrory US society. And don’t forget we also own a huge US gov. det. China is rising and no one can stop it!

Lin Zhang wrote:
Why did not the WSJ invite Ben Laden to give his opinions?

Michael Webster wrote:
I noticed the word "terrorist" popping up a lot when I was listening to the radio here in China today. For my part, I applaud WSJ for providing an alternate point of view, other than the sanitized reports the world is receiving from the Chinese Government’s guided tours. I think it is appropriate that this article is in the Opinion section, a fact which should be remembered by those crying foul, and I hope that someone is able to get collaborating information from a verifiable source if it exists. I do find it notable that the only deaths we are hearing about is of Hans, when police gunfire has been heard and it was bound to have hit someone.

Scofield Tang replied (to Michael Webster’s comments):
you really an ameria guy,lol,but u.s. can’t stand for the whole world,so YOU JUST A FROG IN THE BOTTON OF A WELL (Editor’s note: a Chinese saying for someone with a very narrow mind and vision), China is changing JUST like what south Korea,japan ,taiwan(a province of China) do 20 years ago.DO YOU KNOW?

yeah,lol,we are brother

Jackie Zhang wrote:
Urgurs, an ethnic group, love to cheat, steal, rob, rape, murder. Nobody like them. I always doubt that whether they are Muslim. Sometimes their behavior make them more like animal or ghost, not a people.

Frankly, All the other ethnic group don’t like to contact with them. Part of Urgurs are so evil and lazy, I suggest reporters live with them for one night, maybe next morning, you will find your camera and money are lost, yet I bet you don’t dare to question them because a group of Urgur will gather around you soon and rob of all of your belongings.

It is the truth of Urgurs. A view from inside.

Zhen chi wrote:
It is shameful for WSJ to publish writings by this author, when whether she is the chief instigator of the recent atrocities by Uighur thugs against innocent Han Chinese is still waiting to be investigated. Is WSJ, the respected, leading and worldwide circulated English paper, willing to be the platform for one-sided propaganda?

benchi sun wrote:
The "true" story is that the author of the article (Rebiya Kadeer, a Uighur Chinese) has 11 children of her own and most Han Chinese couples are only allowed to have one child. This is only a reflection of the many special treatments that Uighurs enjoy in education, employment, and other social and economic areas. The author should stop telling lies. You know, God is always fair, no matter which God you believe in. God will punish those who tell lies. Can we agree on this?

Jiyong Chen wrote:
WSJ, valid opinion is OK in the opinion section. This is not opinion at all, it is propaganda from a terrorist head of a terrorist organization. How can you even endorse this as your American suffer through terrorism yourself??? You are literally supporting killing innocent American lifes who are died in 9/11!!!!!!!!

T.J. Chen wrote:
I did not know who this woman was, but after reading her so called opinion on the WSJ, I now believe that it is highly plausible this woman could be the mastermind behind the riots. The letter sounds like the work of a well polished PR firm, and I just cannot get over the eerie feeling that it was written before the riots took place. Osama should have hired this PR firm right after 9.11, and he could have had an office in Washington DC, right next to this woman’s.

I strongly urge the International community to condemn this woman, and have her stand trial on crimes against humanity. I will not be surprised if there are traces of Al Qaeda in the sham organization she heads.

ZeHe Huang wrote:
freedom of speech, WSJ invites terrorist.

Tony Wagner replied (to ZeHe Huang’s comments):
Poor Osama Bin Laden, when will WSJ gives you a chance to bleach you out?

Ming Ying replied (to ZeHe Huang’s comments):
Stongly support WSJ give a chance to Bin Laden! Everyone is born equal, so why Bin Laden doesn’t have a stage in WSJ?

Fu Lai Zhuang wrote:
China should sent people to learn from US America about how the whites manage to tame the Red Indian and wipe out the entire native cultures and people. US America has done a very good job, do you see any Indian problem now ? Nothing right ? China should just change the US America slogan "the only good Indian is a dead Indian" to "the only good Uyghur is a dead Uyghur". It is proven, it works. It can’t be wrong. As those terrorrist caught during during the riot, China should use water boarding on them. Waterboarding is no longer a torture, it has been legalised by previous US government. China should pay the US America expert in waterboarding as an advisor, for example, how to legally waterboard a human over 100 times.

benchi sun wrote:
repost a comment from markinnj on Jul 9th, 2009 at 5:55 pm

"I just finished watching an interview with Ms Rebiya Kadeer and found a few interesting facts:

1. She had 11 children, which confirms that Uighurs were not subject to China’s One Child Policy

2. She was born to a family with no background. She started her business with a road side convenient store and worked her way to be THE richest person in the province of Xinjing. This proved Uighurs can earn their business success through hard work.

3. She was a senior member of the People’s Congress of Xinjing, and a senior member of the National People’s Congress of China. This shows Uighurs were not excluded from political life in China

4. She was arrested because she provided funding to Eastern Turkestan and carried out activities in China following instructions from Eastern Turkestan. Eastern Turkestan is labeled as terrorist organization by most countries including the US , Russia, China, etc."

yu fu wrote:
A B i t c h Betraied her homeland and blabbered . Perhaps the USA is easy to be cheated.
Frankly speaking USA Deal with ur own racism and the economy crisis otherwise all of U will be bankrupt.
don’t beg CHINA WILL SAVE U~~~~~

Myat Thwin wrote:
This separatist woman has 6 (six) kids. She got rich in China and turned on her own country. There are 200 (TWO HUNDRED MOSQUES) in Urumqi alone. Han Chinese are allowed ONLY ONE kid. Uyghurs get into universities easier than Han Chinese. So, there is discrimination? Hello? Talk about ingrates!

America, this is for you! Are you listening? Your foreign policy is a failure. You’re fighting two and a half wars; for how long? How many American soldiers killed; how many wounded and maimed for life? How many billions lost? What do you have to show for it? How many countries hate you; your allies only want US aid; they are not friends.

"Nations don’t have friends, they have INTERESTS"

You fought the Soviet Union with Osama bin Laden to drive them out of Afghanistan and what did you get from OBL? 9/11 and 3,000 killed innocents.

What makes you think these Muslim separatists won’t turn on you in a heartbeat? Wouldn’t it make sense to be friendly with the world’s most populous nation who isn’t fighting you? Think about it!

Ditto the Dalai Lama crowd too.

benchi sun wrote:
Watch this youtube clip to find out what kind of person this "true story teller" is. See how this lady flattered with the communist officials (you might need someone who knows Chinese to help you to fully comprehend the irony shown by the clip).

You will see how Ms. Rebiya begged for the "honor" to kiss the communist official for thanking the official for helping her. Please don’t tell me that Ms. Rebiya had to behave in such a disgustingly way under pressure. With that sincere smile on her face, she just didn’t look like being faking. But if she really was, I would be very impressed and applaud her for being such a fine actress. Then I would be wondering if her "true story" is more credible or not because of her fine acting skills.

[1] The Wall Street Journal, July 8, 2009

China’s Strategy on Its Cultural Industry

Hu Jintao Emphasized Adherence to the Direction of Advanced Culture and Greatly Developing Cultural Undertakings and Cultural Industries [1]

Xinhua, Beijing, August 12: General Secretary of the CCP Hu Jintao led the seventh group study session of the Political Bureau of the CCP Central Committee on August 12. He emphasized that vigorously developing the socialist culture and the socialist spiritual civilization are the inevitable requirements for implementing the important thoughts of the “Three Represents,” the inevitable request for fully building a Xiaokang (moderately prosperous) society, and the inevitable request for the coordinated development of society, of the economy, and of the all-around development of human beings. We must, from the height of developing an all-around Xiaokang society and enabling the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, deeply understand the strategic meaning of strengthening cultural development, and conscientiously advancing the development of socialist culture, while advancing the development of Socialist Material Civilization and Political Civilization.

[Hu Jintao] pointed out that entering the new era of the new century, facing the enormous tasks of revolution, development, and maintaining stability, and facing the interactive exchanges with different thoughts and cultures worldwide, we must do a better job in uniting the forces and minds of the people of all races in the nation, and having all people united and striving for the grand goal of fully building a Xiaokang (moderate prosperity) society. It is inevitable that we vigorously strengthen the development of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics, and continuously provide the powerful ideological guaranty, spiritual motivation, and intelligent support for revolution, opening up, and modernized development.

Hu Jintao emphasized that to construct the socialist culture with Chinese characteristics, we must firmly control the direction of advanced culture. Most fundamentally, we should stick to the guiding role of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory in the field of ideology, and make the important thought of the “Three Represents" the commanding principle in socialist cultural undertakings. Developing cultural undertakings and cultural industries is an important component of developing socialist culture. When developing any cultural undertaking or cultural industry, we should stick to the correct orientation, put the social benefit as the top priority, unite the social benefits and economic benefits, promote science and truth, spread advanced culture, develop a good spirit, promote a healthy social atmosphere, and advocate the scientific spirit. We should stick to the emancipation of thought, the practical and realistic approaches, keep up with the times, follow the requirements of developing cultural undertakings and cultural industries according to the new era of the characteristics and rule of the development of socialist culture, continuously push forward the culture system and mechanism innovation, support and protect cultural welfare undertakings, and improve cultural industries’ overall strength and compatibility.
Hu Jintao pointed out that in today’s world, the material foundation, social environment, and spreading conditions that the development of culture relies on have gone through deep changes. We should research deeply the new situations and new issues that our country’s cultural development is going to face in the new progression and be better at developing the socialist culture with Chinese characteristics in an increasingly open environment. We need to carry on the spirit of keeping up with the times, stick to the principles of making the past serve the present, weed through the old to bring forth the new, carry on Chinese culture’s good tradition greatly, promote the grand Chinese spirit greatly, and use the splendid Chinese culture as a spiritual force to encourage all races in China to advance further. At the same time, we must stick to our nation’s condition, persist in focusing on ourselves, and making things useful for ourselves, picking and choosing dialectically, choosing the good to follow, and actively absorbing the beneficial results of the development of foreign cultures to better improve our nations’ cultural development and prosperity. Any beneficial experience that can help strengthen the development of our nation’s socialist culture, any cultural achievement that can help enhance our people’s spiritual level, and any management system that can help develop our nation’s socialist cultural undertakings and cultural industries should be actively studied and learned from. We should always upload the flag of socialist culture, never copy other country’s cultural concepts, never simply mimic other country’s development model, and resolutely prevent the erosion of the cadres and people’s minds by decadent or corrupt cultural thoughts to ensure our nation’s cultural safety and social stability.

Hu Jintao called on the party organizations at all levels to strengthen and improve their leadership over cultural undertakings, to fully promote all cultural workers’ activity and creativity, to support and encourage them to connect with the millions of people’s great practice of all-around development of Xiaokang (moderate prosperity) society, to create more up-to-date cultural achievements with Chinese characteristics, Chinese style, and the impressive Chinese manner that meet the people’s requirements, to better serve the people, serve socialism, and serve the overall work of the Party and the nation.”

People’s Forum, People’s Daily Online, May 9, 2008, The Past and Current Situation of The Development of Cultural Industries in The New Era [2]

The three stages in the development of cultural industries in the new era

Cultural industries mainly grew and developed after the new era started. Looking back at the great historic process of the 30 years of reforming and opening-up in our country, we can see that cultural industries in our country during the new era generally experienced three stages of development.

The first stage, 1978-1988. The cultural market appeared and was gradually recognized; cultural industries were established and developed slowly under hard conditions.

The second stage, 1989-1998. When it was still very difficult for business, cultural industries surfaced and gained recognition in society. Overall, regarding the relationship between culture and the economy, it is “the culture establishing the stage and economics and trade performing.” Culture was subordinate to economic development.

The third stage, 1999-2007, cultural industries had significant developments.

In 2000, the central government used the concept “cultural industry” in official documents for the first time in Suggestions of the CCCPC on Formulating the Tenth Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development, which was passed in the 15th session of the Fifth Plenary Session. The document raised demands for perfecting the policies for cultural industries, strengthening the establishment and management of the cultural market, and promoting the development of cultural industries. It marks our country’s recognition of cultural industries and their status, and has important meanings.

In 2001, developing cultural industries was listed in the National “Tenth Five-Year” Program; since then, cultural industries have become an important part of the strategy of our country’s economic and social development.

In 2002, the Party’s 16th National Congress report discussed cultural establishments in a special chapter, pointing out that the country should actively develop cultural undertakings and industries, perfect cultural policies, and support the development of cultural industries.

In 2004, the 16th session of the Fourth Plenary Session passed The Decision of the CCCPC about Intensifying the Development of the Party’s Ruling Ability, which pointed out the demands of the era for establishing Chinese culture and developing cultural industries.

The Party’s Suggestions on Formulating the Eleventh Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development, the 16th session of the Fifth Plenary Session in 2005, and the outline of the National “Eleventh Five-Year” Program development plan that was passed in 2006 all have contents about developing cultural industries. In 2007, the Party’s 17th National Congress report also mentioned fully developing cultural industries many times so that they can contribute to pushing the Socialist culture to develop and prosper greatly.”

China News Service, April 24, 2009, The Ministry of Culture and the Bank of China Signed a Strategic Agreement on Supporting the Development of Cultural Industries [3]

China News Service, April 24 (Journalist: Ying Ni): The agreement signing ceremony between the Ministry of Culture and the Bank of China and between the Bank of China and China Arts and Entertainment Group was held on the 24th at the Bank of China’s head office. This is a new attempt at cooperation between China’s financial and culture industries.

The Minister of Culture, Cai Wu, pointed out that the Agreement of Strategic Cooperation in Supporting the Development of Cultural Industries, signed by the Ministry of Culture and the Bank of China, is an important measure that makes full use of the counter-cyclical characteristics of the development of cultural industries under the background of the continued spread of the international financial crisis and the significant deceleration of the world’s economic growth. It is based on the reality of the development of our country’s culture industries, resolves the bottleneck of the financing of cultural industries and cultural projects with the investment advantages from financial institutions, and focuses on creating and nurturing a group of strong cultural industries and cultural projects that are relatively competitive and influential. It is an important initiative that implements the State Council’s response to the international financial crisis by guaranteeing economic growth, expanding domestic demand, adjusting the structure, improving people’s livelihoods and arranging work, as well as a practical action that the Ministry of Cultural takes to comprehensively implement the scientific concept of development, transform the functions of the government, and enhance the service function.

The Ministry of Culture and the Bank of China will follow the principles of “long-term cooperation, mutual support, and seeking common development” and establish a comprehensive and long-term relationship of strategic cooperation. The Ministry of Culture will employ the government’s role in administering cultural affairs, strengthen the management and guidance of our country’s important culture enterprises and culture programs, and actively recommend to the Bank of China the cultural enterprises and programs that need support by arranging the organization’s applications and expert reviews.

In addition, in order to implement the specific measures for supporting the development of the cultural industries, the Bank of China and China Arts and Entertainment Group also signed an Agreement of Strategic Cooperation. The signing of this agreement marked the beginning of large state-owned financial institutions helping large domestic cultural enterprises and main cultural programs. The establishment of the strategic cooperation would provide strong financial support for China’s foreign cultural corporation’s independence and innovation, help them raise their core competitiveness, and accelerate the pace of development. Regarding the improvement of the state of foreign cultural industries throughout China, continuously expanding the share of Chinese cultural products and services in the international market, upgrading the country’s cultural soft power, and strengthening the international influence of Chinese culture will make a positive contribution.

Xinhua, June 7, 2009, Cultural Industries repeat the “Counter-Cyclical” History during the Financial Crisis [4]

Culture Minister Cai Wu especially emphasized that this Agreement of Strategic Cooperation in Supporting the Development of Cultural Industries was signed with the background of the on-going spread of the international financial crisis and the obvious deceleration in the growth of the world economy.

Cai Wu stated that the purpose of the two sides’ establishment of a comprehensive, long-term strategic partnership this time is to, while making full use of the “counter-cyclical” development characteristics of culture industries, resolve their financial bottleneck, and foster a group of culture enterprises and cultural programs that are strongly capable, competitive, and influential.

The phenomenon of Korea supporting its cultural industries in adversity during the Asian financial crisis, and operating cultural industries “counter-cyclically” since 10 years ago may be “replicated” in China.
Operating “counter-cyclically” was also a focus of experts and scholars’ discussions in the Fifth Cultural Development Strategy Forum, one of the main forums in the International Cultural Industries Fair hosted in Shenzhen last month.

A well-known Chinese researcher pointed out during the forum that cultural industries are highly technical, cause little pollution, and consume little energy. Therefore, they are suitable for the need of restructuring and changing the development style of national industries, boosting domestic demand in a series of initiatives, and continually releasing people’s consumption capacity.

As for the concept of ‘counter-cycle,’ the explanation by Tsinghua University professor Xiong Chengyu is relatively representative: when the economy enters a new downward cycle, cultural development and economic development are not completely consistent. They are often not synchronized in time, and are sometimes even opposite.

“The more difficulties economic development meets, the more the people need culture to boost the spirit and soothe the soul; the less the people consume material goods, the more likely popular cultural products or services are to become a new consumption hotspot,” said Wang Xiang, a Beijing entrepreneur who just opened a small private theater.

The implementation of “counter-cyclical” cultural operations is not from the speculation of Beijing’s senior culture department officials or academic circles. They are excited and confident about cultural industries’ outstanding performance during the financial crisis.

“Apart from the overseas performances of the ballet Kung Fu Shaolin being popular, the acrobatic show China Wind has performed in nearly 70 major cities in the U.S. and in Canada for over three months since mid-January,” said Zhang Yu, General Manager of China Arts and Entertainment Group.

The U.S.’s biggest artist management agency, Columbia Artists Management, values China Wind a lot, and pre-signed a commercial performance contract for the project’s next round of North America markets.

When Zhang Yu went to European countries like the UK with the business sector at the beginning of this year, he said confidently that his company had signed dozens of overseas performance contracts, and many had begun implementing the contracts. Zhang Yu is even more pleased by the fact that the Bank of China has also signed an Agreement of Strategic Cooperation with them.

China Heaven Creation, which specializes in the production of large-scale performance projects in Beijing, has also approached Las Vegas in the U.S. to discuss matters about performances. China Haven Creation’s deputy general manager Zhang Donghui, among others, has gone to the US four times to investigate, and plans to go to the U.S. to purchase or buy shares of theatres.

Zhang Donghui believes that under the financial crisis, he could pay the same price as before for better services in foreign markets.

[1] Xinhua, August 13, 2003
[2] People’s Daily Online, May 9, 2008
[3] China News Service, April 24, 2009
[4] Xinhua, June 7, 2009

China Starts a New Socialist Education Campaign

“A National Campaign to Study ‘The Socialist Core Value System Study Book’” [1]

“The Socialist Core Value System Study Book” (“Study Book”), edited by the Propaganda Department, of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), was published and distributed nationwide in December 2008. All levels of Party committees treated the “Study Book” very seriously. They listed it as important material for theoretical study, an important component to further the study and practice of the Scientific Outlook on Development (Editor’s Comment: a concept promoted by Hu Jintao), and important for organized cadres, especially high-ranking officials, to study it in depth.

The Party Leaders of Zhejiang Province, Guizhou Province, and the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region followed up on this task themselves; Shanxi Province, Gansu Province, and Chongqing City issued a notice to direct the study and promotion of the Study Book; Guangdong Province, Hainan Province, and Tianjin City held special conferences on this topic; … All local Party organizations have created comprehensive plans to promote and study this book.

– Some provincial Party Committee leaders gave important instructions on implementing solidly and well the study and promotion of the “Study Book” as a key vehicle and content to advance the development of the Socialist Core Value System.
– Some provinces distributed the “The Notice on Organizing the Study of ‘the Socialist Core Value System Study Book’” to direct the province’s study and promotion work for the “Study Book.”
– Some provincial Party Committees held special conferences on promotion and education. They requested all levels of propaganda departments to combine the study and promotion task together with the patriotic education movement for New China’s 60th anniversary celebration, and also with the Scientific Outlook on Development education activities.
– Some provincial Party Committees mark the “Study Book” as important reading material for college professors and students, trying to push the Socialist Core Value System into textbooks, into classrooms, and into people’s heads.

Party Organizations at all levels in Zhejiang Province included the “Study book” in their 2009 theoretical study plan, as a key item for annual evaluation.

Liaoning, Hunan and Gansu Provinces ordered the “Study Book” for cadres and the public. They used the combination of self-study and group study and discussion, and the combination of study and practice, to push the cadres and the public to comprehend and actively practice the Socialist Core Value System.

Party organizations at all levels in Guangdong Province included practicing and studying the “Study Book” as a key component for the study and practice of the Scientific Outlook on Development and party discipline education, requesting the party cadres to lead by example on study and promotion.

Hainan and Guizhou Provinces held special-topic training on studying the “Study Book” and organized the Directors of the lecture team and Section Chiefs of the Theory Section of the Propaganda Department of each city and the autonomous prefecture, to get together and study it.

Also, many colleges listed the “Study Book” as a key material for political study to advance their theoretical understanding, and use of the format of expert’s lectures and group discussion to deepen people’s understanding of the Socialist Core Value System.

Local Party organizations used the “Study Book” to conduct various forms of promotion and education on the Socialist Core Value System, using the education facilities, including the Party schools, public schools, and schools established by the peasant laborers; using the full-time and part-time lecturers and local promotion teams; leveraging the Second Phase promotion and lecturing on the study and practice of the Scientific Outlook on Development; and actively promoting the “Study Book” in communities, enterprises, villages, and schools. They integrated the Study Book’s contents into the education on ideals and beliefs, China’s basic situation, and current status and policies, to bring the Socialist Core Value System closer to the public.

Since the beginning of this year, the promotion and lecture group at the city level and province level in Hainan Province have given nearly 2,000 lectures, organized cadres and the general public in farmlands and thirteen industry areas, including municipal and county officials, public security, legal system, taxation, education, agriculture, and etc. to read the book, write 100 sentences as excerpts from the book, write sharing on understanding, give speeches, and organize conferences.

On the streets of Tianjin City, the Study Book’s materials can be seen on every bulletin and black board. The Tianjin City Party Propaganda Department mobilized grass-roots forces, using the streets as the place to fight to strengthen root-level ideological and political work.

I. Socialist Core Value System Study Book [2]

Author: The “Socialist Core Value System Study Book” Editing Group.
ISBN: 9787801996572, 7801996577
Publisher: The Communist Party of China, Party History Publishing House
Publishing Date: April 1, 2007

[Book Introduction] Socialist Core Value System Study Book
This book has ten chapters. The main contents: Chapter 1, The theoretical origin of the Socialist Core Value System; Chapter 2, The historic background of establishing the Socialist Core Value System; Chapter 3, The practical value of establishing the Socialist Core Value System; Chapter 4, Marxism is the soul of the Socialist Core Value System; Chapter 5, The common ideal of the Chinese Characteristic of Socialism is the main theme of the Socialist Core Value System; Chapter 6, The national spirit and time spirit are the essence of the Socialist Core Value System; Chapter 7, The Socialist Viewpoint of Honor or Disgrace is the foundation of the Socialist Core Value System; Chapter 8, The goal of establishing the Socialist Core Value System; Chapter 9, The path selected for establishing the Socialist Core Value System; Chapter 10, Using the Socialist Core Value System as the foundation to advance the harmonious development of culture.

II. “The Notice on Organizing the Promotion and Distribution of the ‘Socialist Core Value System Study Book’” – By the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee of the Changbai Korean Autonomous County, Baishan City, Jilin Province [3]

The Propaganda Department, Party Committee of the Changbai Korean Autonomous County
Directive #6, 2009

The Notice on Organizing the Promotion and Distribution of the “Socialist Core Value System Study Book”

All local Party committees within the county:

To solidly strengthen the study and promotion of the Socialist Core Value System, following the Communist Party’s Baishan City Propaganda Department’s Order #5, 2009, (we) are starting the promotion and distribution work for “The Socialist Core Value System Study Book” at the Party organizations at all levels within the county. Party organizations at each locale and each department need to earnestly carry out the work.

The Propaganda Department, Party Committee of the Changbai Korean Autonomous County
June 10, 2009

III. “The Notice on Organizing the Solicitation Work for Ordering ‘The Socialist Core Value System Study Book’” – By the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee of Zhaosu County, Yili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region [4]

The Propaganda Department, Party Committee of the Zhaosu County
Directive #14, 2009

The Notice on Organizing the Solicitation Work for Ordering the Chinese, Uighur, and Kazak versions of the “Socialist Core Value System Study Book”

Party Committees of all townships and towns, all departments, committees, and offices of the County Party Committee, all committees, offices, and bureaus of the county government, Party committees (organizations), general branches, and branches at associations and enterprises:

To fully implement the spirit of the Party’s Third Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee of the CPC, and solidly advance the development of the Socialist Core Value System, the Central Committee Propaganda Department of the CPC edited the “Socialist Core Value System Study Book” (“Study Book”) and distributed the “Notice on Earnestly Organizing the Study and Promotion of the ‘Socialist Core Value System Study Book’” (Directive #27, 2008, Central Committee Propaganda Department of the CPC). Recently the Xinjiang People’s Publishing House translated and edited the Uighur and Kazak versions of the “Study Book.” According to the request from the Central Committee Propaganda Department, the Propaganda Department of the Autonomous Region, and the Propaganda Department of the Autonomous Prefecture, the notice on studying, promoting, and soliciting the ordering of the “Study Book” is set as follows:
1. The Significance
Developing the Socialist Core Value System is our Party’s significant theoretical break-through in the ideology and culture area and a major strategic task. It’s the fundamental task for the Party’s propaganda and ideology work, the most important task in developing ideology and morality and ideological and political work.

2. Introduction of the “Study Book”

3. The Requirements on Study and Promotion
All townships (towns), all departments, and all work units must organize well the study and promotion work of the “Study Book” and include the “Study Book” as an important textbook for new Party members, cadres, employees, and the public. (All these organizations) must create lecturing groups, focusing on the major issues in the Socialist Core Value System, using the basic contents of the “Study Book” to lecture Party members, cadres, and the public; actively promote the “Study Book” in communities, enterprises, villages, schools, and military bases; and undergo an in-depth and long-duration promotional education campaign on the Socialist Core Value System in order to let the concept deeply root in people’s minds and let the Socialist Core Value System be the predominant theme.

4. Methods of Ordering
All townships (towns), all departments, and all work units must pay particularly high attention to the promotion and solicitation of the ordering of the Uighur, Chinese, and Kazak versions of the “Study Book,” designate resources to expand the Study Book’s coverage and influence in society and let the study of the book return solid results.

Order Solicitation Period: From now to mid-May
Order Solicitation Location: The Zhaosu County Propaganda Department
Order Solicitation Contact: Guliziya, Cell: 13999580608, Office phone: 6026845

All townships (towns), all departments, and all work units must report on a timely basis to the Propaganda Department of the County Party Committee, on the status of studying, promoting, and using the “Study Book,” along with feedback and suggestions from the cadres and the public.

Appendix: The Quota Assignment for Soliciting the Ordering of “The Socialist Core Values System Study Book.”

The Propaganda Department, the Party Committee of Zhaosu County
April 14, 2009

Copy sent to: The Propaganda Department, the Party Committee of the Autonomous Prefecture, Members of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, Deputy County Executives, the Office of the County Party Committee, the Office of the County People’s Congress, the Office of the County government, and the Office of the County People’s Political Consultative Conference, for record.

[1] Xinhua, July 27, 2009
[2] Yixia Book Search Website
[3] Changbai Korean Autonomous County Party Propaganda Website, June 10, 2009
[4] Zhaosu County Party Website, April 28, 2009


2009 û The Stability Preservation Office

2009 A New Concept in Preserving Stability: from Forceful Control to a Dynamic Balance

April 13, 2009, Southern Wind Window

Because China faces a financial crisis, and is trying to "turn the crises into an opportunity," and move forward in rejuvenation, it is very anxious about increased social instability. Why is there more and more social violence? Has society reached a critical point in stability?

For a long time, state power has been improving its maintenance of stability to a higher degree. The work in stability preservation in 2009 has also entered the "post-Olympic era.” Government officials have increased pressure to assess social stability. Local governments spare no effort in adding more police, and holding endless anti-riot drills. Mobilization of the masses for preserving stability is common in many places. The experience of this special time period has become the norm.

It is worth asking: have our society’s conflicts and violence reached such a point that we have to apply violent solutions? Or it is that our maintaining stability mindset, and methods have reached the limit? In fact, people have seen, since 2008, that we have paid a lot of money to learn many lessons. The related sides have realized a need for self-examination. We should not attribute the intention “with ulterior motives” so often; we should apply police force with caution. People are saying, “Whoever keeps people from living well, let’s not let him live well.” There is a large gap between what the governmental does and people’s expectations. We should “seriously deal with appeals, especially when corruption causes a mass incident.” All of this shows the existing system’s desire and ability to perform self-adjustment.

There are always more solutions than problems. The key is whether to cover up the conflicts, delay the issues, or to face the conflicts and bravely open the lid. As the general secretary of the CCP Central Committee, President and Central Military Commission, Chairman Hu Jintao has said, we should “in time sum up the practical experience of reform, persist on those right ones, and correct mistakes ASAP. When a new issue comes up, study it and solve it quickly.” In terms of stability preservation, we need to have a similar approach.

The Stability Preservation Office Steps Forward

The “three policies” on petition reform

For the past 30 years of reform and opening up, maintaining stability has been a constant topic. During the early time of reform and opening up, maintaining social order, and suppressing criminals were the top priority. In the late 1990s, the conflicts triggered by business reform and bankruptcy were very prominent. Paying attention to people’s livelihood, maintaining stability, and promoting harmony became the focus. Within this context, the coordinating unit to safeguard social stability, the Stability Preservation Office, came into being.

From the central to the provincial, city, county, village, and district levels, to important businesses, and industries, the Stability Preservation Office under the “Stability Preservation Leaders Group Office,” was established at all local levels.

At present, the CCP Central Committee has “the Communist Party Central Committee Leaders Group Tasked with Preserving Stability,” directly operating inside the Political and Legislative Affairs Committee. The current head of “the CCP Central Committee Leaders Group Tasked With Preserving Stability,” is Zhou Yongkang, Political and Legislative Affairs Committee secretary, and member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CCP. Under the “Leaders Group,” there is “Stability Preservation Office.” The head of the “Stability Preservation Office” is the CCP Central Committee member and Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Public Security. The CCP Central Committee directly operates this office. Its nature is to hold discussions and coordinate among different departments.

It is said that the deputy Secretary of the CCP Political and Legislative Affairs Committee often heads the Stability Preservation Office. In terms of the importance, however, the Stability Preservation Office must understand various issues from all aspects of social development. It is not limited to the Political and Legislative part. Thus its member units cover a broader area than the Central Political and Legislative Affairs Committee. Besides the police, the procuratorate, the court system, and the state-security department, it also includes the media department.

Xu Jinxiao, head of Stability Preservation Office in Chongwen District, Beijing City, told a reporter that the reason that the Stability Preservation Office was established inside the Political and Legislative Affairs Committee was because a large portion of social conflicts and issues involve social stability. Thus they enter the area of the Political and Legislative field.

Xu Jinxiao said that the Stability Preservation Office is a co-located permanent temporary structure. Why it is permanent? Because the government’s general policy is that stability overrides everything. Stability is a long-term strategic task. Why is it temporary? It is because the office does not have a separate office staff. Its personnel are drawn from various departments.

One expert told the reporter, “The Communist Party Central Committee Leaders Group Tasked With Preserving Stability” was formally established in the 1990s. But the Stability Preservation Office at different levels in China was set up only in the last few years.”

It is said, the responsibility of the Stability Preservation Office includes collecting and controlling the status and information about maintaining stability; offering solutions and suggestions; organizing and carrying out stability preservation promotion and research; summarizing and promoting good experiences; coordinating, and guiding the social conflicts investigation work; coordinating and guiding the various departments at different levels to handle mass incidents properly; coordinating, the supervision of important individual cases and mass incidents; supervising the implementation of responsibility for leading the work for stability preservation; and supervising, inspecting, and assessing the carrying out duties to maintain stability at the various departments in China.

Although the Stability Preservation Office has been established for a long time, others first started to pay attention to it last year (2008) during the Wal-Mart trade union incident.

On March 14, 2008, Hu Jintao gave instructions to The Analysis and Suggestion on the Unstable Factors in the Foreign-Invested Businesses in Our Costal Regions, issued by the Central Stability Preservation Office. He stressed doing the work well, “including improving the law and regulations, improving the coordination mechanism of labor and investment relations, strengthening the CCP in establishing work and trade unions in foreign invested business, solving conflicts, and ensuring the stability of business and society.” Afterwards, Wal-mart, which was always anti-union, dramatically changed its attitude. On July 29, the first Walt-mart trade union was established at the Jinjiang store, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province. On August 9, Wal-Mart China’s headquarters announced that it would assist the All-China Federation of Labor and trade unions in China to establish trade unions in all Wal-mart stores in China.

Stability Preservation Authorities Gain More Power

Teng Shengping, Secretary of the Beijing City Chongwen District Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Secretary of the District Committee of Political and Legislative Affairs, and Director of the District Committee for Comprehensive Management of Public Security, made the following comment. Due to the issues, including economics, politics, people’s livelihood, and managing society, as well as the intervention of these different issues, right now society’s situation is very complicated, harsh, and not optimistic. Teng said, “Due to the economical crisis, the economy is still falling. Because of this, the ‘ignition point’ for social conflict keeps dropping, and the number of ‘touch spots’ keeps increasing. Inside and outside China, the enemies’ attempts to ‘infiltration and sabotage’ have not gone away. All signs show that the enemy forces have started to organize activities to sabotage China. The harsh situation due to internal conflicts among the masses has not changed and old and new issues are cross-affecting each other. The harsh condition of production safety issues has not improved.”

Aiming at stability preservation work, Wang Qijiang, a Standing CCP Committee Member of Hebei Province, Director of the Province Comprehensive Management of Public Security, and Secretary of the Province Committee of Political And Legislative Affairs, said that Hebei Province has constructed a system of stability supervision. This is a precautionary action to try to prevent the issues before they occur. It uses “warning for one ballot rejection” (immediate rejection), meaning the relevant people will be warned of immediate rejection if they are found responsible for not taking care of the issues. It is mainly for identifying potential large-scale incidents, and areas and departments that have potential major conflicts. Through sending a “letter for assigning supervision of maintaining stability,” the issue symptom is pointed out, and assignments are explicitly made for the relevant leaders to resolve the issue within a limited period of time. In the case that, after the supervision is assigned, due to a breach of duty of the people who are assigned to do supervision, that the incident still occurs, then the responsible people will be “warned for one ballot rejection.”

Some insiders discussed that the preserving stability work is divided into three periods this year. The first period is from January to March. The goal is to ensure the two national conferences are carried out smoothly. The second period is from April to July. It is mainly for the 10-year anniversary of the ban on Falun Gong, more deeply carrying out the fight against evil cults, and strictly preventing the destructive actions from evil cult organizations such as Falun Gong. The third period is from August to December. It is mainly surrounding the topic of celebrating the 60-year anniversary of the People’s Republic of China’s founding.

From the practical experiences of different regions, we see that the stability preservation offices have generally reinforced their work intensity, and their responsibility and workloads are increasing quickly.

In Qimen County, Anhui Province, a new joint conference system among five offices and two branches was established. The five offices and two branches include the Stability Preservation Office, the Office of Comprehensive Management of Public Security, the Anti Cult Office, the Office of Complaints, the Office of the Safety Production Committee, the Police Station, and the Judicial Bureau. The Office of Stability Preservation will lead the joint conference and will hold it periodically or intermittently, depending on the need. This system can effectively solve long existing conflicts, the hidden danger of the complaints, and other factors that may cause instability. It can also solve overall cooperation issues such as having too many relevant branches, branches not coordinating well, and information not flowing smoothly.

In Pingyang County, Zhejiang Province, the local Stability Preservation Office listed all the major projects that can potentially cause large-scale conflicts and incidents from the masses. These are listed based on different levels including province, city, and county, and the evaluations are sent to the project organizations to make sure the supervision will be carried out. For some of the major projects, the county Stability Preservation Office directly sends people to evaluate. If it is found that responsibility was not taken, these people will cooperate with the discipline inspection commission, inspection branches, and organization department to do an investigation and turn it in to the county committee of the CCP. Then it will be handled based on the “Temporary Provision for Responsibility System and Accountability for Preventing and Dealing with Mass Group Incidents in Zhejiang Province.” The evaluation is also listed as part of the end-of-year assessment of “establishing peace” in each town and township.

In the second half of last year, there were two town level departments that did not evaluate major projects. This resulted in major incidents. These two town level departments were held accountable for their responsibility and were rated as failed in their assessment.

In the first half of last year, the leader group of the Pingyang County Stability Preservation office issued a document that emphasized, “Whoever initiates a project will be responsible for evaluating the risk,” and will be responsible for evaluating, reporting, resolving, and dealing with the consequences. Major decisions, major policies, major projects, and major changes that have not been evaluated absolutely will not be carried out. If they cause any instances of instability, the leaders will be held accountable for their responsibility.

Shi Yijun, who works at the Stability Preservation Office in Pingyang County, said that this year, Pingyang County will raise the level of punishment and will track individuals for responsibilities. Once a major conflict has happened, the leaders of that work unit will be openly criticized and may even be dismissed from office.

The work of the Stability Preservation Office has also touched private firms. As private economics has further developed, there have been more stability issues and security issues related to the private firms. The “Overall Stability Preservation Entering Private Firms,” initiated by Fujian, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang Provinces, has been put into practice everywhere in China.

Following the Mass Line

Strengthening the acquisition of information is the most important task for all the stability preservation offices.

“Enhance the strength of getting and analyzing information, resolve the issues in the early stage, and nip it in the bud, are the fundamental ways for resolving major conflicts and firmly taking control of the matter,” said Lu Baoxin, Huangshi City Vice Secretary of the District Committee of Political and Legislative Affairs, and director of the City Stability Preservation Office.

However, just by relying on the limited number of people in the office, it is impossible to reach this goal. Therefore, following the mass line and developing a lot of “information people for the stability preservation office” are keys for acquiring the risk factors in time. “The masses are the real impregnable wall,” said Lu Baoxin, who has been working on the front line of stability preservation since the 1990s.

In order to discover the indications and symptoms of large-scale incidents and malignant smaller scale incidents, Huangshi City constructed an information-acquiring system to receive an early warning of such incidents. Different levels, different branches, and different work units have all made information supervisors responsible for obtaining the information, and also each community uses elderly communist members and others who have retired to collect the information on various risks that may affect stability. They report the general risks every week and major risks are reported immediately.

“Without support from the masses, we cannot control the matter in time, eliminate the instability factors, and, in turn, win the time and the initiative,” said Lu Baoxin.

The information supervisors are spread in every corner and their task is to obtain the risk factors at the earliest possible time. “Find it early, resolve it early, and eliminate it early,” said an experienced stability preservation leader in Luxi County, Jiangxi Province, “We purposely brought in some ‘spies’ in the areas where there were more conflicts.” On the other hand, in Taxia Township, Yichun City, Jiangxi Province, an assessment system is specified in the “Assessment Method for Information Supervisors of the Stability Preservation Office,” which requires that every information supervisor develop at least five information spies, who are to be examined and approved by the city stability preservation office.

The Difficulties of Stability Preservation at the Base Levels

A person who works in the stability preservation office at a base level said that for the stability preservation office at the town level or the township level, the tasks are more detailed but the offices’ position is relatively low. There is not enough manpower but there are lots of things to do. This is like using a small horse to pull a big cart and these stability preservation offices at the base level are very overwhelmed by the workload.

“Each town and township has a stability preservation office. However, most of them just have a small group of people without clearly divided duties. Usually they just deal with whatever happens and they lack overall coordination. Therefore they are very exhausted from dealing with everything. As for the manpower, most offices only have three people, a top leader that is assigned to take care of stability preservation, the stability preservation office director, and a stability preservation specialist. In some areas there is not even a specialist. Usually two or three people are taking a workload that is hard to bear,” said this person.

From the information we obtained, it is a general issue that at the base level of the stability preservation system, there are few personnel and it lacks a steady and stable workforce.

One relevant staff member in Changde City, Hunan Province said, “The overall workload of towns and townships is usually quite heavy. The most important tasks are economic development, attracting business and investment, and working on various projects. Also these usually involve important elements in the assessment by higher branches. As for stability preservation, since it does not have a direct economic benefit, although it is good for a town to get an award for it, most small towns just try to establish the minimum requirement. He said, “From the situation of how the towns and townships spend their funds, first they aim to assure everyone has food, second they focus on economic development, and then other things come next in the list of priorities. Obviously stability preservation is in the category of ‘other things.’”

He said, the work of stability preservation is very complicated in nature, and one may have to deal with all kinds of people in society with various jobs and backgrounds. Some work has to do with farmers who have lost their land, some has to do with land conflicts, some has to do with firms changing policies, and some has to do with past issues. After one unstable issue is worked out today, tomorrow there may be some new unstable factor. Some of the issues cannot be resolved immediately and may require a longer period of time. Some stability preservation work can be foreseen and some cannot be. Often something happens instantaneously with no signal and is very hard to deal with since it was not anticipated. Some work is policy related and others may be law related, but the stability preservation personnel cannot be experts at everything. Thus it may be troublesome to resolve them. The workload is quite heavy and these stability preservation personnel are overburdened.

According to him, the solution for this problem is very simple. More people need to be involved at the base level, and the financial help must be there. At the same time, there needs to be more training for related topics. The stability preservation work may touch the areas of policy and law, so the people assigned to various tasks need to be carefully chosen and need to be trained periodically on policy and laws.

At the base levels, there are also complaints that too many top branches command them to do things. One base level official said to reporter, “Nowadays there are too many leaders. Today someone comes to check for safety, and tomorrow the stability preservation branch comes to check the work. The base levels have just enough time to deal with them and no time for anything else.” He suggests combining safety, comprehensive management, and stability preservation work into one.

[1] South Wind View Magazine, 2009-5-19 (subscription required)