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People’s Daily: “The Borderline Is the Bottom Line!”

For the past few weeks, China and India have had a standoff in a disputed area between China and Bhutan.

The Chinese call the disputed highland region “Donglang” and the Indians call it “Doklam.” It is on the border between China and Bhutan. Bhutan is China’s only neighboring country that has not established a formal diplomatic relationship with China, mainly due to the border dispute.

Recently, China started building a road in the disputed area. India then sent its soldiers to block China from building the road.

An Indian brigadier-general said, “We didn’t fire. We only formed a human body wall to prevent Chinese from continuing its invasion.”

China’s Ambassador Luo Zhaohui said during an interview, “This is the first time that the Indian military crossed the predefined borderline to invade China’s territory, causing the military standoff.” “There is no disagreement between China and Bhutan that Donglang belongs to China. India has no right to intervene in Sino-Bhutan negotiations, nor does it have the right to advocate for territory for Bhutan.”

On July 7, People’s Daily’s official weibo account published a picture with the title, “The Borderline Is the Bottom Line.” The picture is the border map showing the area of China, India, and Bhutan. It shows Donglang is in China. It also shows an arrow pointing from India to China. The note read, “The Indian military illegally crossed the border to enter China’s side.”

{Editor’s note: According to an article published in War on the Rocks on July 13, 2017, when China initiated its road building, “(India) in ‘close coordination’ with a Royal Bhutan Army patrol approached the Chinese construction party and urged them to desist… (This) appears to be an attempt to wean Bhutan away from India.”}

1. Weibo界线即是底线&from=526&_from_=huati_topic
2. BBC, July 5, 2017

BBC Global Survey: China’s International Image Worsens

BBC Chinese recently reported that the BBC World Service just completed its global survey of country images among people from 19 nations. Compared to the same survey done in 2014, the number of people with positive views on China declined from 43 percent to 41 percent, and those with negative views grew by two percent to 42 percent. On a country level, Canada, the U.S., Britain, France, Germany, Spain, Turkey, Indonesia, and India have negative views on China, while Mexico, Peru, Brazil, Greece, Russia, Nigeria, Kenya, and Pakistan hold positive views on China. According to the survey, people from the U.S. have the highest percentage of negative views on China (70 percent). In some countries, negative views grew significantly, such as India (from 35 percent to 60 per cent). For the first time, Indonesia has more negative views (50 percent) than positive (28 percent). In the meantime, 61 percent of the people in China gave the U.S. negative views. They gave Russia 74 percent positive views and Britain 73 percent positive views (this was after Brexit, with a 34 percent increase from 2014). China also gave North Korea 76 percent negative views and Japan 75 percent negative views (from 90 percent in 2014). China’s negative views against South Korean changed dramatically, from 32 percent (in 2014) to 71 percent.

Source: BBC Chinese, July 6, 2017

Duowei: Vice Chairman of CMC Cut Short His Visit to Vietnam

Duowei reported that it was not with a purpose that Fan Changlong, the First Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC), cut short his visit to Vietnam in June.

Fan left Beijing on June 12 to visit Spain, the Netherlands, and Vietnam. China’s Ministry of Defense reported that Fan would attend the Forth Summit of the Sino-Vietnam Militaries. However, the Ministry of Defense later reported that “due to a work arrangement, China cancelled the Forth Summit of the Sino-Vietnam Militaries.”

Analysts think this is related to the sovereignty debate between China and Vietnam, related to the South China Sea, where both sides claim ownership. One version of the story was that Vietnam started exploration work on a gas field in the South China Sea during Fan’s visit. China was so irritated that it sent over forty military ships and sea patrol ships and several military transport aircraft, to stop Vietnam’s drilling operation.

Source: Duowei, June 28, 2017

Huanqiu Commentary: “Indian Troops’ Provocation in the Wrong Place Brings Disgrace to Themselves”

On June 27, 2017, China’s state-run Global Times website, called Huanqiu in Chinese, published a commentary titled “Indian Troops’ Provocation in the Wrong Place Brings Disgrace to Themselves.”

China accused Indian troops of “trespassing” its boundary and entering Chinese territory. Chinese and Indian soldiers are locked in a face-off at the Sikkim section of the China-India border, where, according to the Huanqiu commentary, no disputes have ever occurred between them.

The commentary stated, “It remains unclear whether this flare-up is the fault of low-level Indian troops, which chose a wrong place to declare ‘patriotism’ or a tentative strategic move that the Indian government made. Whatever the motive, China must stick to its bottom line. China must use all means necessary to force the Indian troops to retreat to the Indian side and China’s road construction mustn’t be stopped.”

“What we are concerned about is that Indian’s attitude toward China has become more arrogant. With its GDP rising to fifth in the world, its national confidence is growing. The fact that the U.S. and the West are willing to woo India to counterbalance China has particularly added to Indians’ sense of strategic superiority. … India shows an inexplicable arrogance toward China as if it holds the strategic dominance in Sino-Indian relations.”

“Some Indians believe that the US and Japan are building a circle to contain China and India has an advantage over China because it can choose whether to join this circle.”

“It’s not time for India to display arrogance toward China. India’s GDP is only one-quarter of China’s and its annual defense budget is just one-third. Having a friendly relationship and cautiously handling border issues with China is its best choice.”

“However, almost all friction is fed to the Indian media by the Indian military which hypes {things up} time and again.”

Global Times continued, “China has avoided making an issue of these border disputes, which has indulged India’s unruly provocations. This time the Indian side needs to be taught the rules. … Let the Indian troops lose face openly. Let them know that they have to pay the price if they break the border agreement.”

“India cannot afford a showdown with China on border issues. It lags far behind China in terms of national strength and the so-called strategic support for it from the U.S. is superficial,” the commentary said, adding that China has no desire to confront India.

{Editor’s note: Zachary Keck, former editor of the National Interest, wrote a recent article focusing on a different point of view}

1) Huanqiu, June 27, 2017
2.) National Interest: China’s Secret Landgrab (No, Not in the South China Sea)

Russian Customs Announced China as the Main Source of Synthetic Drugs

Radio Free Asia reported on news that Russia’s “63 news network” published on June 26. According to Russian Samara Customs, since the beginning of 2017, 4.5 kilograms of drugs and strong psychotropic drugs had been seized in the Samaritan area. Of the synthetic drugs that had been seized, more than 90 percent came from China.

The Russian media report also revealed that many of the drugs from China had been sent through the mail and through other hidden means in order to avoid a customs inspection. Alexander Maximovich, head of the anti-drug department of Samara Customs, said that the Chinese hid narcotics in vegetable oil or in a variety of buns and dumplings, in semi-finished packages, and in packs of different kinds of soup materials, all of which were sent through the mail.”

Source: RFA, June 26, 2017

Reuters Chinese: China’s Imports from North Korea Dropped over 30 Percent in May

Reuters Chinese recently reported that, based on data that the China General Administration of Customs just released, China’s imports from North Korea in May were valued at US$123.8 million. This was a 31 percent decline, year-over-year. The lowest import level from North Korea was in April, reaching US$99.3 million. March was the second lowest. The custom’s data showed that China’s halt to the importation of North Korean coal in February significantly limited North Korea’s capability of obtaining enough hard currency. The same data also showed China’s exports to North Korean totaled at US$319.8 million in May, which was a two-digit percentage increase, year-over-year. Also, the May export level was higher than April’s.

Source: Reuters Chinese, June 23, 2017

China Commented on French President Macron’s Suggestion to Restrict Chinese Investments

Well-known Chinese news site Sina recently reported that Geng Shuang, spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, commented on the suggestion that French President Macron made to give the European Union more power. The additional power is intended to allow the EU to be able to restrict China’s investments in Europe, especially in some of the critical industries. Geng recognized that China did pay attention to Macron’s suggestion. He further said that many countries in the world, European countries included, are emphasizing fighting against all kinds of protectionism under the current atmosphere of the anti-globalization mindset. He confirmed that China did encourage its investors to develop opportunities in Europe while requiring them to obey local laws and rules. China also hopes that Europe can provide the Chinese investors with a fair, just, and favorable investment environment.

Source: Sina, June 23, 2017

Huanqiu Commentary: China Will Never Play a Role as One of “the U.S. Allies”

On June 21, 2017, Global Times, also known as Huanqiu, China’s official newspaper, published a commentary on the United States’ policy changes toward North Korea after the death of Otto Warmbier, an American college graduate, recently released from a North Korean prison.

Below are some of the key points made in the commentary:

  • The fall of a young life is sad, but making important policies emotionally will result in immediate or potential costs.
  • Currently, the overall mood of the United States is a little bit over agitated, though the United States has not yet issued any medical explanation of Otto Warmbier’s death.
  • Beijing must be wary of the fact that Washington DC may exert greater pressure on Beijing to “work effectively” on the North Korean nuclear issues due to the death of Warmbier, “forcing China to make more commitments.”
  • China has done what needed to be done in terms of trying to break through the deadlock on the North Korean nuclear issues. However, China will never play a role as one of “the U.S. allies.” If Washington DC enacts sanctions against some of China’s enterprises as a third party, China and the United States will be in disagreement.
  • The North Korean nuclear issues are widely affected and very complicated. It is unrealistic for the United States to solve the problem quickly or even rely on China to solve the problem for the United States. If the American system is only capable of doing simple things, unable to handle complicated situations, then it is very likely that the Korean Peninsula will eventually explode, which will be sad.
  • The Asia-Pacific region simply cannot now afford to face any major conflicts between the United States and China. The United States looks cool and confident on the surface; it is also very difficult for the US to handle disagreements between China and the U.S.

Source: Huanqiu, June 21, 2017