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Global Times: India Could Be the Winner in the Trade War between China and the U.S.

Global Times recently reported that the anticipated trade war between China and the United States has been discussed around the world as the source for warnings of global economic risks. However, India may have a different opinion. Some members of India’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) National Executive Committee recently expressed the belief that the U.S. threats to punish Chinese manufacturers may result in China’s need for India’s large domestic market. China’s need to maintain growth can actually provide India a new leverage to play in the regional strategic balance. China’s manufacturing advantage depends on large export markets. Since the United States may no long be there for China, the largest market in Asia for exports is India. In fact, in its relations with both China and the United States, India’s large domestic market can be an advantage. It seems a United States under protectionism can create more trouble for China than for India.

Source: Global Times, April 8, 2017

China’s Bottom Line on North Korea Nuclear Issue: The Security and Stability of Northeast China

In a commentary on North Korea’s nuclear crisis, Global Times, a newspaper under People’s Daily, published an article giving China’s bottom line if the U.S. chooses to challenge the North Korean regime unilaterally. The article stated:

“If the U.S. wants to solve North Korea’s nuclear issue, it is necessary to reduce the differences among the peripheral countries and form some key consensus. At the same time, it must also open up channels of communication with Pyongyang and leave some open space to allow the pressure on North Korea to take effect.”

“China hopes that the North Korean nuclear issue gets resolved as soon as possible. However, no matter what happens, China has a bottom line. China will protect China’s Northeast territory at all costs for its safety and stability. Related to this, North Korea’s nuclear activities must not cause any pollution in Northeast China. In addition, North Korea cannot go through the kind of turmoil that will produce a massive output of refugees. On the other side of the Yalu River, it cannot have a regime hostile to China. The U.S. military cannot march to the Yalu River.”

“If Washington wants to strengthen cooperation with Beijing to solve the North Korea nuclear issue, its policy should not be against China’s above concerns.”

Source: Global Times, April 5, 2017

Ambassador Haley: Human Rights Are at the Heart of the U.N. Mission

On March 29, the Chinese edition of Voice of America (VOA) reported that the U.S. permanent representative to the U.N. Nikki Haley delivered a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York.

Ambassador Haley discussed the United States’ goals for its term in April as president of the UN Security Council. She outlined her plans to highlight human rights.

VOA quoted Haley as saying, “In case after case, human rights abuses are not the byproduct of conflict; they are the cause of conflict or they are the fuel that feeds the conflict.”  “It might surprise many Americans to learn that human rights violations have not been considered an appropriate subject for discussion in the Security Council.” Haley observed, “Human rights are at the heart of the mission of the United Nations.”

Ambassador Haley mentioned the North Korean regime, which forces political prisoners to work themselves to death in coal mines to finance its nuclear program, and Syrian intelligence, which uses torture, including the deliberate systemic torture of children, to identify and silence opponents.

VOA noted that Ambassador Haley did not name China, where human rights lawyers and activists face large-scale suppression. However, the Telegraph reported on April 3 that “Russia and China are yet to approve Ms. Haley’s schedule, and as a result she has not been able to (get agreement to) a timetable for the events she wants to hold.”

“The United States is the moral conscience of the world,” said Haley, “We will not walk away from this role but we will insist that our participation in the U.N. honor and reflect this role.”

VOA Chinese, March 29, 2017
Telegraph, April 4, 2017


People’s Daily on Japan’s Intention to Deploy “THAAD”

A Japanese news agency reported that, on March 30, the Japanese ruling Liberal Democratic Party submitted a proposal to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe that the Japanese government purchase the United States “THAAD” anti-missile system. People’s Daily published an article asking, “Korea’s ‘THAAD’ dispute has not yet cooled down. Now Japan is immediately following in Korea’s footstep. What is Japan up to?”

The article commented that Japan already had the intention a long time ago. As early as the end of 2016, the Japanese Ministry of Defense set up a Committee to hear testimony as to whether to import the U.S. military equipment for the “THAAD” anti-missile system. In January this year, Japanese Minister of Defense Tomomi Inada went to the United States Anderson Air Force Base in Guam to inspect the U.S. military’s “THAAD” system. He said Japan would finalize the blueprint for missile defense by the summer of 2017.

In an interview with the newspaper, Zhou Yongsheng, Professor at the International Relations Institute of China Foreign Affairs University, said, “North Korea’s missile threat to Japan is not so urgent. Japan claims that it is to prevent the DPRK’s ballistic missile threat, but defense is only a small part of the anti-missile system. Once the system is completed, it will greatly help Japan to achieve its strategic goal of amending its constitution, finalizing a complete military system, and becoming a military power.”

Zhou also said, “The deployment of ‘THAAD’ is also one of the means by which Japan will move closer to the United States. Arms trade is an important step for the United States to develop its strength. Japan’s purchase of the ‘THAAD’ anti-missile system is to enhance the relationship with the Trump administration and with U.S. arms manufacturers. It has also made the deployment of the U.S. global anti – missile system more complete.”

Source: People’s Daily, April 3, 2017

China’s Genetically Engineered Opium Seeds Pumped up Afghan Drug Growth

Well-known Chinese news site Sina recently reported that the opium output in Afghanistan is growing. Since 2015 Chinese genetically engineered opium seeds have been showing up in Afghanistan. The new seeds not only offer early maturity; they also allow year-round growing. This resulted in a major annual growth rate of 43 percent in 2016 across Afghanistan. According to statistics that the Afghan government released, opium output is showing rapid growth, which is in line with the findings that the the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNOCD) report published in 2016. The UN report showed that the growth was mainly the result of the new Chinese seeds and the shortening of the harvesting cycle from three months to two. They also extended the six-month growing season to the full year. Some Afghanistan farmers said some people handed them the seeds and promised to come back and buy the opium. They also provided funding as well as fertilizers. The Afghan government revealed that a large amount of the opium was sold to Russia and Pakistan. Europe and the United States were also major markets. The UN estimated the Afghanistan opium export volume to be US$4 billion in 2007. Now it should be much higher.

Source: Sina, March 27, 2017

BBC Chinese: Tsai Ing-wen Kicked Off Taiwan’s Own Submarine Manufacturing Plan

BBC Chinese recently reported that Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen officially announced that, due to the increased threats from the Mainland and the effort the Mainland put in place to prevent Taiwan from purchasing foreign submarines, Taiwan decided to construct its own submarines. The submarine project has been assigned to a joint team from both the Chungshan Institute of Science and the CSBC Corporation Taiwan (CSBC is China Ship Building Corporation). Earlier, Taiwan had sent mission groups to Europe to acquire submarine design blueprints and patents. However, many potential partners declined their request. Taiwan currently has four outdated submarines. They bought two of them from the United States in 1973; these had a 1940’s design. They bought another two submarines from Holland in the 80’s. Several Taiwanese shipbuilders claimed they were fully capable of building submarines. President Tsai’s plan is to launch the new submarines in eight years.

Source: BBC Chinese, March 21, 2017

Global Times: Multiple Countries Found North Korean Diplomats Violated Local Laws

Global Times recently reported, based on South Korean media reports, that quite a few North Korean diplomats have violated the local laws in several countries and have attempted to avoid the local authorities’ punishment. For example, when the governments of Laos and Egypt were implementing United Nations resolutions on sanctioning North Korea, those countries expelled some people registered as North Korean diplomats due to their illegal activities. Also, the North Korean embassies in Romania, Germany, and Poland have often used the embassies’ real estate for commercial activities, which is not allowed under the local laws. The Bulgarian government officially announced that Bulgaria will fully comply with the UN resolutions and has asked the North Korean embassy to bring down its personnel size. Bulgaria also required North Korea not to use its real estate properties for any purposes other than diplomatic activities.

Source: Global Times, March 23, 2017

Global Times: China Warns U.S. Bomber upon Its Entering ADIZ in East China Seas

Global Times, a subsidiary of the Chinese Communist Party official newspaper People’s Daily, reported on its website on March 23 that China issued warnings to a U.S. bomber that had entered the Chinese Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) in the East China Sea.

Global Times cited CNN reports that Chinese officials told the pilots that they were illegally operating in Chinese airspace and ordered the U.S. air force plane to leave. According to CNN, the US plane was flying 70 nautical miles southwest of South Korea’s Jeju Island.

Global Times quoted a U.S. Pacific Air Forces spokesperson as saying to CNN, “Pacific Air Forces did not recognize the Chinese Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) when it was announced in November of 2013, and does not recognize it today.” The spokesperson also told CNN, “The ADIZ has not changed our operations.” 

Global Times did not mention the U.S. pilots’ response, in which they told Chinese air traffic controllers that they were conducting routine operations in international airspace and they did not deviate from their flight path. Nor did Global Times quote CNN’s mentioning that Japan does not recognize China’s ADIZ either.

Source: Global Times, March 23, 2017