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China News: Xi Jinping Met with Karzai

China News reported that Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai on September 27 in Beijing. Xi expressed the willingness to work closely with Afghanistan to deepen the “strategic-partner relationship.” He offered a five-point suggestion: (1) Maintain high level contact between the governments, lawmakers, and political parties of the two countries; (2) Strengthen cooperation in trade, resource development, and infrastructure-building; (3) Enhance mutual security support on fighting drugs, international crimes, and the “Three Evils” (terrorism, separatism and religious extremism); (4) Provide Afghanistan training for various types of expertise; (5) Strengthen cooperation in the United Nations and strengthen the importance of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). Karzai thanked China for all the help provided and welcomed China to participate in Afghanistan’s energy resource development programs. 
Source: China News, September 27, 2013

China Review News on the Necessary Adjustment of China’s Diplomatic Policies in Southeast Asia

On September 22, 2013, China Review News published a commentary on the necessary adjustment to China’s diplomatic policies in Southeast Asia. According to the commentary, as China is becoming a world power, it has to deal with complicated relationships with China’s neighboring countries. The United States, by comparison, has always enjoyed the advantage of “no wars with its neighbors.” Although China has the power to handle any neighbors now, China needs to focus on its domestic economic development. Therefore, China should balance its domestic development and its international relations with its neighbors in the following ways:

  1. Strengthen China’s domestic system building, economic development and social control, and its management.
  2. Convince the neighboring countries to trust China’s political commitment, its promise of safety and the direction of its economic development.
  3. Share international responsibilities and authority in the Asia-Pacific region and take care of small countries’ interests appropriately so as to increase China’s international influence and its legitimacy in the world.

Source: China Review News, September 22, 2013

China News: China is Canada’s Largest Investment Source

China News recently reported that the Association for Canadian Studies in China (ACSC) held its international academic forum in Guangzhou on September 21. Participants at the Forum explained that, as of the end of the year 2012, 183 Chinese companies had invested in Canada, with a total investment of US$43.8 billion. Canada’s largest source for foreign investments was China. Over one hundred scholars from Canada, the United States, Australia, India, and China attended the Forum. Based on their research, as of the end of April 2013, China had become Canada’s second largest trade partner, the second largest source for imports, and the third largest export destination. Canada is China’s thirteenth largest trade partner. ACSC was founded in 1984. It is a research institute at the national level dedicated to Canadian studies. It has over 40 research centers scattered in many Chinese universities and science research organizations. 
Source: China News, September 21, 2013

Beijing Denounces British Officials as “Interfering in Hong Kong’s Internal Affairs”

Hugo Swire, a Minister of State for the Foreign Office of the UK, published an article on Saturday, September 14 in the South China Morning Post indicating that he supports Hong Kong’s universal suffrage and that "Britain stands ready to support in any way we can." The article resulted in an array of counterattacks from China. The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said on Tuesday that China will never allow any external forces to interfere in the internal affairs of Hong Kong and damage Hong Kong’s prosperity and stability. "We have the determination and ability to defend our national security." As early as Monday, Hong Lei had already accused Swire of making "irresponsible remarks" and expressed strong dissatisfaction. Global Times, a newspaper owned by the Chinese Communist Party’s People’s Daily, accused the British of "impure motives."

On Tuesday Hong Kong’s pro-Beijing newspaper Ta Kung Pao published a long article titled "British Espionage Activities in Hong Kong," referring to British intelligence officers’ "blatant" actions in Hong Kong. The article said, "Ever since the reunification, the UK intelligence agency’s activities in Hong Kong not only have not dwindled down, they continue to strengthen. The ‘operation center’ is currently located inside the British Consulate-General on 1 Supreme Court Rd. Admiralty." The author also questioned the reason behind the fact that the Consulate-General building was designed by the same person that designed the MI6 headquarters building in London.

The article said that British intelligence agencies are very focused on buying and getting key personnel to defect. "To achieve their target, they have followed some key figures for a long time, as long as several years or even more than a decade." The article also claimed that Britain has detailed material on senior Hong Kong officials under British authorities. "With such information, they exerted long-term control over a group of senior officials during the transition. Once it is necessary, they will then use the media in Hong Kong to issue negative news to attack their targets. Former Secretary for Development Mak Chai-kwong was alleged to have fraudulently claimed a housing allowance for five years starting in 1985. All the evidence was from the allegations of civil servants’ information decades ago. Who else has such capabilities other than the British authorities?"

In addition, another pro-Beijing newspaper in Hong Kong, Wen Wei Po, also published an article saying that, ever since the turnover of the sovereignty of Hong Kong 16 years ago, "a large number of MI6 spies have returned to Hong Kong, infiltrating into political parties, organizations, the judicial system, trade associations, the media, and vital government bodies, so as to snatch the right to govern Hong Kong."

Source: BBC Chinese, September 17, 2013

Jin Canrong: The United States Will Still Attack Syria in Order to Curb the Shiite Alliance

Jin Canrong, China’s U.S. expert and Associate Dean at the School of International Studies at Renmin University of China, discussed how he reads Obama’s speeches regarding U.S. plans on the Syria crisis. Jin said, “If Syria’s proposal to give up chemical weapons for peace progresses, then in the short term I think it greatly reduces the possibility of the use of force. … But in the long run, he [Obama] will still launch the attack because the real target when he attacks Syria is Iran. Syria, Iraq’s Shiite population, the Syrian government, and Hezbollah together have formed a Shiite Union from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean. This is not acceptable to the United States and Saudi Arabia. They must get rid of it. The key to getting rid of it is through its weak point, namely Syria. As long as the goal of curbing the Shiite alliance is maintained, [the U.S.] is not going to give up; the war to attack the Bashar regime will happen sooner or later.” 

Source: People’s Daily, September 12, 2013

BBC Chinese: China and Kazakhstan Signed Large Oil Deal

BBC Chinese recently reported that, when Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Kazakhstan, PetroChina and KazMunaiGas signed an oil and gas supply agreement valued at US$30 billion. The deal includes selling China an 8.33 percent ownership interest in the Kashagan Oilfield, which is worth US$5 billion. The agreement also covers that China will help Kazakhstan build an oil refinery by providing a US$3 billion loan. Kashagan Oilfield, discovered in the past 50 years, is the world’s largest oilfield. Its current mineable scale is at nine to thirteen billion barrels. The Chinese purchase of the oilfield share stopped the competition from India. China has been involved in the Kazakhstan oil industry for many years now. Kazakhstan is a neighboring country of China. It is five times the size of France with a population of only seventeen million. 
Source: BBC Chinese, September 7, 2013

Global Times: Xi Jinping Chatted with Shinzo Abe at G20

Global Times recently reported that Chinese President Xi Jinping had a “quick chat” with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in the VIP Lounge before the G20 summit started. Xi explained the Chinese principles on the relationship with Japan and pointed out that the relationship is currently suffering “serious difficulties.” Xi said he did not want to see this happening and that China is willing to push the strategic relationship forward based on the original four political documents signed at the time the formal China-Japan relationship was established. Abe said that he was very hopeful seeing President Xi at the G20 and that Japan was eager to improve the relationship between the two countries. 
Source: Global Times, September 5, 2013

China News: U.S. Defense Secretary Visited the Philippines to Arrange Expanded Presence

China News recently reported that, when the U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel was in Manila, he advised that the United States is expected to expand the scale of its rotational deployment in the Philippines. However, Hagel claimed that the U.S. had no plans to establish a permanent military base there. Hagel had visited Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei before landing in the Philippines. He expressed the belief that the new military cooperation model will benefit both the U.S. and the Philippines while providing support for President Aquino’s defense modernization plan. The Philippines is a military ally of the United States. The two countries are in the middle of negotiating a new framework agreement which, once approved, will allow the United States to use all military facilities in the Philippines. Currently the U.S. military can only operate in Subic Bay. 
Source: China News, August 30, 2013