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Xi Jinping’s Push to Rule the Nation by Law Is Facing a Big Battle

[Editor’s Note: On October 28, 2014, [the CCP Central Committee] authorized Xinhua to publish the Communique of the Fourth Plenary Meeting of the 18th Communist Party of China Central Committee. The meeting was held on October 20 -23, 2014, in Beijing. The plenum discussed and passed Xi Jinping’s report — “the CPC Central Committee Resolution on a Number of Major Issues Regarding Comprehensively Promoting the Rule of Law. (《中共中央关于全面推进依法治国若干重大问题的决定》)” [1]

In the report, Xi explained the draft process for the resolution and called for the reform of China’s legal and judicial systems. Xi said that in January [2014], the Politburo decided that the 18th Plenary Session of the Party would focus on issues relating to the comprehensive promotion of the rule of law. As the chief, Xi Jinping directly led a working group to draft a resolution for the 18th Plenary Session.] [2]

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PLA Strategist: The U.S. Uses Its Dollar to Dominate the World

[Editor’s Note: In April, Qiao Liang, a People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Major-General, gave a speech at a book study forum of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) Central Committee and government office. Qiao is the PLA strategist who co-authored the book, “Unrestricted War.”

In his speech, Qiao explained that he has been studying finance theories and concluded that the U.S. enforces the dollar as the global currency to preserve its hegemony over the world. The U.S. will try everything, including war, to maintain the dollar’s dominance in global trading. He also discussed China’s strategy, to rise as a super power, amid the U.S.’s containment.

The following are excerpts from his speech.] [1]

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Doomsday Fever

[Editor’s Note: Cheng Guangcheng is the renowned blind Chinese human rights activist who is self-taught in the law. He is best known for his class-action lawsuit against the authorities for excessive enforcement of the one-child policy. After over four years in prison, he was kept under house arrest and closely monitored. His daring escape from the police, after which he fled to the U.S. Embassy, gained him international attention. After intense negotiations with the Chinese government, Chen, his wife, and their two children, came to the U.S.. He has been publishing ever since and recently wrote a blog on Radio Free Asia, commenting on the Chinese Communist Party’s recent massive arrests and defaming of human rights lawyers in China. The following is the translation of his article.] [1]

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PLA Strategist: China’s Rise Requires Great Wisdom

[Editor’s Note: Oriental Outlook Weekly interviewed People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Major-General Qiao Liang on China’s military strategy on the issue of China’s rise. Qiao Liang is the PLA strategist who co-authored the book, Unrestricted War.

In the interview, Qiao argued that the Diaoyu Islands and the islands in the South China Sea are not China’s current core interest and that, for the next 10 to 20 years, China should focus on its continued economic development so that it can become a super strong economic power. He also talked about how China can counter the U.S.’s military superiority in the information technology field.

Although the interview was conducted in March 2014, his points and his perspective are still relevant today. The following are excerpts from the article.] [1]

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China-U.S. Starting the Third World War May No Longer Be Just an Illusion

[Editor’s Note: Huanqiu (Global Times) published a commentary about a survey it had conducted in 2013 asking people in seven Chinese cities how they viewed the relationship between China and the U.S. More than half responded that the relationship was one of allies or friends. The commentary went on to explain that, to the contrary, the relationship was one of fake friendship because countless facts show that China and the U.S. are actually competitors and that, if effective measures are not taken, the relationship will worsen. It will become so adversarial that China must, therefore, prepare to fight a bitter and hard war. In fact, this adversarial relationship may mean that World War III is no longer an illusion.] [1]

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Why the Hong Kong Election Rules That China’s Legislature Established Are Fake Universal Suffrage

[Editor’s Note: On August 31, 2014, China’s legislature ruled out open nominations for the election for Hong Kong’s top leader. The standing committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC) ruled in Beijing that all candidates for Chief Executive in Hong Kong must receive more than half of the votes from a special nominating committee. Beijing called this plan “universal suffrage” because everyone who does vote has the opportunity to choose the nominating committee’s candidates. However, the 1,200 members on the nominating committee are considered to have close ties with Beijing or were vetted by Beijing. Diane Liu, an independent Chinese writer, explained in an article why China’s election rule is really fake universal suffrage. The following is the translation.] [1]

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Why Can’t Civilized People Attain Democracy?

[Editor’s Note: After China’s National People’s Congress finalized its decision to "control" who gets nominated to run in the election for the chief executive of Hong Kong in 2017, the people in Hong Kong went to the street to demand true universal suffrage. At first, it was known as the "Occupy Central" movement. The world looked on in amazement. Pro-democracy media supported the movement, while the pro-Chinese Communist Party (CCP) media blamed the protesters for disrupting the social order and damaging Hong Kong’s economy. Diane Liu, an independent Chinese writer, discusses the maturity of the protesters and how civilized their actions are, as well as the lies and distortions that the CCP disseminates in order to defame them. A translation of her discussion follows.] [1]

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Qiushi on Universal Values

[Editor’s Note: Qiushi, a Communist China periodical on political theory, published an article criticizing "universal values" at the theoretical level. The article argued that "universal values" is just a fantasy term that the capitalists use to cover up the reality of the capitalist political and economic system, where money controls everything. It denounced the elite group in China that promotes "universal values" and declared that it is the most dangerous enemy of the Chinese people. The following is an excerpt from the article.] [1]

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